Vitamins "Hexavit" is an inexpensive combination drug prescribed by doctors for the prevention and elimination of vitamin deficiency that occurs for various reasons. The effectiveness of this tool is due to its unique composition. Today we will learn a lot about Hexavit vitamins: instructions for use, reviews about them, release form, cost, as well as their side effects.

Indications for use
This drug is recommended by doctors under the following circumstances:
- For the treatment and prevention of hypovitaminosis.
- With increased mental and physical stress.
- With inadequate or unbalanced nutrition.
- To increase the body's resistance to stress.
- To enhance resistance to colds and infectious diseases.
- Hexavit multivitamins are also effective in normalizing visual function and improving visual acuity.
- Thisthe tool increases the effectiveness of antibiotics and prevents the development of dysbacteriosis.

The Hexavit combination preparation, reviews of which will be discussed in this article, includes the following vitamins:
- "A" - in the form of retinol acetate in the amount of 5 thousand IU.
- "C" is ascorbic acid - 70 mg.
- "B1" - in the form of thiamine chloride - 2 mg.
- "B2" - riboflavin - 2 mg.
- "B3" - nicotinic acid - 15 mg.
- "B6" - in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride - 2 mg.
The quantity of each element is indicated in 1 tablet. The drug is produced in Russia.
This composition of Hexavit for children shows that it includes the daily intake of the above vitamins.

For the prevention of hypovitaminosis, the drug is prescribed as follows: 1 tablet per day. In all other cases, Hexavit vitamins should be taken as follows:
- Children over 14 years old and adults - 1 tablet three times a day.
- Children from 7 to 14 years old - 1 tablet per day.
- Children from 3 to 7 years old - 0.5 tablets 1 time per day.
Women in an interesting position can use this drug to prevent hypovitaminosis only in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. The dosage in this case is as follows: 1 tablet per day. The duration of such therapy is determined by the doctor individually. Therapeutic doses of the drug in relation to pregnant women can not be used. Samethe same applies to nursing mothers: they can also drink 1 tablet per day and no more.
Vitamins "Hexavit", reviews of which indicate the effectiveness of this remedy, can be used for 1 month. The course of treatment can be carried out 2-3 times a year. The number of repetitions of taking the drug depends on the age of the patient, the severity and form of the pathological process, as well as on specific indications.
Issue form
Vitamins "Hexavit" are produced in the form of dragees. Packed tablets in the amount of 50 pieces in a glass or polymer jar. Each container, along with instructions for use, is placed in a pack of cardboard.

Expert opinions
Means "Geksavit" reviews of doctors received twofold. But this does not mean that the action and effectiveness of these vitamins is questionable. This is not true. Naturally, doctors will take this drug, because it really copes with its tasks: it has a positive effect on metabolism, maintains visual acuity, the immune system, and even protects the body from the occurrence of tumors. Nevertheless, experts warn that this tool is not at all as harmless as it seems at first glance. And it is impossible to acquire it without consulting a doctor (especially for pregnant women, nursing mothers). The fact is that with an incorrect or uncontrolled intake of the drug, the patient may begin a reverse reaction - instead of vitamin deficiency, hypervitaminosis will occur. This is a poisoning of the body with excessive use of vitamins. BUTthe consequences of this diagnosis can be quite deplorable: a change in behavior (lethargy, weakness), the development of hydrocephalus, dehydration, increased cholesterol levels, disruption of the liver and kidneys, stool disorder, convulsions, and these are far from all the symptoms that may occur due to the appearance of hypervitaminosis. Therefore, some experts are outraged by the fact that the Hexavit drug, reviews of which are published in the public domain, is dispensed from a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. People who knowingly purchase these multivitamins without consulting a doctor are simply risking their he alth. After all, they do not know whether they need this tool or not. They buy it intuitively, thinking that it will help them cope with their problems. Therefore, doctors urge people not to take their he alth so lightly, and not to consider the Hexavit drug as harmless.

People's positive opinions
For the most part, Russians and Ukrainians respond positively to Hexavit. Reviews of a flattering nature are not accidental, and we will explain why further. First, people like that these vitamins are inexpensive compared to other similar products. Secondly, many people like their release form: small yellow granules, pleasant to the taste, which are placed in a convenient jar. Thirdly, people naturally like the effect of this remedy. Indeed, it is an excellent way to prevent the occurrence of influenza and SARS, improves visual acuity, and improves mood. Fourthly, the compositionof these vitamins is quite normal, they are not crammed with a huge number of components that sometimes cannot be combined with each other. This preparation is quite logical and all the elements in it are compatible with each other.
Negative reviews
Of course, no one will argue with the fact that there are as many opinions as there are people. This phrase also did not bypass the drug "Hexavit". Despite the fact that this vitamin complex has a lot of fans, however, there are also opponents. Such people respond negatively not only in relation to a particular remedy, but also to all such drugs. The fact is that some people believe that using some vitamins of non-natural origin is an unnecessary thing. In their opinion, you need to live calmly, eat right, play sports, temper the body. And then you certainly will not need to purchase such a tool. And if the problem associated with the lack of vitamins is really visible, then it will need to be addressed. And for prevention, in their opinion, you should not buy this tool.

To some extent, these people are right, because, indeed, if a person eats fully, leads a he althy and proper lifestyle, goes in for sports, tempers - then he does not need any other vitamins, because his body simply will not be in need them. But, unfortunately, most people in our country lead the wrong way of life, they do not have enough time, desire, or even money to take care of themselves and their he alth. And in the end they haveberiberi appears, which just can successfully cure the drug "Gexavit". In this case, it is required. It is impossible to completely put an end to this complex, because you never know for 100% what will happen to you tomorrow or in a month.
The conclusion from all this can be drawn as follows: it is possible to take Hexavit vitamins, reviews of which are sometimes contradictory, but only according to the indications and recommendations of the doctor. You should sensibly assess your state of he alth, eat well, and then you will not need to run to the pharmacy for the next drug.
The cost of Hexavit multivitamins ranges from 20–30 rubles per jar with 50 pills. This is a small price compared to other similar drugs.

Adverse events and overdose
In general, Hexavit vitamins are well tolerated by patients of different ages. Adverse reactions can occur only in isolated cases. Adverse events may include:
- Headache and dizziness.
- Fatigue, drowsiness.
- Extremely excitable.
- Stool disorder.
- Pain in the stomach, vomiting.
- People with hypersensitivity to vitamins A, B and C may experience bronchospasm.
The symptoms of an overdose of these vitamins are the same as the side effects. If a person has taken the remedy in large portions, then he should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, the specialist appoints suchtreatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy and, of course, the rejection of this remedy.
Now you know what Hexavit vitamins are and in what cases the doctor can recommend them. We found out how doctors and patients themselves respond to this drug, and also determined that uncontrolled intake of these dragees can cause hypervitaminosis. These vitamins are not at all harmless, as it may seem to many at first glance, therefore, before deciding for yourself whether to drink them or not, you need to go to the clinic for a consultation with a doctor.