Prostatitis is quite common in men after 35-40 years. Sometimes the cause of the disease is a virus. It is necessary to start treating the disease as soon as possible in order to avoid dangerous complications. Every man should know the symptoms, course and consequences of viral prostatitis. Only a timely visit to the doctor will make it possible to maintain he alth.
The prostate is a gland located in a man's small pelvis. Its weight is about 20 g, and it is no larger than a walnut in size. Viral prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The disease requires mandatory treatment, as in the future it can lead to infertility and other complications. The disease is rare and may be asymptomatic.
Viral prostatitis occurs due to infection in the prostate gland. Accelerates the development of the disease violation of the circulatory system in the pelvis. Viral prostatitis with a problem with immunity proceedsmore severe, these men are more likely to experience complications. The trigger for the onset of the disease can be hypothermia, overheating, being in a humid tropical climate. For men, the presence of any foci of infection in the body, such as caries, chronic bronchitis or tonsillitis, is dangerous.

Different pathogens can cause viral prostatitis, the symptoms and treatment in each case will be different. If herpes invades the prostate gland, this will lead to the development of a dangerous disease. In some cases, a man may develop sores and pimples on his skin. But most often, viral prostatitis caused by herpes occurs without pronounced symptoms. If the disease was not detected at an early stage, then it becomes chronic.
Viral prostatitis caused by herpes often causes infertility in men. His spermatozoa become unable to fertilize the egg. This disease can be transmitted sexually. If diagnosis and treatment were not carried out, then the man will infect all partners who had unprotected contact with him. After the herpes virus has entered the body, it begins to multiply in the place where the introduction occurred. Then it affects the entire reproductive system and nearby organs. At this stage, men often begin to have trouble urinating.
Viral prostatitis in a man can begin after the flu or SARS. At this point, his immunity is reduced, which allows the disease to develop. His defenses are onzero, so the virus easily develops in the body. Therefore, doctors recommend at the first signs of SARS to seek help from a doctor, this will avoid complications. During influenza epidemics, you should refrain from visiting places where a large number of people accumulate.
Infection with respiratory infections occurs by airborne droplets. The occurrence of viral prostatitis is a complication after the transfer of the underlying disease. A man may have symptoms of:
- pain in the perineum;
- raising the temperature;
- sluggishness;
- problems with urination;
- itching in the genital area.
The patient may begin general intoxication. For the treatment of viral prostatitis, a man needs to see a doctor.

Human papillomavirus often causes prostatitis. It is impossible to determine the moment at which the pathogen entered the body. This is due to the fact that the human papillomavirus is able to hibernate for years. The man does not notice any frightening symptoms and thinks that he is completely he althy. Under the influence of favorable external factors, the causative agent of human papilloma is activated.
Man showing signs of viral prostatitis:
- high temperature;
- appearance of warts on the skin;
- weakness.
Usually, with prostatitis caused by human papilloma, a man does not experience any pain. The doctor, after questioning the patient, may prescribe the followingresearch:
- ureteroscopy;
- determination of antibodies to the virus;
- urethral swab;
- biopsy.
Often, a doctor will perform a rectal examination, in which he can grope for an enlarged and painful prostate. If there is a suspicion that the disease was caused by the human papillomavirus, then the doctor examines the patient's genitals for the presence of genital warts.
Disease forms
Viral prostatitis can be either acute or chronic. In the first case, the disease most often occurs after an infection. Immunity at this time is weakened and is not able to resist the virus. The first symptoms are usually weakness, drowsiness, poor general well-being. Then problems with urination, itching in the genital area, and abdominal pain are added to these signs.
In the chronic course of viral prostatitis, the patient alternates periods of exacerbation and remission. From time to time, a man’s he alth worsens: he begins to suffer from pain during urination, sometimes itching and burning appear. After sexual contact, the severity of symptoms only intensifies. Sexual life goes wrong, orgasms disappear, ejaculation quickly occurs. After some time, all signs of the disease disappear without treatment.

