Blood indicators: norms and decoding

Blood indicators: norms and decoding
Blood indicators: norms and decoding

Blood performs several important functions in the body. Therefore, when passing the examination, its indicators are evaluated in the first place. If abnormalities are detected, the doctor can determine a number of diseases. The effectiveness of treatment in the future depends on the timeliness of diagnosis. There are many indicators of blood. They will be discussed further.

General characteristics

Blood indicators are studied during various tests. The most common of these are two diagnostic methods. These are general (clinical) and biochemical analyzes. Such studies allow us to draw a conclusion about the state of human he alth. Therefore, they are prescribed primarily for preventive and diagnostic purposes.

Interpretation of blood test results
Interpretation of blood test results

Complete blood count is included in the list of mandatory studies when undergoing medical examinations, as well as when visiting different doctors when certain complaints and symptoms appear. Biochemistry is carried out in order to detect a special range of pathologies.

Blood for researchtaken from a finger or from a vein. If you need to undergo an initial general analysis, you can come to the procedure not on an empty stomach. However, research is not always carried out for preventive purposes. Much more often, the range of indicators that are studied in the laboratory is quite wide. In this case, you need to come to the analysis on an empty stomach. Otherwise, it will be impossible to obtain a reliable result.

This condition is mandatory when undergoing a biochemical analysis. If you drink even just a cup of tea with sugar in the morning, you can get a result in which there will be increased blood counts in some categories. You should also take an analysis after a short rest. Under physical stress, some parameters of the test material may change.

They also take into account at what time the analysis is carried out, what state the person is in. So, for example, for pregnant women, completely different norm indicators are used. Also, in children and adults, the result of the study can be very different. In women, during menstruation, the level of ESR may increase, and the number of platelets decreases. This is the norm in this situation. Therefore, you need to take tests correctly.

Clinical Analysis

Complete blood count, often of great importance in making a diagnosis, includes the examination of several mandatory exponents. They must comply with established standards. Otherwise, we can assume the development of a particular pathology. Such a diagnosis allows you to determine whether there are hostilebacteria, viruses and microbes, how the immune system works. At the same time, the hormonal background, enzymes are also evaluated. The study assesses the physical and chemical state of the blood.

Blood test
Blood test

This examination is carried out by all patients of the medical institution who seek help. Also, this procedure is mandatory during the examination. This approach is simple and informative. The presented analysis most often involves taking material for research from a finger. Less often, blood from a vein is required.

During the diagnostics, reactions to possible allergens and drugs are detected. This will eliminate inappropriate drugs and components. However, a number of additional examinations will be required to make a final diagnosis.

General blood counts are compared with established norms. This takes into account the age of the patient, his gender and general condition in the process of conducting the study. If some characteristics of the material taken deviate from the ideal level, it will be necessary to identify the cause of this phenomenon. You may need to take the test again. But most often, the doctor prescribes a set of additional tests that can show which factor influenced the appearance of deviations.


Biochemical parameters of blood are also used in the diagnosis of various diseases. Such an examination is prescribed by medical specialists of various profiles. The list of indicators of this diagnostic method is extensive. This research method allows you to determine whether thefunctioning of the human internal organs. Also, with its help, it is possible to establish the need for vitamins and microelements, as well as to assess the level of enzymes, hormones, and to identify pathologies of metabolic processes.

Blood chemistry
Blood chemistry

Blood biochemistry is prescribed for suspected development of diseases of almost all internal organs. A special need for this analysis arises during pregnancy. Biochemistry is carried out in the third and first trimesters. If there is toxicosis, adverse factors during the course of pregnancy, the analysis is carried out more often.

Carrying out this type of diagnosis requires proper preparation. Since venous blood is taken, you need to come to the hospital on an empty stomach. Material for research is handed over between 8:00-11:00. In the evening before the analysis and on the day it is carried out, you can drink clean water. Other drinks are not allowed. It is also forbidden to eat heavy food the day before. Dinner should be as light as possible. Fatty, fried, s alty, sour, sweet should be excluded.

If the patient is taking any medication, he should tell his doctor. Some of them may affect the outcome of the study. Do not smoke for at least an hour before taking the test. During the day before the diagnosis, it is forbidden to drink alcohol in any quantities. You should also reduce physical activity before testing. Before entering the office, you need to sit quietly for 15-20 minutes. What blood parameters are examined during these examinations should be considered in detail.

Indicators of clinicalresearch

What blood parameters are included in the list of clinical examination? There is a list of mandatory characteristics that are considered in the laboratory. The most common ones are:

  • erythrocytes;
  • hemoglobin;
  • platelets;
  • reticulocytes;
  • ESR;
  • leukocytes.

Also, this analysis may include a number of other indicators. However, the listed characteristics are mandatory.

Hemoglobin is indicated in the results by Latin letters Hb. This is one of the most important components of the level of red blood cells. Its decrease indicates a lack of iron or certain vitamins in the body, synthesis disorders. This deviation indicates the development of anemia. With a significant increase in the indicator, the doctor may suggest the presence of heart or lung failure. To make the correct diagnosis, a number of other studies are carried out. This figure should be 120-140 g/l for women and 135-160 g/l for men.

erythrocytes in the blood
erythrocytes in the blood

Erythrocytes perform a transport function (denoted by RBC). They deliver oxygen to all tissues. At the same time, moving in the opposite direction, they take carbon dioxide. Sometimes the causes of deviations from the norm are physiological factors. But in some cases, they are caused by pathology. Considering the norms of blood parameters, it should be said that for men this indicator should be at the level of 4-5.5 million per µl, and for women - 3.7-4.7 million per µl.

