Injections "Mydocalm": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Injections "Mydocalm": instructions for use, analogues, reviews
Injections "Mydocalm": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

In order to weaken muscle tone, which is characteristic of most neurological syndromes, osteochondrosis and arthrosis, doctors prescribe a drug called Mydocalm to patients. This medicine is safe, and at the same time highly effective in the treatment of neurological or osteochondrosis pain. Among other things, it is widely used for trophic disorders or muscle hypertonicity. Consider detailed instructions for using Mydocalm injections. In addition, we will find out what patients write about treatment with this drug.

Medicine description

mydocalm injections
mydocalm injections

It is a Hungarian drug produced by Gedeon Richter. The active component of Mydocalm injections effectively relieves muscle spasms, reduces and suppresses pain. The local analgesic effect, as a rule, contributes to lowering the pain threshold. This tool normalizessensitivity of the affected area. Additionally, the presented remedy has a vasodilating effect, thereby improving blood flow.

Neurologists actively use this medicine in everyday practice, it successfully cures various cases that are difficult to treat. I must say that the scope of Mydocalm injections is becoming wider every day.

To anesthetize the injection area, the medicine package contains lidocaine. Immediately before the first injection, patients are required to undergo a scratch test, that is, a diagnostic test for the detection of allergic reactions.

Healing effect

Mydocalma injections can have an analgesic and relaxing effect on the human body, helping to increase and facilitate motor ability. This drug does not affect the patient's consciousness or alertness. That is, Mydocalm injections do not cause psychomotor retardation or other similar conditions in people.

In general, these injections can provide a local anesthetic and membrane stabilizing effect that improves lymphatic and blood circulation, achieves a vasodilating effect, and at the same time reduces muscle spasms. Thanks to the presented drug, muscle hypertonicity decreases in patients along with stiffness in osteochondrosis and motor activity is facilitated.

The main active ingredient of the drug is tolperisone. This ingredient is highlyrelationship with human nervous tissues. Its effect is aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the nerve endings, and in addition, at relaxing the muscles, inhibiting the spinal reflex centers and normalizing the peripheral circulation. The substance tolperisone helps to lower the pain threshold by blocking some reflexes and reducing the hypertonicity of muscles and muscles.

mydocalm injections analogues
mydocalm injections analogues

Despite the fact that drugs with a similar mechanism of action cause many adverse reactions when taken for a long time, the pharmacological effect of Mydocalm injections is carried out without a pathological effect on the hematopoietic system or kidneys.

The presented drug is well tolerated, including it is well accepted by elderly patients, as it does not cause any cardiotoxic or sedative effect. In addition, this drug does not cause cognitive impairment in the form of memory impairment, mental impairment, and the like.


The injection form of the presented drug is available in the form of ampoules with a solution that is intended for parenteral administration. In appearance, this solution resembles a colorless liquid that has a specific odor. The composition of the solution contains tolperisone and lidocaine. And the auxiliary components are diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, injection water and preservative E218.

Another drug

"Mydocalm Richter" is one of the varieties of the drug, which differs from the simple "Mydocalm"dosage of the active ingredient. Instructions for injections "Mydocalm Richter" and "Mydocalm" are almost identical.

If a conventional drug is available in a dosage of 50 milligrams, then Mydocalm Richter is supplied in a pharmacy with a content of 100 milligrams of the active ingredient in one ampoule with a solution.

What is the use of Mydocalm Richter injections?

mydocalm injections
mydocalm injections

This solution is also intended for intramuscular and intravenous injections. In addition to the dosage, it is no different from the standard dosage form for injections.

Instructions for use for Mydocalm Richter injections are in each pack.

Let's find out when the drug is appropriate for use.


One pack of Mydocalm contains five ampoules. The cost of this medicine in Russian pharmacies ranges from 250 to 300 rubles.

Injections "Mydocalm Richter" cost 450-550 rubles.

