With the advent of a newborn baby in the family, parents face many difficulties. Colic is a common problem that causes most babies to cry. They inevitably disturb every second baby. All due to the fact that a child is born with an absolutely sterile intestine. Only later the baby's digestive tract is populated with beneficial microflora. It is formed during the first 3-5 months. All this time, the child may have a severe tummy ache.
Currently, there are many medicines on the pharmaceutical market that help to cope with such symptoms and alleviate the condition of the child. Also, some parents use folk methods and proven recipes. Often, mothers and fathers give the baby a homeopathic remedy "Enterokind". Instructions forapplication, price, reviews about it will be presented to your attention. The article will tell about the features of using the drug, as well as tell what opinion pediatricians have about it.

"Enterokind" for newborns: reviews of the composition. Medication description
A homeopathic remedy is one that does not contain medicinal ingredients. It is created exclusively on the basis of natural ingredients. Representatives of the manufacturer report that this is exactly what Enterokind is. The product contains chamomile, magnesium, glycerin, xylitol, ethanol and other components. Many parents are afraid to give medication to their children because of the alcohol content. Whether this fear is justified - let's try to figure it out further.
The drug is available in liquid form. Attached to each unit of the drug "Enterokind" (drops) instructions for use. Reviews of doctors always begin with a reminder to patients that before using any drug (homeopathic or medicinal), you should always carefully study the annotation. It is recommended to pay special attention to adverse reactions and contraindications.

What does this homeopathic remedy help with?
What do they say about the drug "Enterokind" (for newborns) reviews? Representatives of the manufacturing company claim that the composition of the drug contributes to the normalization of digestion. It relieves spasms from the smooth muscles of the intestines, and also reducesthe number of air bubbles in it. What information does an abstract contain? The instructions indicate the following indications for use:
- increased baby anxiety while eating;
- strong crying minutes after eating;
- gas formation in the tummy, causing discomfort;
- disturbance of the stool (diarrhea or constipation) and so on.
About Enterokind, doctors report that it can be used not only for direct treatment, but also for prevention.
Additions to contraindications
What are the reviews of doctors for the homeopathic preparation "Enterokind"? Pediatricians emphasize that the instructions for use contain very little information. So, in contraindications to the use of the composition, only hypersensitivity to one of the constituent components is indicated. However, this paragraph should be supplemented.
Most of the recommendations of doctors indicate that the drug should not be given to premature infants without appropriate prescription. Due to the content of a small amount of ethanol in the preparation, it should not be used simultaneously with antibiotics of certain subgroups. The tool is not prescribed for pregnant women (especially in the early stages). The fact is that despite the relative safety of the composition, it can have a teratogenic effect on the unborn baby. It is also very important to visit a pediatrician before using the drug and make sure that the child's anxiety is caused precisely by colic, and not by some other reasons.

Adverse reactions: are they possible?
The drug "Enterokind" (for newborns) has mostly positive reviews. Parents confirm that the remedy is well tolerated by children of even the smallest ages. However, there are those who were dissatisfied with this tool. What is the reason for the formation of a negative opinion?
About the drops of "Enterokind" reviews are negative due to adverse reactions. The manufacturer reports that the remedy is homeopathic, and, therefore, cannot cause any harm to the human body. This is not entirely true. Due to the lack of relevant studies, the column "adverse reactions" in the annotation remains empty. Consumers also report that the described medicine can cause allergies. More often it appears in the form of redness of the skin and the onset of itching. Rarely, swelling of the upper respiratory tract or bronchospasm may occur. In addition, the remedy provokes abdominal pain in some children.
If any adverse reactions occur or the child feels worse, stop therapy immediately and consult a doctor. It is also worth seeing a pediatrician if there is no positive effect from treatment for several days.

How to use
The drug "Enterokind" (for newborns), reviews, the price of which will be presented to you later, is taken exclusively inside. The composition can be pre-mixed with a smallamount of water or baby food. Can be added to tea or juice. So its unpleasant taste will be felt much less. If the drug is prescribed to a breast-fed baby, then mother's milk should be used for dilution. To do this, express a small amount and mix with drops. After that, give the drug to the child from a spoon or syringe. Then you can feed the baby.
At what dose should Enterokind be given to newborns? Reviews of experts suggest that in each case an individual scheme of application and a portion of the medicine are chosen. That is why it is so important to consult a pediatrician first. Instructions for use recommends taking the medication 3 drops 3 to 6 times a day.

Medication opinions
Many parents are confused by the high price of the composition. It is due to its constituent substances.
This remedy relieves spasm from the intestines, eliminating colic. The drug also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Drops split gas bubbles and gently bring them out. Parents of children who have had to use this medication report that within a few hours after the first use, the child becomes better.

As a result of treatment, the baby's appetite increases, the baby becomes calmer, he sleeps better. All this makes his mother feel better too. Some women report self-administrationcomposition for prevention. They were also breastfeeding the baby. The therapeutic effect of this technique is positive, but less pronounced.
Medicine cost
You already know what Enterokind (for newborns) has reviews. The price of the drug, according to consumers, is quite high. The cost of a bottle of 20 milliliters varies from 800 to 1200 rubles. At the same time, many similar medications can be purchased at a price several times lower. What exactly to choose is up to you.

Short conclusion
You have learned about the composition of Enterokind. Instructions, reviews, price, description of the drug were presented above. Remember that you can not treat yourself. This can be especially dangerous for young children. Do not forget about the content of ethanol in the preparation. It is forbidden to independently increase the dose of the drug or the frequency of its use.