The number of red blood cells decreases with blood loss,improper production of them by the bone marrow. It can also be affected by beriberi, an unhe althy lifestyle. An increase in their number is observed in diseases of the heart, lungs or in the area of the hematopoietic system.


Normal blood counts are determined according to the age of the patient. So, one of the mandatory indicators in clinical analysis is the number of reticulocytes. These are young cells that later form the older elements of the blood. They will become red blood cells. This indicator is denoted by the letters RTC.

General blood analysis
General blood analysis

They must be produced at a certain speed. Violations in this process indicate the development of pathologies in the kidneys and bone marrow. In men, the number of such cells should be 0.24% -1.7% of the total. In women, reticulocytes should be between 0.12% and 2.05%.

With blood loss, the number of young cells may increase. It's quite normal. If such conditions were not observed in the near future, an increase in the number of reticulocytes indicates the presence in the blood of harmful viruses, microorganisms that disrupt blood functions. A decrease in their number indicates a violation of the functions of the kidneys, bone marrow.


Another important indicator is ESR (it is denoted by ESR). This indicator in an adult should be up to 15 mm / h. An increase in ESR indicates the presence in the body of an inflammatory process, blood loss or poisoning.

Norms of blood parameters
Norms of blood parameters

Also in progressdiagnostics, such a characteristic as a color indicator is determined. It is designated MCHC. It characterizes the saturation of erythrocytes with hemoglobin. The norm of this indicator is 30-370 g / l. There is no increase in color index. A decrease indicates the presence of an iron deficiency.

Leukocytes, platelets

Platelets in the blood are designated by Latin letters PLT. They stop bleeding by forming a clot. Normally, the presented blood counts in adults and children are 1.4-3.4 g / l, regardless of gender. If this indicator is increased, this indicates the presence of an injury. Also, this indicator may indicate the development of a malignant tumor or other pathologies. It is considered normal if the platelet count is increased in a person who has undergone surgery in the recent past.

Norms of blood parameters in adults
Norms of blood parameters in adults

Reducing the number of platelets can indicate the poisoning of the body with chemicals, the presence of infection, as well as leukemia. Some medications can lower your platelet count. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before testing.

Leukocytes are cells of the immune system. They fight various diseases, foreign tissues. Their number varies significantly with age. Blood indicators in children in the context of this indicator will differ significantly from the results of studies in adults. The norm is determined for each age group, taking into account gender. In general, this figure is 4.5109-10109 per liter. If the score has gone down, itindicates a decrease in the body's defenses. A high number of leukocytes indicates the development of an infection in the body, high blood loss.


Another main component of the immune system are lymphocytes. These blood counts are also examined during clinical analysis. They are designated in the analysis by the letters LYM. In an adult, they are contained in the blood 1, 2109-3109 per liter. With an increase in their number, the development of infection is diagnosed. A low indicator may indicate the development of kidney failure, impaired immunity, exhaustion of the body.

Leukocyte formula

Considering the norms of blood parameters, it is necessary to consider such an indicator as the ratio of the number of different types of leukocyte. These cells can perform certain functions. This ratio is called the leukocyte formula. Its use allows you to identify the development of infection, cancer and other pathologies.

The norm of neutrophils in the blood is from 50 to 70% of the total number of leukocytes. If the indicator has increased, this indicates the development of an infection. It can be determined in the internal organs, in the respiratory tract. It may also indicate chronic metabolic disorders. A reduced number of neutrophils indicates the presence of some specific pathologies.

Eosinophils should be present in the blood of a he althy person in an amount of 1-5% of the total number of leukocytes. With an increase in this indicator, the doctor may suspect the presence in the body of an allergic reaction, intestinal parasites and a number of other pathologies. Iftheir level has dropped, this may indicate heavy metal poisoning, the presence of inflammation.

Basophiles are practically not detected in the blood. They make up only 0-0.5% of the total number of leukocytes. A number of specific diseases cause an increase in their level. Also, taking hormonal drugs after spleen removal, food allergies, or ulcerative colitis can trigger the growth of this cell type.

Monocytes are needed to absorb dead tissue and bacteria. Their increase indicates the development of tuberculosis, syphilis, rheumatoid arthritis and a number of other diseases. Downgrading is also not the norm.

Biochemical parameters

Biochemical analysis includes a number of indicators. The main ones are glucose, total protein, bilirubin, creatinine.

Blood sugar indicators indicate the correct functioning of the pancreas. Normally, this indicator is 3.5-6.5 mmol / l. An increase in the indicator indicates the development of diabetes. If a person ate before the analysis, drank weak tea, the indicator may be higher than normal. Therefore, it is important to donate blood on an empty stomach. When glucose levels drop, they speak of malnutrition or hormonal disorders.

Total protein should be between 60 and 80 g/l. This indicator can decrease if there is a violation of the liver, kidneys, as well as malnutrition. Especially often such violations occur in people who are on a diet. If the diet is not balanced, various disorders appear.

Bilirubin should be no more than 20.5 mmol/l. ThisThe indicator reflects the quality of the liver. An increase in this indicator may indicate the development of hepatitis, as well as the presence of cholelithiasis. Also, this indicator increases with the acceleration of erythrocyte death.

The normal creatinine level is 0.18 mmol/l. This indicator evaluates the quality of kidney function. If the result is higher than normal, the patient is diagnosed with renal failure. With a decrease in this indicator, they speak of disorders in the immune system. We need to reconsider the diet and lifestyle.

Having considered the main blood parameters, their standards, you can evaluate the results of the survey. Diagnosis is carried out exclusively by a doctor.