Indications for use

Injections are recommended for patients in the following cases:

  • To eliminate muscle rigidity, and in addition, to relieve hypertonicity, which is caused by arthrosis of different localization. In addition, this drug is used in the presence of cervical syndrome, with osteochondrosis, as well as in order to get rid of painful muscle contraction caused by spondylarthrosis or spondylosis.
  • For the treatment of Little's disease and various encephalopathies among pediatric patients.
  • As part of postoperative rehabilitation therapy after surgical interventions in the areaorthopedics.
  • To eliminate neurological disorders that are accompanied by muscle hypertonicity in the form of various types of encephalitis, myelopathy, pyramidal lesions, and in addition, complications that develop as a result of acute cerebrovascular accidents.
  • Diseases that are associated with the lymphodynamic process and blood flow, which occurs due to various types of thrombosis.
  • Treatment of autoimmune diseases like scleroderma or various types of angiopathy.
  • Complex therapy for angiosclerosis, trophic ulceration on the legs and thromboangiitis.
  • For treatment aimed at restoring the innervation of vessels damaged as a result of angioedema gait disorders or due to insufficient microcapillary blood supply, which manifests itself in the form of a bluish skin tone.
  • With increased muscle tone caused by organic nervous system damage due to spinal cord injury, stroke, toxic or allergic brain inflammation, multiple sclerosis.
  • For the treatment of pathologies associated with muscle dystonia.

According to the instructions for use, Mydocalm intramuscular injections should be administered slowly and carefully.

mydocalm richter injections
mydocalm richter injections

Contraindications for use

There are very few contraindications in the instructions for using this drug. "Mydocalm" cannot be used in the following cases:

  • For the treatment of persons who sufferhypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, that is, tolperisone and lidocaine.
  • When a patient has myasthenia gravis, that is, a nervous disease characterized by excessive muscle weakness and fatigue.
  • Patients suffering from hepatic or renal pathologies.
  • For the treatment of infants who are less than a year old.

This confirms the instructions for Mydocalm injections intramuscularly.

Side effects

Often, adverse reactions occur in those patients who have an individual intolerance to this drug or overdose. In such cases, people may experience the following:

  • Appearance of redness in the injection area.
  • The occurrence of dizziness and headache.
  • Appearance of drowsiness or sleep disturbance.
  • Occurrence of pressure surges.
  • Development of anorexia in a patient.
  • The appearance of pain in the leg muscles along with muscle weakness.
  • Occurrence of digestive disorders.
  • Feeling tired along with general weakness and discomfort.
  • The presence of signs of impotence, that is, asthenia.

Much less often in patients after Mydocalm injections, visual disturbances occur along with hand tremors, depression, convulsions, impaired attention and balance. In addition, manifestations that are associated with hypersensitivity and tinnitus are not excluded. Sometimes after injections of this drug in patients, the heartbeat quickens, the pressure drops and angina symptoms are observed. Among other things, there have been cases of skin reactions in the form of rashes, redness, itching, and in addition, excessive sweating and burning. Injections "Mydocalm" intramuscularly should be done by a qualified specialist.

mydocalm richter injections instructions for use
mydocalm richter injections instructions for use

It is worth noting that the described drug must be administered to patients by drip. In the event that the injection rules are violated and the injections are given in a jet, then signs of arterial hypotension are likely to appear. In the process of studying this drug, it was possible to fix isolated cases of anaphylactic shock along with a sharp decrease in heart rate and an increase in blood creatinine. In addition, patients with injections experience decreased bone mineral density and may experience unquenchable and unnatural thirst.

So it says in the instructions. Analogues of Mydocalm injections will be presented below.

Instruction and dosing of the drug

The instructions say that injections are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. Intravenous injections are administered very slowly. At the same time, their introduction is carried out every day, one ampoule. During the day, you can apply no more than 100 milligrams of the active substance. Intramuscularly, the drug is administered to patients one ampoule, but twice a day.

Children should be dosed with this drug according to their weight. The duration of the course of treatment with injections, as a rule, is determined by the attending doctor in accordance with the disease,the age of the patient and his general condition.