Signs of acute and chronic prostatitis will be different. If you suspect an illness, you do not need to self-medicate, it is better to consult a doctor. The main symptoms of viral prostatitis:
- pain inerection time;
- weak stream when urinating;
- discomfort during ejaculation;
- feeling of incomplete bladder emptying;
- frequent urination;
- high temperature;
- problems conceiving a child with regular unprotected sex.
Due to constant discomfort in the genital area, a man may have difficulty falling asleep. He becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, breaks down on friends and relatives. A man begins to have problems with his sexual life: his libido decreases, he experiences discomfort during an act of love. Over time, the patient may completely lose interest in sex. If a man notices at least one of these symptoms, then he should immediately make an appointment with a doctor.
During the first visit to the clinic, the doctor interviews the patient. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor writes out a referral to the man for blood, urine, semen and prostate secretions. In some cases, a rectal examination or ultrasound may be required.
With viral prostatitis in the general blood test, the level of ESR increases, the number of leukocytes changes. Bloody impurities may be observed in the spermogram. In the general analysis of urine, protein appears, and in the secretion of the prostate, the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes increases.
In some cases, a hormonal blood test is additionally prescribed, as well as a smear from the urethra. As a result, the doctor establishes the causative agent of inflammation of the prostate gland. Therapy will be aimed at getting rid of the underlying disease and relieving symptoms that interfere with the normal life of a man.

Therapy is chosen by the doctor depending on the type of pathogen. Treatment may include the following activities:
- regulating the frequency of intercourse;
- lifestyle change;
- following a doctor's recommended diet;
- taking medication;
- rectal massage;
- physical activity;
- general strengthening therapy.
Drugs for the treatment of viral prostatitis in men are selected by a doctor. If the cause of the disease is influenza or SARS, then the doctor may prescribe Cycloferon or Kagocel. If the causative agent of the disease is the herpes virus, then Zovirax and Acyclovir will be effective.
Doctors do not recommend self-medication, but some patients during the remission period support the body with folk remedies. You can prepare healing decoctions of parsley or use pumpkin seeds. Natural honey well raises the immune system with viral prostatitis.

If a man ignores the symptoms of viral prostatitis, he may later develop complications. Over time, other organs located near the prostate gland, such as the kidneys or bladder, will be involved in the inflammatory process.
Possible complications:
- inflammation of the seminalbubbles;
- acute urinary retention;
- chronic renal failure;
- bladder stones;
- infertility;
- urethritis;
- prostate abscess.
Viral prostatitis, which turned into a chronic form, subsequently causes the development of adhesions in the pelvis. Because of this, the spermatic cords become impassable for spermatozoa, which leads to the impossibility of fertilizing the partner. With regular intercourse for 12 months without contraception, pregnancy should occur. If this does not happen, then the man needs to visit an andrologist.

Viral prostatitis is a rare disease, but men should still be very attentive to their he alth. If you experience any alarming symptoms, it is advisable to contact the clinic. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.
Fighting the disease with the help of folk methods is possible only after consultation with a urologist. Infusions and drugs can only be an addition to treatment, and not a complete replacement for it. The wrong approach to therapy will only aggravate the situation. For prevention, men are advised to undergo prostate massage from time to time.

Andrologist recommendations
How to treat viral prostatitis? The choice of drugs should be entrusted to the doctor. Self-medication is also not worth it. The chances of recovery increase in those men who managed to establish regular sexual It is desirable for the patient to completely give up bad habits, including smoking.
Any infectious diseases should be treated to the end, without waiting for the appearance of complications. A man needs to monitor his diet, it is advisable to exclude all harmful foods or at least limit them. A good result is obtained by regular sports activities, such as swimming, tennis or running at a calm pace. If a man leads a he althy lifestyle, then the likelihood of him developing viral prostatitis will noticeably decrease.