Anabolic drugs are a group of drugs whose main mechanism of action is aimed at increasing the energy supply of cells, accelerating their growth and differentiation, gaining body weight and accelerating metabolic processes. One of the representatives of this group of medicines is Riboxin.

Pharmacological characteristics of the drug
The drug "Riboxin" is an anabolic drug, the main effect of which is aimed at increasing the resistance of tissues to hypoxia. As a precursor of adenosine triphosphoric acid, "Riboxin" is involved in the breakdown of glucose inside the cell and, accordingly, the formation of adenosine triphosphoric acid, which is the main cellular energy substrate. In view of this effect, "Riboxin" has an antihypoxic effect in conditions of reduced ATP content.
The anabolic effect of "Riboxin" is manifested by an increase in metabolic processes involvingpyruvic acid and xanthine dehydrogenase activation. Due to such effects, "Riboxin" has a positive effect on the flow of metabolic effects inside the cell, contributing to their energy supply for normal functioning.
When exposed to the myocardium, "Riboxin" optimizes the work of myocardiocytes, contributing to their more complete relaxation (increasing phosphorylation of actin-myosin bonds), and also activates regenerative processes in the myocardium.

From the point of view of pharmacokinetic processes, "Riboxin" perfectly enters the systemic circulation already in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. With the parenteral route of administration (intravenously), "Riboxin" is quickly distributed throughout the tissues with the passage of subsequent stages of metabolism in the liver cells, where it is completely cleaved. Excretion of metabolites and non-metabolized molecules of the drug occurs mainly in the urine, and a small part is excreted in the feces and bile.
Indications for use
The drug "Riboxin" is indicated in the complex therapy of coronary heart disease, including for the treatment of post-infarction conditions. The drug has a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of rhythm and conduction disturbances, an overdose of cardiac glycoside preparations, the treatment of morphological defects of the heart muscle that occur against the background of increased physical activity or after infectious and inflammatory diseases.
"Riboxin" is indicated in the treatment of diseaseshepatobiliary system, for the prevention of diseases of the blood system when receiving high doses of ionizing radiation. In ophthalmic practice, the use of "Riboxin" is advisable for open-angle glaucoma.
"Riboxin": instructions for use, analogues
When using the tablet form of the drug, you should follow these recommendations. For adults, the daily dose of the drug can be from 0.6 to 2.4 grams. As a rule, the dosage is selected individually, and the daily dose is divided into several doses during the day. The tablet form should be prescribed from the minimum dosage, and only if the minimum dose is normally tolerated by the patient, after 2-3 days it is increased. The duration of therapy should be between 1 and 3 months.

When administered parenterally, a 2% solution of "Riboxin" is diluted with 250 ml of physiological sodium chloride or glucose solution. Infusion is carried out slowly, at a rate of 40-60 drops per minute.
Among analogues with a similar dosage and method of application, it is necessary to note "Inosine" and "Ribozine", which will be discussed below.
Contraindications to prescribing the drug
Contraindications to the appointment are hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug, gout and high levels of uric acid in the blood plasma. With extreme caution, it is necessary to prescribe "Riboxin" and the analogue of "Riboxin" "Inosine" to patients with insufficiency of the excretory functionkidney.
Side effects
The drug is generally well tolerated. Among persons who have noted hypersensitivity to the drug, there may be manifestations of allergies from the skin. On the part of the cardiovascular system, there may be a feeling of palpitations, an increase in blood pressure, general weakness.
If a patient taking "Riboxin" experiences the above side effects, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and stop taking the drug.

Special Admission Instructions
Due to the fact that "Riboxin" and its metabolites are excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug in the presence of renal failure. The use of this medicinal product can only be justified if the expected benefit from the drug outweighs the potential risk from its use. A similar rule should be followed when prescribing the drug to pregnant and lactating women.
Given the effect of "Riboxin" on the level of uric acid in the blood plasma, it is recommended to constantly monitor it during therapy in order to prevent the occurrence of hyperuricemia.

Poisoning and drug overdose
In the case of taking high doses of the drug, general measures are taken to reduce the flow of the drug into the bloodstream. In case of symptoms of poisoning -symptomatic therapy. When allergic reactions occur, desensitizing therapy is effective.
"Riboxin": analogues
Today, there is more than one analogue of "Riboxin" with an anabolic type of action on the pharmaceutical market. At the same time, there are both analogues with the content of another active substance, and full synonyms of the drug, which have a similar active ingredient in their composition.

"Inosine" can be a full-fledged synonym and analogue of "Riboxin" for intramuscular injection. At its core, the drug is a complete substitute for "Riboxin" with all its inherent indications and contraindications. Another synonym for the drug in question is "Ribonosin". This drug also contains in its composition an active substance similar to the drug "Riboxin". An analogue for children in syrup is a drug such as Mildronate. It also has the ability to provide energy homeostasis to virtually all body cells.
If we consider the group of non-steroidal anabolic drugs, then we can distinguish such analogues of "Riboxin" in tablets as "Methyluracil" and potassium orotate. These drugs, although they belong to different pharmacological groups, are capable of exerting an anabolic effect. Basically, this effect will be due to the stimulation of metabolic processes in all cells and tissues of the body.
Comparing new-generation analogues with Riboxin, we note that they have a greaterefficacy and therapeutic effects. A worthy representative of this group is Cytoflavin. This analogue of "Riboxin" in addition to cytoprotective and antioxidant effects has a pronounced stimulating effect on brain neurons.

Anabolic drugs are a wide group of drugs with various chemical structures. Depending on the purpose for which they are planned to be used, you can choose "Riboxin", analogues of the drug, or pay more attention to the steroid group. Note that self-administration of these drugs is not recommended. Only a competent specialist can help in choosing a medicine.