As part of the research, experts have found that patients with liver or kidney diseases when using Mydocalm injections can develop various adverse reactions much more often than those patients who do not have any problems with these organs. In this regard, such patients are prescribed an individual determination of the dosage of the drug. For people who suffer from severe kidney or liver damage, the use of Mydocalm injections is strictly prohibited.

Drug overdose

The drug very rarely causes an overdose in patients, as it has a high therapeutic threshold. If the recommended therapeutic dosage is exceeded, patients may experience the following clinical picture:

  • The appearance of breathing difficulties.
  • The occurrence of sudden attacks of convulsive seizures.
  • The appearance of severe muscle weakness, which is accompanied by a lack of motor coordination of individual muscle tissues.

Since there is no antidote for the main active ingredient "Mydocalm", therapy in the event of an overdose is aimed at eliminating symptoms and supporting treatment.

mydocalm instructions for use injections intramuscularly
mydocalm instructions for use injections intramuscularly

Medicine use during pregnancy

To date, a lot of research has been conducted into the use of these injections for the treatment of pregnant women. The results confirm the absence of a negative effect of this drug on the fetus, but stillthe drug is not prescribed to women in the first trimester. In the later stages, it is prescribed only if the therapeutic effect is significantly higher compared to possible complications for the fetus.

As for nursing women, due to the lack of reliable information, it is better to refrain from prescribing Mydocalm injections during this period or transfer the baby to artificial feeding during therapy.

Drug interaction

This solution for injection must not be mixed with any other means. It is recommended to enter it only separately from other medicines. Given that this medicine does not have a sedative effect, it is allowed to be used as part of complex treatment together with sedative or hypnotic drugs, and in addition, with drugs that contain alcohol (ethanol).

In the event that it is necessary to combine Mydocalm injections with other muscle relaxants, then the daily dosage of injections is reduced. In addition, in the case of simultaneous use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, their dosage must be reduced, since Mydocalm can enhance the pharmacology of these drugs. The therapeutic effect of the drug is increased by psychotropic drugs, and in addition, "Clonidine", general anesthesia drugs and other muscle relaxants.

Analogues of Mydokalma injections

Among the analogues of this drug, medicines in the form of "Tolperil" and "Tolperisone" should be distinguished. The cost of these drugs is almost the same as the drug we are describing. ATIn this regard, we can confidently say that there are no analogues of Mydocalm injections, which are much cheaper today.

Now let's move on to reviews about this drug and find out what people write about it on various forums and sites.

Reviews from patients and doctors

Currently, the drug "Mydocalm" is very actively discussed in various forums that relate to pediatrics and children's he alth, especially hypertonicity in infants. According to the reviews, we can say that the predominant number of parents declare the absolute ineffectiveness of "Mydocalm" in the treatment of children. Therefore, young mothers prefer to base their children's therapy on massage and physiotherapy procedures. This also applies to Mydocalm Richter injections.

As for older patients who suffer from various supporting and motor pathologies, their opinion about this drug is ambiguous. True, in general, patients report that the treatment of osteochondrosis pain with this medication is very successful, and most patients soon experience significant relief.

mydocalm injections intramuscularly instruction
mydocalm injections intramuscularly instruction

What other reviews are there about Mydocalm Richter injections?

Unfortunately, many patients write in their comments that after "Mydocalma Richter" they felt very bad. For example, it is reported that against the background of its use, the sharpness of the image disappears, everything seems to be floating, dizzy, coordination is disturbed, and in addition,sharp flushes of sweating and some incomprehensible inadequacy in the state appears.

Others, on the contrary, say that Mydocalm helped them in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck. It is noted that after a course of injections against the background of this disease, patients feel much better, and no side effects are observed.

Thus, judging by the reviews, we can say that this drug is rather controversial. But in any case, immediately before using it, you must first consult with a specialist, and in the process of treatment, inject the solution drip, strictly observing the dosage.

We reviewed the instructions for use for Mydocalm injections and analogues of the drug.
