Phototherapy - what is it? Phototherapy for newborns

Phototherapy - what is it? Phototherapy for newborns
Phototherapy - what is it? Phototherapy for newborns

In autumn and winter, there is a decrease in sunlight, and due to its lack, vitality begins to decline, sleep problems appear, seasonal depressions and stresses arise. This is where phototherapy comes to the rescue. What it is? This is a procedure that compensates for the lack of sunlight and maintains the he alth of the body for quite a long time. Many doctors recommend this treatment to their patients.

The concept of phototherapy

what is phototherapy
what is phototherapy

Many have heard of phototherapy. What it is? This is a safe and fairly effective therapeutic technique that involves treatment with bright light of different wavelengths from artificial sources such as light emitting diodes, dichroic or fluorescent lamps, lasers. The most commonly used is ultraviolet irradiation, which has a white color, but a radiation source in the spectrum of which red and infrared rays predominate can be used.

Indications for the procedure

The main indications for phototherapy are depression,including seasonal ones, as well as insomnia and chronic fatigue.

phototherapy for newborns
phototherapy for newborns

In addition, doctors recommend this treatment if you have the following skin problems:

  • psoriasis;
  • mycosis fungoides;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • vitiligo.

Contraindications for phototherapy

This phototherapy procedure is prohibited for people with certain eye diseases, or with such pathologies that can affect the retina. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor.

In addition, phototherapy should not be performed on people who suffer from increased photosensitivity or take drugs that increase the sensitivity of the eyes to light, such as lithium or essential oils based on bergamot, angelica, citrus. Also, the procedure is prohibited for people undergoing treatment for epilepsy.

Phototherapy procedure

During the procedure, the patient exposes the part of the body that needs to be treated. Those areas that do not need an additional light source are left closed and well protected. Sunscreen must be applied to protect the lips, neck and some parts of the hands. In order not to harm eyesight with ultraviolet radiation, special glasses are used.

dune phototherapy apparatus
dune phototherapy apparatus

During phototherapy, it is not necessary to sit in one place, you can move around. The main thing is that the light of the lamp is in your field of vision at all times.

Effectivetreatment instruments

Which is the most effective phototherapy machine? A large number of devices have been developed that are used for these purposes. In cosmetology, light-emitting diodes, halogen, fluorescent and dichroic lamps, lasers are most often used.

The technical feature of the lamps is the large width and brightness of the radiation spectrum. Basically, the brightness varies between 2500-10,000 lux. The duration of the session depends on this indicator. These lamps are sold in specialized stores.

phototherapy apparatus
phototherapy apparatus

At present, the Dune apparatus, which represents modern phototherapy, is gaining great popularity. What it is? This is a device that has been used for many years in the department of purulent surgery of the outpatient surgery clinic of the Military Medical Academy. It is valuable for its simplicity of device, compactness, reliability and safety. Now "Dune" is a phototherapy apparatus, which is considered the most effective of all devices used for this procedure. Its creation is based on the deep healing effect of sunlight on the tissues of the human body, namely the most healing rays with wavelengths in the red and infrared ranges.

Thanks to the Dune device, biochemical processes begin to occur in the tissues of the body, which restore the structure of cells. Today, phototherapy is represented by this unique device. The instruction for this device emphasizes a huge range of beneficial effects on the human body. It can be usedand for home treatments.

Phototherapy for newborns

Jaundice often accompanies newly born babies. Phototherapy successfully copes with this disease. All maternity hospitals are equipped with special facilities for such procedures. Phototherapy for newborns is carried out as follows: the baby is completely undressed and, depending on the condition, is placed in a crib, incubator or intensive care unit. The eyes and genitals are covered with a special bandage made of light-tight material, which must be monitored, otherwise it may move and close the airways. Eyes are best protected with special goggles that stay on the head better than bandages.

phototherapy instruction
phototherapy instruction

For the procedure include a special installation. It is located above the baby at a distance of about 50 cm, and it is necessary to ensure that the air does not overheat. The position of the body should be changed every two hours, while measuring the temperature of the child. During phototherapy, the amount of daily fluid is increased.

Side effects of phototherapy for newborns

This procedure can lead to side effects, so the medical staff and the baby's parents should monitor this. The newborn may have reddened skin, change the nature of the stool and become dehydrated. Sometimes allergic reactions are observed, which disappear after a while after the procedure is canceled. These children do not experience any sequelae after phototherapy.


UFor many people, the question often arises: phototherapy - what is it? And they are surprised to hear that it is a light treatment. This procedure is considered relatively safe, helping to combat the lack of sunlight that leads to many diseases. If you experience side effects after it, you should definitely consult a doctor.
