In the treatment of many diseases, such a healing agent as ginger tincture is widely used. The ancient Tibetan recipe for its production has survived to this day, passed down from generation to generation.
Useful properties of ginger
This oriental spice is considered one of the most unique plants on the planet, with a very versatile range of effects on the human body. In addition to the unique taste and aroma, ginger has a lot of useful properties. It is able to improve blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the liver and digestive system, relieves pain and eliminates congestion in the gallbladder. The old Tibetan recipe for ginger tincture is known to many supporters of traditional medicine. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.

Such a widespread use of ginger as a medicine is due to its rich composition. It contains all B vitamins, a large number of trace elements, suchlike magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and others.
Features of making tincture
Ginger tincture, an old Tibetan recipe that came to us from the ancient monks, requires the use of only fully ripe rhizomes. This is possible only in warm subtropical climates, where the aging period is at least 10 months.
Today, perennial ginger is cultivated in Africa and Asia, where bushes can grow up to one meter in height. The root is harvested after the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. It can be used for medicinal purposes fresh or dry.
Old Tibetan ginger tincture recipe
This remedy is prepared with alcohol, because it is the safest. It does not contain impurities, which eliminates the development of bacteria and fungi in the tincture. But alcohol should not be used in its pure form, so you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
The next step is to prepare the ginger root. For 300 ml of alcohol, it will take 250 g. The root must first be cleaned, then washed thoroughly and finely chopped or grated.

Cooked pieces of ginger are placed in a glass jar and poured with diluted alcohol. After that, the container must be covered tightly with a lid and put away in a dark, dry place (you can just cover the jar with a towel) for 14 days.

All this time you need to shake its contents daily. After two weeks, the tincture can be taken, only before it should be filtered.
He althy Supplements
Different ingredients can be supplemented with ready-made ginger tincture (Tibetan step-by-step recipe with a photo is described above). Adding a decoction of chamomile to it increases the anti-inflammatory effect of the remedy, sage or mint will enhance the healing effect on the heart and respiratory tract.
You can quickly cure colds, flu or sore throats if you drop a little tincture into a decoction for gargling. A spoonful of ginger tincture, diluted in a glass of tea, will help normalize the work of the digestive tract, strengthen the immune system. You can improve the taste and therapeutic effect of this remedy with the help of lemon juice and honey added to it in a small amount.

Other types of tinctures
Since ancient times, a drink has been used that can cure various diseases, called horseradish. It is prepared in the same way as ginger tincture, an old Tibetan recipe for which is given in this article. Only together with ginger, horseradish root is added to the jar. The ratio of ingredients can be adjusted according to taste and strength.
Ginger tincture is also prepared with vodka, it is done almost the same way as with alcohol. In this case, just do not need to add water.
Ginger ale is another he althy drink that uses yeast, sugar and various spices. The result is a very effective remedy for the treatment of colds.diseases.

Indications for use
Ginger tincture is indispensable for many diseases. An old Tibetan recipe (useful properties, reviews of this remedy are found in many sources), which has survived to this day, is very popular in modern folk medicine. People suffering from overweight, cardiovascular diseases and problems associated with cholesterol metabolism, appreciated the ginger tincture. Its anti-inflammatory properties help the body recover faster, eliminate muscle, toothache or headache.
Effective and in diseases of the kidneys, liver ginger tincture. An old Tibetan recipe recommends ginger for the treatment of female infertility, restoration of potency in men, and also for rejuvenation of the body.
It is worth considering that, first of all, this remedy is preventive, helping to avoid many diseases.
Ginger tincture for weight loss
Tibetan healers claim that ginger tincture binds and removes toxins from the body, thereby cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in addition to curing all sorts of ailments, this remedy is also effective in a weight loss program.

As a result of taking the tincture, normal cholesterol metabolism is restored, fat burning processes are accelerated - all this leads to a correction of body weight. To do this, it is enough to use ittwice a day for a month and repeat after a month break. In addition, ginger tincture is also an excellent remedy for reducing appetite. The Tibetan recipe with photo given in this article can be used in combination with any weight loss program. The effect of taking the tincture will be much better if you exclude fatty foods, sweets from the diet and increase physical activity.
As with any herbal product, ginger can be an individual intolerance. In any case, before preparing funds based on it, it is recommended to consult a doctor, given that there are many contraindications.
Tibetan recipe for ginger tincture, the benefits of which are so many-sided, however, it is not always worth using. This product is strictly forbidden to be taken by people who are allergic to this plant, with peptic ulcer, gastritis, hepatitis, hypertension and heart disease, with cirrhosis of the liver and any bleeding (nose, hemorrhoidal, menstrual). It is not recommended to use ginger tincture for pregnant and lactating women, small children. An overdose should also be feared, which can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. This tool will only benefit if you strictly follow all the rules of admission.
Ginger tincture is stored for a very long time, so you can always have on hand a product that helps maintain he alth and a beautiful figure.