Candidiasis, or thrush (in the common people), is a fungal disease caused by Candida yeast. In every human body, this fungus is present, but in very small quantities, which is considered the norm. Under the influence of factors such as reduced immunity, the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, chronic diseases, a favorable environment is created for the development of the fungus. Its reproduction proceeds at a rapid pace and in a very short time, which ultimately leads to the manifestation of such a disease as candidiasis in children and adults.
What causes candidiasis?
Most often, candidiasis in a child manifests itself during breastfeeding, since during this period the immunity is still immature. Most of the children become infected from careless mothers who have not cured this disease in themselves and infected their child with it during childbirth.
Also, a child can become infected with thrush through a pacifier or a bottle, through dirt on the hands of the mother or those who care for him, if hygiene measures are not followed.

After a year of life in a child, candidiasis can also occur if it is oftensick, you have to take a large number of antibiotics and other drugs, there are constant stresses, and as a result, a decrease in immunity.
The first foci of the disease appear in the oral cavity, they spread rapidly, affecting other mucous membranes, the skin in the diaper area, most of all in those places where diaper rash most often appears. Candidiasis in children must be treated, it is important not to let it go into a chronic form. In the future, the disease can contribute to the development of inflammation and the occurrence of allergies. All internal organs are under threat, including blood poisoning.
Manifestation of candidiasis in children
The first thing every mother should know is that in a child, candidiasis manifests itself in the mouth in the form of curdled plaques on the palate and tongue. If you try to remove the plaque, then under it you can notice a red inflammation. This type of thrush is called stomatitis. There are three forms of the disease: mild, moderate and severe.
- Easy shape. Symptoms are limited only to plaque in the mouth. The general condition of the child does not change. If you start a quick and, most importantly, correct treatment, the disease disappears within 7 days.
- Medium shape. With this form, the child may have a fever, but within 37.5 degrees. He loses his appetite, he is naughty, during the removal of white plaque, blood may appear. This form of thrush should be treated only comprehensively, the mouth should be treated and antifungal drugs should be taken orally. Complete cure may occur after twoweeks.
- Heavy form. Her first sign is a high temperature of over 38 degrees. The child refuses to eat, there is a plaque in the oral cavity in the form of a film that completely covers the entire mouth and goes down the throat. Treatment takes more than two weeks and depends on the correct selection of antifungal drugs.

Congenital candidiasis is very common in children. Symptoms of it will not be so easy to detect, but the main symptom is a white coating on the tongue. If you find this in your child, consult a doctor and try to undergo a comprehensive examination to cure candidiasis at the initial stage, without delaying it to a chronic one.
Skin candidiasis
Very often skin candidiasis is manifested in children under one year old in places of folds, where diaper rash is formed. This type of thrush is called candida dermatitis. This type of disease is localized in the inguinal folds or cervical and spreads to the back, buttocks and limbs. Baby's delicate skin is very sensitive to fungus.

Most often, candidiasis in children (photos of the affected areas indicate this), which are older, manifests itself in the oral cavity or around the nail plate, especially in those who often bite their nails.
Intestinal dysbacteriosis
In most cases, intestinal dysbacteriosis is caused by Candida fungi. But there is another opinion: intestinal candidiasis in children develops against the background of microflora disorders, and that is why the thrush fungus begins to develop rapidly. Newborn babies are also verydysbacteriosis often occurs, so it is not worth excluding this disease from them.
You can detect thrush by taking an analysis for dysbacteriosis.
Genital thrush
Genital candidiasis occurs in both girls and boys. In girls, in the genital area, there is severe itching and burning, curdled discharge, which indicate that an urgent need to see a doctor and provide timely comprehensive treatment.
As for boys, their genital candidiasis manifests itself in the form of white discharge from the urethra. There may also be swelling and redness of the head and foreskin.
Treatment of candidiasis (thrush)
If you find a white coating in your child, immediately consult a doctor, do not delay the visit. This is necessary so that the doctor quickly determines the diagnosis and decides how to treat candidiasis in children.

