Phytotherapy for oncology: concept, definition, herbal preparations, recipes and cooking instructions

Phytotherapy for oncology: concept, definition, herbal preparations, recipes and cooking instructions
Phytotherapy for oncology: concept, definition, herbal preparations, recipes and cooking instructions

Can cancer be cured? Will the newest funds, the price of which frankly frightens, help? How effective are medicinal plants in the treatment of oncology? All these questions concern people with a terrible diagnosis, as well as their friends and relatives. Malignant neoplasms are an exceptionally insidious type of pathology, but today we can say with confidence: cancer is curable. Of course, not in 100% of cases, but for most patients, the prognosis is positive. Consider the nuances of applying different methods of treatment.

When to use medicinal herbs?

Phytotherapy cancer treatment should only be practiced as an additional program to the main course of radiation, medications and surgery. It is important to coordinate with the doctor all the nuances of the chosen option so that the herbs and products prepared from them do not interfere with the main activities. For example, ionizing radiation, chemotherapy in many people provoke dyspepsia, loss of appetite and a decrease in body tone. People suffer from nausea and vomiting, headaches and dizziness. To alleviate all these manifestations, you can usemedicinal herbs - with their help, the patient's condition improves, the negative effects of medications are reduced. Well-chosen herbal medicine helps protect the liver and kidneys from increased stress, as well as stabilize the human condition as a whole.

Medicinal plants in the treatment of cancer are used due to the anti-inflammatory effect inherent in many well-known herbs. Phytotherapy will be most relevant for those types of oncological diseases that are accompanied by atrophic processes in the internal organs.

By the way, it has been proven that phytotherapy against cancer is a good preventive measure. Certain varieties of plants are characterized by an antitumor effect. A correctly selected course and correctly formulated prescriptions are the key to minimizing the likelihood of relapse, a long and stable remission. However, you can count on a positive effect only with the proper use of the compositions.

medicinal plants for cancer
medicinal plants for cancer

Types and forms

Properly chosen phytotherapy for the treatment of oncology is useful, but not dangerous for a weakened patient. True, this applies only to a situation where a person clearly follows the requirements and rules for the use of formulations and recipes. Before using any herb, you must first consult with your doctor, and in the future you will have to follow all his recommendations in detail. Medicinal herbs cannot replace surgery, radiation, or medication.

Developing different recipes and approaches withinthe use of herbal medicine for cancer, scientists have determined that all medicinal plants can be divided into three large groups: stimulating immunity, cytostatics and cytotoxic. In some cases, the division into groups is rather arbitrary: for example, immortelle has an antitumor effect and stimulation of immunity at the same time. Often, this plant is used for malignant processes in the female reproductive organs.

Nuances and features

With cancer, medicinal plants not only help to achieve faster recovery and stable remission. If the patient is not operable, a complete cure of the tumor is impossible, palliative treatment is indicated, herbs can be used to improve the performance of the body. Within the framework of such a course, celandine, ferula and spurge, Baikal aconite have found wide application. These plants contain strong cytostatic components, substances that prevent the formation of metastases.

medicinal plants and cancer treatment
medicinal plants and cancer treatment

As can be seen from scientific studies devoted to herbal medicine, in oncology, the appointment of agrimony, a bedstraw is absolutely justified. These plants are rich in components that modulate immunity, so that the patient's condition improves. In addition, plant components extracted from them in the preparation of medicines have an antitumor effect. But periwinkle alkaloids have proven their pronounced cytotoxic effect. Of course, these plants alone will not defeat cancer, but their use as an element of a comprehensive course is fully justified. How to usemeans correctly, the doctor will explain - all these medicinal herbs are poisonous, careless use will most likely cause intoxication and serious consequences.

Nuances of treatment

In oncology, phytotherapy is a fairly popular method, which is of interest to an impressive percentage of patients. Indeed, herbs are much more affordable than medicines, which are indispensable, so the addition of herbal products to the therapeutic course will not be a significant burden on the budget, but it will have a positive effect on the patient's condition. Properly selected herbal remedies do not provoke side effects, are safe for the body and weaken the negative consequences of the main course. Means suitable for a particular patient will be quickly absorbed. An allergic reaction, hypersensitivity and other negative responses of the body to herbal medicine, although possible, are rare in practice.

