Shoots in the ear on the right side: causes and treatments

Shoots in the ear on the right side: causes and treatments
Shoots in the ear on the right side: causes and treatments

We are surprisingly careless about our own he alth. The body diligently signals us about problems, but over and over again we ignore these calls until the symptoms become too obvious. However, there are problems that need to be addressed immediately before they lead to more serious consequences. If it shoots in the ear on the right side, then it is advisable to immediately contact an otolaryngologist to make the correct diagnosis. With what such a symptom may be associated, we will now consider in more detail.

shoots in the ear on the right side
shoots in the ear on the right side

Otitis is a disease familiar to many from childhood

Indeed, most visits to the ENT end up with such a diagnosis. Practitioners will agree that one of the terrible ailments is otitis media. The very first symptoms are discomfort and a feeling that the ear is shooting on the right side. In this case, most often the lesion is unilateral. If it is started, it can spread to the inner ear and brain, but it startsusually that's the case. Why usually shoots in the ear on the right side? This is due to the fact that some factors that can contribute to the development of diseases act unilaterally. However, infection while swimming can paint a very different picture.

right side of head hurts and ear shoots
right side of head hurts and ear shoots


As a rule, the pain in this case will be very strong. The minutes drag on like hours. Those who know how to shoot in the ear on the right side understand well what is at stake. Self-medication in this case can bring temporary relief, but in order to get a competent diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist. Within the competence of an otolaryngologist is the treatment of diseases of the throat, nose and hearing organs. Since they are all closely related, the disease of one organ quickly affects the condition of another.

Why pain symptoms occur

To begin effective treatment, it is very important to find the cause. If the right side of the head hurts and the ear shoots, then this is not a symptom of a specific disease, but only an occasion to consult a specialist. The fact is that the organ of hearing is rather complicated, and therefore it is almost impossible to independently draw a conclusion about in which department the inflammation occurred. The sensations themselves are very strong and extremely uncomfortable, but their appearance has one positive side.

The fact is that the lumbago confirms the integrity of the eardrum. When fluid accumulates around this membrane, it impedes the movement of blood. It becomes jerky that we andtake it as shots. Pain always occurs spontaneously. If the pain has stopped, and fluid has flowed from the ear, then the integrity of the barrier that separates the outer and middle ear has been broken. Before this, it is better not to bring, but to start treatment in advance.

shoots in the ear on the right side of the cause
shoots in the ear on the right side of the cause

Three divisions

When it shoots in the ear on the right side, the reasons can be completely different, so you should pay special attention to the diagnosis. The entire human hearing aid consists of three sections. In each zone there may be a backache, but the causes, and hence the treatment, must be different. We will take a closer look at diseases and their causes.

Pain in the outer ear

Most often the problem appears here. If it shoots in the ear on the right side and in the head, then most likely there is an external otitis. This problem may occur due to water ingress or an allergic reaction. But most often inflammation begins due to improper cleaning. Many people tend to stick the ear stick as deep as possible, which can lead to problems.

With otitis externa, in addition to shooting in the ear on the right side, the adult will have itching and redness. If the situation has gone far, then purulent discharge is also possible. You can’t start the situation, because you can lose your hearing. At the first symptoms, discomfort, you should immediately go to the hospital.

shoots in the ear on the right side and in the head
shoots in the ear on the right side and in the head

Cellulitis and eczema of the external ear

Listing the reasons we just started,have patience. This disease affects the auricle, causing swelling, and as a result, shooting pain. Such a disease can take an acute form. Moreover, you need to be aware that any inflammatory processes of the skin are an excellent route for infection. The problem goes deep inside, and it becomes more difficult to treat it.

