Systane eye drops are a medicine that is designed to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyes. At the same time, the drug does not affect the mechanisms of tear fluid production in any way, but only creates a kind of protective film, almost identical in composition to natural.
Description of this medicine
This medication is recommended to eliminate dryness of the corneas and symptoms of irritation of the organs of vision, which may develop due to exposure to certain external factors.

Eye drops "Systane" eliminate discomfort, relieve irritation and redness of the cornea, as well as muffle the burning sensation and relieve the sensation of the presence of a foreign body. The protective film they form, which is formed immediately upon contact with the conjunctiva, protects the eye from a variety of external influences, including wind, smoke, chemical fumes and dust.
The main differences between this drug andothers
Distinguishes this drug from other similar drugs that a single instillation of "Systane" drops in most cases is enough for the whole day. This works in the absence of pathologies that lead to excessive evaporation of moisture from the conjunctival membrane.
Instructions for eye drops "Systane" is very detailed, and we will talk about it below.
The special formula of this tool is able to create the thinnest polymer shell on the surface of the eye, which prevents it from drying out and retains moisture for a long period of time, preventing eye irritation from frequent blinking of the eyelid with high eyeball tension. Systane drops are able to stabilize the lipid composition of the tear film, which is achieved due to the presence of a special LipiTech system in their composition. The medicines of this line have their beneficial effect on the eye for a whole day, and only in rare cases their effectiveness decreases by the end of the day due to the natural leaching of the drug by tear fluid.
Instructions for eye drops "Systane Ultra" will be presented below.

Issue form
The medicine is available in the following dosage forms:
- eye drops 10 ml in bottles equipped with a dispenser;
- "Systane Ultra" - monodoses in dropper bottles of 30 pieces;
- 15ml drops in dispenser bottles;
- eye gel ten milliliters in tubes;
- special wipes for eyelids, thirty pieces perpackaging;
- "Systane Balance" - eye drops of ten milliliters in bottles with a dispenser.
How to use
Given the information from the instructions, eye drops "Systane" are instilled once a day (in the morning), one or two drops. If necessary, instillations can be carried out during the day. After instillation of the eyes, it is necessary to blink rapidly several times so that the drug disperses over the surface of the conjunctiva to adequately protect the eye.
If other therapeutic drugs are prescribed for the treatment of serious bacterial and viral pathologies, these drugs should not be used with concomitant systemic therapy in order to avoid reducing the effectiveness of drugs. In this case, it is necessary to observe a time interval of approximately 15 minutes between the instillation of various agents.

Indications for use
In addition to eliminating the signs of dry eye syndrome, Systane eye drops are also used to protect against ultraviolet rays. The resulting protective film has a low throughput and reduces the harmful effects of direct sunlight on the organs of vision. In addition, the instillation of drops "Systein" is recommended before visiting pools and natural reservoirs. Since the protective layer for some time prevents pathogenic microorganisms, chlorine vapors and other trace elements that may be contained in water from settling on the mucous membrane of the eyes.
Subject to stay in a hot climate, in a pollutedenvironment and in rooms with air conditioning turned on, drying the air, you can use this tool to prevent irritation and dehydration of the mucous membranes. The drug does not interact with other general and ophthalmic drugs, as it is a neutral, non-inert agent.
Side effects
In some cases, with an increased susceptibility of the body to the individual components of the drug, allergic reactions may occur. Instructions and reviews of eye drops "Systane" confirm this.
In clinical ophthalmic practice, isolated cases have been recorded in which an overdose of the "Systane" medication or its use for a long time led to disturbances in the composition of the lacrimal fluid or to a change in the functioning of the glands that produce tears.
What happens with prolonged use?
With prolonged use and instillation more than once a day, an unpleasant aftertaste may occur in the mouth, and the effectiveness of the drug may decrease over time, up to its absolute absence. In this case, it is necessary to replace the drug with drops similar in effect, but with a different composition.
This drug does not have separate active components, and the effect of the drops is achieved through the combined effect of the following components:
- sodium chloride;
- purified water;
- 0.001% polydronium chloride;
- calcium chloride;
- polyethylene glycol;
- hydroxidesodium;
- sorbitol;
- polydronium chloride;
- boric acid;
- hydroxypropyl guar;
- potassium chloride;
- propylene glycol;
- zinc chloride.
According to reviews, Systane Ultra eye drops are very effective.