Don't expect phytotherapy for cancer to have an immediate, pronounced effect. Natural preparations influence gradually, gradually, imperceptibly improving and stabilizing the patient's condition. They do not have such an instant reaction as the chemical agents used in classical medicine, but the duration of the result is sufficient for medicinal herbs and official remedies to complement each other.

What to eat?

Studying the benefits of herbal medicine in the treatment of cancer in medicine, it has been established that a variety of means, recipes, and forms of release are effective. Modern people have access to a wide variety of dried and fresh plants, capsules and teas, balms, infusions,extracts, tinctures, tablets. Both domestic pharmaceutical companies and foreign ones are engaged in the production of such funds. In addition, therapeutic cosmetics for cancer patients are produced - concentrates, oils, s alts. By the way, there are remedies not only for patients fighting cancer: recipes based on natural herbs have been developed to help give up bad habits, cure diseases of various severity and prevalence.

herbal cancer treatment
herbal cancer treatment

Phytoextracts attract attention. One of the important complaints from the side of medicine to phytotherapy in the treatment of cancer was devoted to the composition: mainly extracts are prepared on the basis of alcohol, which is categorically contraindicated even in minimal quantities in oncological diseases. Currently, effective preparations based on honey have been invented. They are safe for the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the immune system, heal all internal systems and organs, and in some cases help alleviate the negative reaction of the body to the main drug treatment.

Herbs and plants: great choice

Phytotherapy for cancer of the uterus, stomach, respiratory system, or malignant neoplasm of any other area of localization usually involves the use of recipes based on fly agaric, cocklebur. Perhaps the most famous remedy is hemlock. Sometimes doctors advise using aconite, burdock rhizomes, tramet, reishu. The practice of using coniferous plants rich in phytoncides is widespread. They negatively affect the pathological microflora,prevent viral invasion, which is especially important against the background of immunosuppressive drug treatment of malignant neoplasms. Spruce products, pine, fir, juniper and arborvitae are used. In addition, all varieties of mint are rich in phytoncides. However, when compared with mint, conifers win: they are available all year round, you can get a fresh product at any time. By the way, traditional medicine has long recommended the use of hot decoctions of pine needles for serious illnesses. Half a liter of water is boiled per tablespoon of the product and insisted for one hour, eat half a glass four times daily.

Phytotherapy is relevant for cancer of the stomach, intestines, lungs and other organs as a means of weakening the negative effects of ionizing radiation. Having coordinated the course with the doctor, from the first days of radiation therapy, a collection with pharmacy chamomile, mint and plantain is used (all components are taken in an amount of 50 g). Two times smaller volumes add yarrow, St. John's wort. Half a liter of water is boiled on a tablespoon of the mixture, insisted for an hour, then the liquid is decanted. The drug is taken four times a day for half a glass a quarter of an hour before a meal, shortly before bedtime. The duration of the program is up to 30 days. Sometimes this composition is used to alleviate the general poisoning of the body while taking strong chemical compounds.

Recipes and variations

Phytotherapy for lung cancer involves the use of mucolytics, bronchodilators, as well as herbs that stimulate regenerative processes and inhibit activityinflammatory foci, weakening the general poisoning of the body. The most effective solution is the collection of an equal amount of linden, coltsfoot, mullein, marshmallow. Horsetail, pine buds, sweet clover, violet, chicory inflorescences, lamb, plantain are introduced into it (half as much as the first group of components). Finally, five times less than each component of the first group, veronica, budra, mountaineer, lilac and chamomile inflorescences, dandelion and burdock rhizomes are added to the collection. The mixture is brewed, for every half liter of water using a tablespoon, let it brew for an hour. The finished product is used four times a day for food in half a glass.

Phytotherapy for lung cancer can also be used at the stage of infiltration, since a well-chosen composition stimulates the resorption of pathological structures. In pharmacies, you can find a collection made up of burdock and plantain leaves, yarrow, St. The final stage is the inclusion of 10 g of walnut leaves, willow bark, cudweed and geranium. Preparation and use are the same as the ingredients described earlier.

herbal medicine for lung cancer
herbal medicine for lung cancer

Effect: multifaceted

Oncological disease appears under the influence of a complex of factors - exo-, endogenous. The role is played by what a person breathes, how he eats, in what conditions he lives, what is the radiation background of the area. The probability of the process is affected by systemic, chronic, infectious, viral,inflammatory diseases, incorrect current or abnormal blood viscosity, hormonal imbalances, enterobiasis, imbalance of microflora. Combined treatment, radiation, surgery are designed to exclude malignant structures from the body. Medicinal plants in oncology are used to correct other factors: increase immunity, eliminate inflammation, normalize the ratio of microscopic life forms in the human body.

