One type of fecal analysis is to check for occult blood, which is not detected by conventional microscopic examination. It helps to identify diseases in any part of the stomach or intestines, which are accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucosa. So, normally, in a he althy person, a fecal occult blood test should be negative, and if it is positive, then a more detailed diagnosis of the state of he alth should be carried out.

After all, as a result of this study, small chronic bleeding can be detected, which does not appear in any way on a person's well-being. With the help of this analysis, it is possible, for example, to diagnose rectal cancer even at an asymptomatic stage: even in the absence of pain and other pronounced signs of the disease, it is the cause of slightly bleeding tumors. Also, a stool test for occult blood can be positive for ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative colitis, intestinal tuberculosis, cirrhosis of the liver, thrombophlebitis of the vein of the spleen, typhoid fever, hemorrhoids, and even when infected with a certain type of helminths.

Such a wide range of possible reasons for a positive fecal occult blood test requires a more thorough examination of the patient to establish an accurate diagnosis. It should also be noted that a positive test result can also be the result of blood entering the esophagus during nosebleeds, cracked lips, or even accidentally entering menstrual flow into the test material.
Before taking a fecal occult blood test, you need to prepare. 3 days before the expected date of the study, the patient should exclude from the diet any meat, liver, fish, a number of fruits and vegetables that contain a large amount of peroxidase, catalase and, of course, iron. These include cucumbers, cauliflower, horseradish, apples, spinach, white beans, green onions, and bell peppers. In addition, a week before the study, it is forbidden to take iron supplements, vitamin C, acetylsalicylic acid (including tablets intended for blood thinning), anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. If the patient underwent an X-ray examination of the intestines or stomach, then the analysis is given no earlier than two days later. It is not done while taking antibiotics. After all, all these products, drugs and procedures can affect the result of the study.

If you do not know what to take a stool test, then go to the nearest pharmacy where you can buy a special container with a spoon, which collects material for research. Notit is worth trying to fill the entire jar, no more than 1/3 of its volume is enough for the laboratory. By the way, these same containers are purchased if you need to pass a biochemical analysis of feces, a coprogram, conduct a study on enterobiasis or helminth eggs. It is necessary to collect the material on the same day on which it will be handed over to the laboratory. If storage is necessary, it is better to leave the feces in a cold place, at a temperature not exceeding 6 oC.