Oxygen therapy is a method of treatment with humidified oxygen. It is used for diseases of the respiratory, circulatory, gastrointestinal tract. Oxygen therapy has proven itself well in purulent and vascular surgery, when treatment and healing of extensive wound surfaces is required. In the same way, they compensate for the lack of oxygen during hypoxia in high- altitude climbers. Significant assistance is provided by oxygen therapy to small premature babies in incubators.

Oxygen will come to the rescue
Oxygen is transported and stored in oblong blue cylinders. In medical institutions, it is placed in special rooms with a piping system. This system transports oxygen directly to the patient in the ward.
Oxygen is introduced into the body of a sick person in various ways, but the most common is the inhalation method, in which oxygen is supplied through the Bobrov apparatus. Just as often, an oxygen bag is used, which is similar to a rubber bag with a mouthpiece. The capacity of such a pillow is up to 70 liters of oxygen. It is filled directly fromballoon.

In some institutions, you can visit a pressure chamber, an oxygen tent or a room where humidified oxygen is supplied centrally. Such therapy is good because during the session people can communicate and additionally do breathing exercises.
Oxygen therapy through the Bobrov apparatus
The toxicity of oxygen depends on its concentration and time of exposure to the body. Pure oxygen therapy can be carried out for no more than 6 hours, so it is often moistened and dosed. This helps to avoid complications of the treatment and improves the healing properties of the chemical.
Bobrov's apparatus is used to humidify oxygen. It is a glass container with a tight-fitting lid, from which two glass tubes emerge. Tubes vary in height. Oxygen is supplied into the long one (it sinks into the water to the very bottom), and humidified air enters the patient through the short one (located under the lid itself). The necessary pressure is created using a rubber tube, at the end of which a pear is attached. The disassembled humidifier is being sterilized using an air sterilizer.
Bobrov's apparatus must be used carefully
There is some danger when using this machine. It lies in the fact that during therapy with an excess of pressure, a glass container can be torn apart. Therefore, for safety reasons, the Bobrov apparatus is wrapped with adhesive tape. The best way out of this situation is to use a special cork on the lid that canjump out in an emergency.

The rules for the safe use of oxygen should be strictly followed. It must be remembered that with oils and ethyl alcohol it forms an explosive mixture, therefore only qualified workers should supply oxygen to the Bobrov apparatus.