Normally, the therapeutic course involves radiation and medication both before and after surgery. The courses of drugs are most difficult to tolerate if you have to deal with leukemia, sarcoma. Courses of irradiation and chemotherapy for such diseases are shown in several stages, repeated many times. For example, with acute leukemia, at least two dozen cycles will have to go through. This affects atypical cell structures, but at the same time harms he althy ones. The first victims are hematopoietic organs, gastric epithelium, brain, renal parenchyma, liver, lining of the circulatory system from the inside. To minimize these reactions, medicinal plants, infusions, oils, and teas are used in oncology.

breast cancer phytotherapy
breast cancer phytotherapy

Efficiency nuances

Phytotherapy in oncology is aimed at protecting young cells that are oppressed by the drug course. The use of plants makes it possible to prevent a strong negative effect on a variety of structures. In addition to eating herbs, it is recommended to make enemas with plant extracts. For one procedure, about 40 ml of warm liquid is needed. Brewed herbs, from which the infusion was drained for food, can be used as lotions if the skin is damaged: the herbs are applied to the diseased area and wait for complete drying, after which the phytogel is used to consolidate the effect. The ointment is prepared by mixing 20 g of herbs with 100 g of butter, then let it brew for four hours in a water bath, squeeze through gauze and cool, stirring regularly. The substance should be stored in a cool place (on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator), hermetically sealed.

The best effect of phytotherapy in oncology is given if you choose the composition based on the nuances of the case. You can combine meadowsweet, fireweed, birch and viburnum berries, budra and comfrey, oak and cinquefoil in different proportions and combinations. Tartar, dandelion and burdock rhizomes, tansy and plantain have proven themselves well. You can introduce marigolds, coltsfoot, horsetail and cudweed into the mixture. Nettle, geranium, mountaineer are known for their healing properties. In order for the collection to have a positive effect on immunity, it is reasonable to include radiola, leuzea, ginseng, and eleutherococcus in it. Do not neglect the pharmacy chamomile and aralia.

Believe it or not?

Phytotherapy in oncology has been the subject of careful research more than once. Statistics clearly demonstrates that the use of medicinal herbs to relieve symptoms, eliminate painful syndromes gives a good and pronounced result with minimal complications. This is most significant for individuals whose complete cure (in terms of official prognosis) is impossible or extremely unlikely. Compositions and fees on plants relieve pain, dyspepsia and nausea, stabilize the stool, lower the required dose of narcotic painkillers. Clinical trials have shown that pain syndrome of moderate and severe levels can be stopped with a well-chosen natural composition in 75% of cases. Calamus and eucalyptus showed the best results for pain relief. The effectiveness of the use of sage, wormwood, toadflax, raspberry, tansy is somewhat lower. You can use celandine and ordinary dill, nettle and corn, currants. The simplest and most familiar plants, when used correctly, can reduce soreness and other negative syndromes associated with cancer. In experiments, hawthorn fruits, sweet clover and wormwood, St. John's wort and yarrow showed their effectiveness. Dandelion, cudweed, plantain, used in folk medicine for a long time, also gave certain results. Rose hips, wheatgrass should be included in medicinal fees.

As a rule, phytotherapy for oncology is also aimed at stabilizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract, alleviating pain in the stomach. For these purposes, celandine should be used. Sage and valerian, burdock, string are somewhat less effective. As auxiliary components, herbal formulations can include wormwood, nettle, dill and raspberries, fireweed and marigolds, horsetail and hawthorn, corn.

medicinal plants and cancer
medicinal plants and cancer

Options: how will it help?

75% of patients experienced relief of vomiting, nausea when taking herbal medicines. The best results were shown by burdock and fireweed, dill andBirch. Pretty good results were observed in people who used preparations with tansy, cinquefoil, lingonberries, sweet clover. Traditional medicine recommends using corn, horsetail, and nettle to relieve nausea. Clinical practice has shown that this really gives a good effect. To stop vomiting, it is best to use preparations with chamomile and coltsfoot inflorescences, plantain and St. John's wort, yarrow.