Eczema localized around the ear canal. It does not occur by itself and usually indicates advanced inflammation. At the same time, shooting pains are not the main symptom, they occur only if another ailment develops in parallel.

shoots in the ear on the right side of an adult
shoots in the ear on the right side of an adult

Middle ear

Diseases of the external ear are easier to diagnose, and if the problem lies deeper, then additional diagnostics are needed. The most common cause of pain is otitis media. This problem usually appears during the cold season. If it shoots in the ear for this very reason, then the pain will intensify during meals. Most often, otitis media develops against the background of colds. When a person blows his nose, the mucus enters the middle ear, where the disease develops. Strong immunity is the best prevention.

This is a very serious disease. There is an accumulation of fluid, which leads to inflammation of the eardrum. If it starts to shoot very hard, then the mucus cannot be excreted through the Eustachian tube.

shoots in the ear on the right side what to do
shoots in the ear on the right side what to do

Inner ear

This part of the hearing aidis laid during the intrauterine development of the child. The inner ear has many functions, but its complex structure makes it even more vulnerable to disease. If it shoots hard and gives to the head, but no signs of inflammation are visible from the outside, then the problem may lie a little deeper. Again, there could be many reasons for this.

  1. Walking in the fresh air is very useful, but doctors always emphasize that it is necessary to dress for the weather. If a person neglects this rule and goes out into the street in windy weather without a hat, then soon he starts shooting in the ear and giving it to the head. That is, otitis media develops.
  2. Labyrinthitis is a serious illness that develops when a virus enters the inner ear. In addition to backache, hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness can be diagnosed.
  3. If you do not regularly visit the dentist, you may well miss the development of caries. The fact is that the teeth are located very close to the hearing organs. If it shoots strongly on the right side, then it is quite possible that deep caries is taking place. See your dentist to rule out this cause.
  4. Neuritis of the facial nerve. Sudden severe pain that pierces like a dagger, gives to the head, may have nothing to do with migraines and otitis media. If the nerve is severely congested, then you need to contact a neurologist.
shoots in the ear on the right side what to do at home
shoots in the ear on the right side what to do at home

First Aid

Of course, it is very important to see a doctor in time to diagnose. But if youwoke up at night from what shoots in the ear on the right side, what should I do? First of all, try to determine the cause yourself. Feel for the soft, mastoid process in the ear and press down on it. If the pain intensifies, then otitis media occurs. In this case, you need competent treatment with antibiotics. If otitis externa develops, warming will help. It will not completely solve the problem, but it will relieve the symptoms for a while.

So, if it shoots in the ear on the right side, what should I do at home? There are few options, you can drip camphor or boric alcohol, or use a bag of heated s alt. If it is necessary to use antibiotics, a doctor's prescription is indispensable, because it is impossible to choose the appropriate drug without considering a specific case.

If you have recently taken a bath or swam in the pool, then water in the ear may be the cause of the pain. In this case, it is highly recommended not to try to remove the liquid with cotton swabs, this can only provoke an inflammatory process, especially if you inadvertently damage the surface layer of the epidermis. To get rid of the liquid, it is better to jump on one leg with your head tilted, or lie down on the side where you are shooting and wait for the liquid to come out on its own. If you suspect that the problem is related to caries, then start rinsing. In a glass of water, you will need to put 1 teaspoon of soda and add 2-3 drops of iodine.

Traditional treatments

To completely eliminate pain and discomfort, a whole range of procedures is used. Therefore, the course is prescribed only individually by the attending physician. If the patient came with severe pain, then painkillers, warming and vasoconstrictor drops are recommended. Various antimicrobials are very effective. Additionally, warm compresses and bed rest are recommended at home. As soon as the first exacerbation has passed, you can come to the clinic for physiotherapy. These are UHF and UVI, electrophoresis and heating with a blue lamp.

Prevention measures

Most often shoots in the ear on the right side with a cold. Therefore, with the onset of the cold season, be sure to wear a hat that covers your ears, take vitamins to maintain normal immunity. Do not clean your ears with chopsticks or other foreign objects. Better choose peroxide or 40% alcohol solution. A few drops are buried in the ears, after which they wait until all the dirt comes out. It is also necessary to take water procedures carefully so that water does not get into the sink. A simple set of procedures avoids serious problems, so do not neglect them.
