Magnetic-acupuncture eye massager is a device thanks to which fatigue quickly passes, vision is normalized. However, like any device or medicine, this device has both indications and warnings for use. What they are expressed in, how to operate this massager, what are the doctors' reviews about it, now we will find out.

Using the instrument
Here are recommendations for using an eye massager - specifically for whom it is desirable to operate this medical device:
- Students, as well as students who often suffer from false myopia associated with spasm of the eye muscles.
- People whose work is associated with a large visual load. These are such categories of professions as PC operators, programmers, accountants, designers, etc.
- Pensioners who wear plus points.
- People (oftenwomen) who have wrinkles, bags and dark circles under the eyes.
- Those who have complaints of headache or eye pain, insomnia.

Usage Tips
There are specific recommendations for people regarding the use of an eye massager. They are expressed as follows:
- Children under 8 years of age must only use the appliance in the presence of an adult.
- Before the massage procedure, it is necessary to take a comfortable position – reclining.
- It is advisable not to use the device while driving or walking on the street.
- Contact lenses should be removed immediately before the procedure.
- Session duration should not exceed 15 minutes.
- Do not use the appliance while sleeping.
- It is forbidden to use the massager in the bathroom or other rooms with high humidity.
- The device must be used strictly for its intended purpose.
- You must not disassemble the machine yourself.

Before you buy yourself an eye massager, you need to visit an ophthalmologist, because the device has contraindications. Do not use the machine for people with the following he alth problems:
- retinal detachment and tear;
- cataract;
- glaucoma;
- presence of an artificial lens;
- diseases accompanied byincreased body temperature;
- damage or inflammation of the skin around the eyes;
- low pressure;
- malignant tumors;
- presence of neurological diseases. This item can be omitted if the person goes for a consultation with a neurologist and the doctor allows him to use the device.
Cosmetologists' opinions
Eye massager reviews of cosmetologists are only positive. Experts strongly recommend using such a device to people after 30 years. Cosmetologists believe that this will allow to solve the problem of skin aging before it appeared. The cream, according to experts, will not cope sufficiently with age-related changes, but a good quality massager will do its job - and the person will look 5-10 years younger. However, doctors warn that it is worth buying an expensive device. It is better to spend money on it once, but then you can save money by using the device for the rest of your life.
Why did the magnetic acupuncture eye massager deserve such recognition from cosmetologists? Doctors are confident that the machine is capable of doing the following:
- Restore lymphatic outflow. The body itself begins to remove excess water and, as a result, puffiness is removed, circles under the eyes disappear.
- Promote blood flow to the eye area. Due to this, cells gradually begin to be saturated with oxygen and useful substances.
- The device is able to make the skin around the eyes elastic (due to improved production of collagen and elastin). And while he caneliminate wrinkles.

Ophthalmologists' opinions
Acupuncture eye massager received both positive and negative reviews from ophthalmologists. However, the negative aspects are not associated with the operation of the device, but with the attitude of people to their he alth, and, in particular, to the eyes and vision. The fact is that in the instructions for the device it is clearly written for which ailments it is impossible to use a magnetic eye massager. Among these diseases are glaucoma, cataracts, inflammatory eye diseases. And people, after listening to advertising and forgetting that before buying such a device, you should visit a doctor, go to a pharmacy, buy a device and use it. Ophthalmologists warn - before performing any manipulations with the eyes, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist and make sure that you do not have such diseases that could prevent the use of an eye massager.
And ophthalmologists really note the positive results of the device. Massage in the eye area tones the muscles, relaxes them, soothes, relieves fatigue, stimulates metabolic processes, and all this affects the quality of vision: it becomes better, sharper, the glare and goosebumps disappear in a person.
Opinions of neurologists
A device called "eye massager" received only positive reviews from neurologists. These experts unanimously claim that it is possible and even necessary to use such a device. Since insomnia disappears after the session, theybecome cheerful, and who previously complained of headaches, forgets about them.

Gezatone eye massager: popular models
There are many models of such devices, but the most popular and effective are the devices of the French company "Jesaton". Popular models of massagers from this manufacturer are Gezatone Bem-1 and Gezatone Bem 3.
The device "Jesoton Bem 1" helps to relieve eye fatigue from working at a computer, while driving a car. This device is able to maintain and restore visual acuity. Thanks to the massage effect of the device, fine wrinkles on the face are gradually smoothed out, circles and bags under the eyes disappear. This effect is achieved due to the therapeutic effect of the magnetic field and vibration.
The device "Jesoton Bem 3" is an improved version of the eye massager of this manufacturer. The therapeutic effect of the model is achieved through the influence of magnetic, vibrational, thermal and compression fields.
A feature of the device is the presence of a remote control with which you can control the device. With frequent use of this model, blood circulation improves, the eye muscles relax, and the eyes stop hurting. The device "Jesoton Bem 3" is effective for eye fatigue, impaired visual acuity (myopia, hypermetropia), astigmatism, circles, bags under the eyes. Among other things, the device is able to overcome insomnia.
These two models of eye massagers are the latest designs. Each one is battery operated.and from the network. The quality of the devices is top notch. They are made of harmless plastic, have several operating modes, different intensities.
If we consider the popular Jezoton eye massagers, then the price of the Bem 1 model will vary between 2–2.2 thousand rubles, and the price of the Jesoton Bem 3 device will be about 4 thousand rubles.

Now you know what an eye massager is and what functions it performs. Recall that before you start using this device, you must definitely visit a doctor. After all, despite the fact that the massager has a positive effect on visual acuity, the emotional state of a person, it can negatively affect his he alth.