The first thing to do is to treat the lesions of the mucosa with a soda solution, which every woman can prepare on her own: in 1 tbsp. warm boiled water dilute 1 tsp. soda. In this solution, moisten a swab and remove all white plaque in the mouth. After a good treatment of the oral cavity. The procedure is repeated after 3 hours.
Treatment of candidiasis in children is also carried out with the drug "Iodinol", nystatin drops or a solution of "Candide", which must be processed several times a day in the oral cavity.
Topical treatment of candidiasis
As we said,the first thing to do with stomatitis is to remove white plaque with a soda solution.
Also, in order to kill the fungus in the child's oral cavity, they use brilliant green, methyl blue or "Fukortsin" (the mucous membrane is treated with these drugs). Babies are treated with brilliant green dummy and allowed to suck.
You can also treat the mucous membrane with such drugs:
- Sodium tetraborate solution.
- Miramistin.
- "Clotrimazole" - the mucous membrane is treated with a solution, and the cream and ointment can be used in the treatment of the skin form of thrush.
- Vaginal suppositories are prescribed only by a doctor.
- "Geksoral-spray" will help with stomatitis.
- Tea tree oil is an excellent antifungal agent, good for stomatitis and skin candidiasis.

If nails are affected by thrush, then you can use the following drugs:
- Iodine solution.
- Sulfur-salicylic, nystatin, levorin and amphotericin ointments.
- Clotrimazole cream.
- Ointments "Dekamin" or "Mikoseptin".
If your child is affected by candida nails, consult a doctor who will select a set of drugs and help cure the disease in a short time.
Common treatment for thrush
If the skin or mucous membranes are severely affected by thrush, antifungal drugs must be prescribed for oral administration.
You also need to take a probiotic - a bacterial preparation that contains live bacteria that prevent growthfungus. They are taken in courses, as recommended by the doctor. It is also very useful to drink brewer's yeast, take B vitamins and vitamin C, folic acid. Drugs to increase immunity should be prescribed by a doctor.
Remember: if candidiasis is very strong and does not respond to treatment for a long time, this is a serious call to examine the child's immune system. He may be immunocompromised, see an immunologist.
Proper care of affected skin
Favorable conditions in which the thrush fungus multiplies rapidly are high humidity and heat. This is facilitated by wearing diapers, diapers and underwear made of fabric in which synthetic thread is added. That is why make sure that the child's clothes are well breathable, give preference to cotton underwear. Try to leave those areas of the skin that are affected by thrush open.
Candidiasis Diet
Oral candidiasis in children (or any other form of it) will require not only the right treatment, but also diet. This will increase the chances of a speedy recovery.
The first thing to do is to limit the intake of sugar, a minimum of muffin, honey. It is also better not to drink milk and not to eat bread with yeast. All of the above foods promote the growth of Candida.
A protein diet is recommended, you need to eat more meat, fish and eggs, as well as foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals - vegetables and fruits, especially lemons, carrots and seacabbage. If the child wants to eat something from fermented milk products, you can give him, but in small quantities.

It should be remembered that the treatment of thrush with medicinal drugs in combination with a diet significantly increases the chances of a quick recovery.
Prevention of thrush
Candidiasis in children (the photos provided in the article prove this) is a very serious disease that brings a lot of inconvenience not only to the child, but also to parents. No wonder many doctors say that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it later. That is why it is best to carry out disease prevention, thereby protecting the child and yourself.
So what can be done for prevention:
- Expectant mother should be examined for the presence of thrush in her body even before she is going to become pregnant. If, up to this point, the examination could not be done, and signs of candidiasis were found already during pregnancy, then it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist and undergo treatment. The woman's partner must also be examined, if he is found to have thrush - undergo treatment.
- It is necessary to observe the hygiene of the dishes from which the baby eats. It is important to keep your clothes clean.
- If the baby is breastfed, be sure to keep the nipple clean, before feeding, wash the breast thoroughly.
- The selection of complementary foods should also be approached carefully, because if a child’s diet contains a large amount of sweets, then thisgood environment for the development of the fungus. It is better to start complementary foods with vegetables and fruits.
- Change diapers more often and try to leave your baby without diapers most of the day. No need to be lazy to arrange long air baths for your child, they will allow the baby's skin to dry out in the folds, and the fungus will not develop.

In a child, candidiasis (thrush) occurs in a very serious form, the remnants of the fungus in the body can affect the internal organs and in the future get out a serious chronic disease. That is why the treatment of candidiasis in children should be under the supervision of a doctor.
It is important to take all precautions and protect your child from infection. Only parents can protect themselves and the baby from such a disease. If it so happens that the child still has it, a quick response and comprehensive treatment will help to completely get rid of the disease as soon as possible.