Various analogues
One of the varieties of this drug is its improved version - "Systane Ultra". The cost of the product is slightly higher, but there are practically no differences in its composition, and both medicines are almost the same in terms of effectiveness.
Other analogue preparations of the described eye drops include:
- "Vizomitin", which is one of the latest developments in modern ophthalmology. This tool is a strong keratoprotector, which not only protects the visual organs, but also helps in the treatment of certain diseases in combination with other medications. Effectively copes with the elimination of dry eyes, "computer syndrome", increased irritation and the appearance of redness of the conjunctiva. The drug actively affects the functioning of the lacrimal glands, stimulating their work and normalizing the state of the emerging lacrimal protective membrane. These drops are the only ones that not only eliminate the symptoms, but help get rid of the root cause of the disorders. This is indicated in the instructions for the analogue of eye drops "Systane".
- "Inoxa" - a medical product in the form of eye drops, which is used mainly for moisturizingconjunctiva. The main feature of these drops is their coloring effect: with the systematic use of this drug, the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye acquires a blue tint. With regular use, drops help to get rid of dry eye syndrome and provide protection from infections and microscopic foreign bodies on the surface of the conjunctiva.
- "Oxial" - another analogue of eye drops "Systane", produced on the basis of hyaluronic acid, allows you to relieve the symptoms of irritation and eye fatigue, especially after prolonged stress due to constant work at the computer or being in front of the TV. This drug is one of the few that is as close as possible in composition to the natural tear fluid. In some cases, it may be prescribed after surgery during the treatment of cornea defects, since the drug promotes the regeneration of its structure at the cellular level.
- "Oftolik" - an analogue of eye drops "Systane Ultra". They can be used to additionally moisturize the surface of the eyes in patients suffering from reduced secretion of lacrimal fluid. This drug is good for eye fatigue, irritation and redness.
- "Vidisik" is a keratoprotector that forms a protective film on the mucous membrane of the eyes and has a pronounced moisturizing effect, being a neutral inert biological drug.

Additional recommendations for use
When instilling eyedrops of "Systane" it is not necessary to remove contact lenses, since these drops are not able to form any compounds that are deposited on the optics. A protective shell is also formed under the lens, since the drug easily penetrates under it.
Special Instructions
This remedy is not an antiseptic, therefore, when pathogenic microorganisms enter the solution, their active reproduction begins. In order to avoid this phenomenon, you can not touch the open end of the vial to any surface. The medicine bottle should be handled with clean hands, do not touch the cap, and stored in the refrigerator.

Reviews about the drug
Medicine "Systane" refers to the pharmacological group of drugs "artificial tears" and is widely used not only for a variety of eye diseases of an infectious or chronic nature, but also for their prevention. Such funds are used by people who use contact lenses, as well as elderly patients who, for physiological age reasons, do not produce tear fluid.
Reviews of patients using this medication systemically contain a large amount of information about its high efficiency and safety. People note that immediately after instillation, there is a persistent feeling of comfort in the eyes, blurred vision, dryness of the mucous membrane, severe redness and pain disappear.
This drug is prescribed for people who are employed inchemical industries, as well as those whose professional activities involve prolonged stay at the computer or excessive eye strain. Patients are very satisfied with this tool and among the many "artificial tears" preparations, they prefer Systane eye drops.

Reviews of doctors
Expert reviews of eye drops are also positive. They indicate that such a medication is universally prescribed for any pathological conditions of the eyes, especially during the recovery period after surgical manipulations. Experts also note that this drug is highly effective for the prevention of any infectious and inflammatory diseases, since a film impervious to pathological microorganisms is formed on the surface of the eyes, through which infection and ultraviolet rays do not penetrate.
This, according to ophthalmologists, is of great benefit, especially in cases where the mucous membrane of the eyes is thinned and dystrophic due to any pathological processes of an infectious or other nature. A remedy is also prescribed for conjunctivitis, when the patient observes severe redness of the eyes, severe itching and a feeling of discomfort. Patients themselves with this pathology noted a significant improvement in their condition, especially with concomitant eye therapy with antibacterial, antifungal or other drugs for systemic use.
We reviewed the instructions for use for eye drops "Systane".