The danger of such a disease as vasculitis of the lower extremities lies in the fact that it has a protracted course. Inflammation leads to a number of complications that can even kill a person, despite diligent treatment.
What causes disease?
Vasculitis of vessels occurs due to disorders in the human immune system. Often, the onset of the disease is preceded by other inflammatory infections, such as sinusitis, adnexitis, or allergic dermatitis. There are cases of vasculitis after suffering the flu or tonsillitis.
The causes of the disease can also be:
- drug intolerance (antibiotics, vitamins);
- frequent hypothermia of the body;
- Thyroid or brain injury;
- chronic foci of infection (caries, stomach ulcers, rheumatism).
Manifestations of evil disease

Vasculitis of the lower extremities occurs due to the formation of immune complexes that settle on the wallsvessels. The disease is manifested by a symmetrical rash on the legs in the form of hemorrhagic spots. Then the spots turn into blisters with bloody contents inside. With untimely treatment, blisters turn into ulcers that take a long time to heal.
Against the background of the rash, there is a moderate fever, fatigue, muscle pain, itching of the affected skin. Vasculitis of the lower extremities often spreads to other organs, so it is necessary to undergo a full examination after visiting a dermatologist.
Treatment must start on time

In such cases, the doctor will recommend hospitalization in a hospital, but you can recover on an outpatient basis. What is the treatment for vasculitis of the lower extremities? Treatment is based on the exclusion of the allergenic factor and the use of antihistamines ("Diphenhydramine", "Suprastin"). Means that strengthen blood vessels are also prescribed, for example, rutin and ascorbic acid. For severe vasculitis, intravenous corticosteroids and antibiotics are given.
The rash is smeared with Troxevasin ointment or other anti-inflammatory drugs. The intake of vitamin complexes or dietary supplements is not excluded. After recovery, it is necessary to visit a dermatologist every six months and undergo a comprehensive examination.
Special recommendations for treatment
Vasculitis of the lower extremities is treated not only with drugs, diet and exercise therapy are of great importance. It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that can cause allergies (citrus fruits, coffee, canned food, etc.). It's best ifmeals will be small but frequent.
It is recommended to do exercises and breathing exercises 2 times a day. A light self-massage of the feet and ankles is included in the mandatory course of treatment.

Vasculitis prevention
Prophylactic measures for lower extremity vasculitis include:
- rejection of bad habits that contribute to vasoconstriction;
- maintaining a mobile and proper lifestyle;
- dressing for the weather;
- timely rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection;
- hardening of the body.