Taoist practices are exercises for the he alth and longevity of women and men. They consist of calm, smooth movements and are especially good for people in old age, moreover, for those who are weakened due to illness. Exercise does not require any special conditions or good weather. They can be performed at any time of the day, and the first results appear quite soon.

Taoist walking
Many people know that normal walking is very useful. At the same time, few people have heard about the exercise "walking on your knees." It is sad, but this extremely valuable practice is not so widespread among us…
Kneeling is good for everyone. This exercise has almost no contraindications. People with sore knee joints can also try the Chinese effective technique for themselves. Let's look at the causes of knee pain.
What causes knee pain?
Chinese doctors explain thatdue to a decrease in the flow of qi and blood energy to this part of the body, the amount of lubrication in the joint is reduced. If it is not there, then the bones gradually begin to rub against each other, like parts of a mechanism, after which they wear out. This ends with terrible pains in this part of the limbs, especially if they are at least a little cold. When exertion, the pain intensifies - when descending or climbing stairs, long walks.
What to do?
There is one easy, but very effective exercise that will save you from this scourge - walking on your knees. This Taoist practice will supply your joints with qi energy and new blood. In addition, the exercise involves the lower back, which will improve kidney function. Trusting the theory of Wu-Sing, also strengthen the stomach and liver. The Chinese even say that there are a huge number of causes of diseases, while the treatment is the same for everyone …

Taoist Practice: Technique
If your knees swell very much, it is necessary to stimulate the outflow of excess fluid before doing the exercise. Work for this on the points that are responsible for the channel of the spleen. They are located on the side of the leg, literally four fingers higher than the protruding ankle bone, while they are very important points that affect the activity of the kidneys and liver.
In addition, it is necessary to massage the points of the gallbladder. They are located on the outer parts of the legs, in the very center of the patella, where the veins bend. Considering the fact that both points described above are paired, theirit is better to massage with your thumbs, making circular movements and pressing for a minute. Only after working with them, you can proceed directly to the knees.
If you experience very severe pain, kneeling down, put pillows under them to start or stand on the bed. At the same time, do not rush to move on your knees, just stand on them a little. After the pain begins to subside, walk around the bed for a bit. When you get used to walking in this way, you can move to the floor, moving first on a blanket spread on the floor, and then on a soft carpet. It is necessary to perform this exercise every day, even better several times a day, without limiting yourself in time. If it is still very painful and difficult for you, then the exercise begins with a minute of simple kneeling, gradually increasing the time and slowly starting to move. If the condition is too weak, if it is very difficult to kneel, you can sit on your heels and shift a little on your feet.

When is it good to do this Taoist practice?
This practice is useful in the following conditions:
- Kneeling, the benefits of which are described in this article, makes it possible to improve vision. But how can it be related to each other? The fact is that the knees are considered the palace of the tendons, which, in turn, are connected with the liver channel. It “appears in the eyes”, in other words, it is responsible for our vision. We improve vision by improving the condition of our liver. There is only onea small moment - when performing the exercise, you need to walk on your knees with your eyes closed.
- Kneeling is also suitable for weight loss, especially when fat is deposited in the thigh area. It is unlikely that this was so necessary for the Taoists themselves, but it is very useful for modern women. In this case, you need to walk on your knees daily for 20 minutes, so that you sweat. That being said, to stimulate yourself, measure your hips before class, and then take measurements every week.
- Taoist kneeling also improves blood circulation in the legs and head. This exercise stimulates the flow of blood in a large circle, in other words, the blood will rush to the head and legs. Head: in addition to improving vision, you will be able to improve the complexion, as well as the condition of the hair. Legs: This practice is useful to do before the Golden Rooster exercise, which is described in the article below. Gradually, there is first a surge of qi and blood energy to the knees, and then to the feet down.
- Taoist kneeling strengthens teeth, hair and bones. In this practice, the lower back is involved, which is the channel of the kidneys. They, in turn, are responsible for teeth, hair and bones. In other words, this exercise is an excellent prevention of loose teeth, osteoporosis and hair loss.
- The state of the knee joints will change for the better.
- Improve the functioning of the digestive tract. In the area of the knees there is a channel of the stomach. At the same time, improving the patency of this channel is an excellent appearance and good digestion.

Sometimes walking on your knees is contraindicated. It can cause harm under the following conditions:
- arthrosis in the extreme stage of development and during exacerbation;
- suppuration, severe arthritis;
- ankylosis of the knee;
- synovitis - inflammation of the joints.
Method of Dr. Bubnovsky
From such an exercise, only with exhalation with the sound "ha", there is a relief from arthrosis. Holding on to a strong support, such as a chair, take steps on bent limbs at least 2 times. The next day, you will be able to take a few more steps. Walking on your knees in this way should be increased to 30 steps.
Dr. Bubnovsky likes to repeat that the disease must be exhaled. "Ha" instantly enhances the effect of this gymnastics. Lowering your whole body on your heels, say, exhaling: “Ha!”.
If you are interested in the exercise "walking on your knees", do it with pleasure, preferably to the music. In the very near future, your body will thank you with good he alth.

It is important to correctly formulate your own desires, ridding them completely of the “not” particle and negative words, such as “get rid of”, “avoid”. It is important to fill your desires with positive and hope, for example, “My knees are getting better and better!”, “I have perfectly he althy eyes, and my hair is getting thicker and stronger every day!”. Competently formulate your own intentions, repeat what you want as often as possible, and do the exercises in a positive way! Besides,it is not necessary to move monotonously back and forth. Walk on your knees around the room, draw figure-eights, intricate zigzags, and make imaginary inscriptions.
In addition to the exercise "walking on your knees" will serve as a special exercise to strengthen the body as a whole "Golden Rooster". It perfectly restores the harmony of the whole body!
Golden Rooster Footstand
Starting position - standing on your feet, lowered along the body, relaxed arms, and closed eyes. Raise the first leg and freeze in this way. During the exercise, you can not open your eyes. Without a visual image, it will be difficult to maintain a balance position, while the brain will have to restore balance in order for you to be able to cope without vision.
When maintaining balance and relying on one leg, all points of the foot are affected, which are associated with the six main internal organs. This has a positive effect on the operation of various systems. The practice of "Golden Rooster" should be practiced immediately after waking up, starting from 2 minutes on each leg. When gaining experience, the duration of the exercise should be increased.

Gives a good effect on:
- radiculitis, gouty phenomena;
- thyroid diseases (progress is noticeable if the pituitary and hypothalamus are the source of the problem);
- cerebellar atrophy;
- manifestations of osteochondrosis;
- diabetes;
- tinnitus, vertigo attacks, hearing loss, illnessMeniere (difficulty maintaining balance);
- lowered immunity;
- emotional breakdowns and stress.
It is not surprising that the inhabitants of the East live much longer than many of our compatriots. The success of their longevity lies in well-executed exercises that are required to improve overall well-being, strengthen the he alth of the whole organism. You can learn how to do these basic exercises. They can be performed at any time, free for you, right at home. In just a few days you will be able to see the first good results.

Walking on your knees: reviews
Reading the reviews about these exercises, you can understand that they (especially at the very beginning) are very difficult for some people - age, excess weight, and joint problems affect … But practicing kneeling correctly and regularly, many note a positive change in one's condition. It helps them with various diseases, eliminating both the symptoms and the causes of their occurrence.