As can be seen from the statistics, up to 77% of patients were able to regain their normal appetite by including herbal preparations with these herbs in the course of treatment. Most of the symptoms of a depressive disorder disappeared, shortness of breath, cough became easier.

In breast cancer, herbal medicine in 70% of the subjects made it possible to achieve weight gain against the background of exhaustion. About 73% of patients began to suffer less from swelling, ascites, tachycardia was relieved, and regenerative processes were activated. Patients were less concerned about bleeding. The success of the normalization of hemoglobin in the circulatory system through the use of medicinal herbs is estimated at 65%. A well-chosen course helps to stabilize the content of leukocytes, platelets, and normalize the ESR. But against anemia, herbal drug therapy for oncology gives a relatively weak result. To some extent, chamomile inflorescences and plantain can be considered useful.

There must be a reason for everything

Phytotherapy for oncological diseases is used only if specific products have shown good results in proven, reliable trials. Phytotherapy is notopposes official science, is used as an additional method and does not replace the main course. Cytotoxic, cytostatic qualities inherent in the components contained in plants are also present in a number of medicinal products of artificial origin. It is believed that a natural product is better absorbed and less harmful to a person. At the same time, it is difficult to hide: there are few herbal preparations widely used against cancer.

Phytotherapy for cancer of the breast, liver or kidneys, bones or other tissues is often practiced using vinblastine, vincristine derived from periwinkle. Studies have shown that natural preparations that supply colchicine and colchamine to the body give a good effect for cancer patients - they are prepared on colchicum. From podophyllum, people have learned to extract and use teniposide, etoposide in the treatment of cancer patients. The yew is used to produce taxoids, components with increased activity against tumor cells.

phytotherapy in oncology
phytotherapy in oncology

And more details?

Colhamin is a colchicum alkaloid obtained from the tubers of the plant. Two varieties of plants are suitable for the use of herbal medicines: autumn, magnificent. Both have antimitotic qualities. Kolhamin is used inside and for external topical use. The second option for use is the manufacture of ointments based on a plant. This is especially true for malignant processes in the skin, if there are no metastases yet. The correct use of alkaloids allows you to achieve rapid deathabnormal cells without harming normal cells. The antitumor result of the effect of the cytostatic substance allows more effective treatment of gastric cancer and esophageal lesions. Such drugs are chosen if the patient is contraindicated in surgery. With chronic myeloid leukemia, kolhamin is also used.

Colchicine helps to prevent the appearance of metastases and slow down their development, if they have already begun.

Vinca alkaloids, made on the basis of pink periwinkle, are known for their antimitotic effect and are somewhat similar to the previously described substance. The practice of using vinca alkaloids in the treatment of lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, chorinepithelioma, and neuroblastoma is widespread. In a number of diseases, substances are included as an auxiliary element of combined treatment. Vinblastine, vincristine inhibit the metaphase stage of cell division. It is common practice to use products of periwinkle processing to synchronize the therapeutic course, that is, a program in which the patient takes drugs that block the growth of atypical cells at some phase of the life cycle. This makes it possible to achieve a simultaneous entry of a large number of harmful structures into a new phase, thereby making an impressive area of the tumor sensitive to the main treatment. Vinca alkaloids have shown themselves well as a synchronizing agent for neoplasms in the testicles, lympho-, reticulosarcoma.

phytotherapy of oncology
phytotherapy of oncology

What else happens?

Podophyllin derived from podophyllum in medicineit is not used by itself: semi-synthetic products of the processing of a substance called epidophyllotoxins are used. They show good results in Ewing's neoplasm, lung cancer and hemoblastosis.

Taxoids derived from yew are cytostatic agents that have recently become widespread in clinical practice. Paclitaxel was a "pioneer" in this area. In its structure, it is not an alkaloid, but a dicyclic terpene. Its correct application helps to increase the sensitivity of the pathological zone to targeted ionizing radiation. Taxoler has a good reputation, similar to Taxol, but twice as strong.

oncology and phytotherapy scientific research
oncology and phytotherapy scientific research

Tests have shown its effectiveness in neoplasms in the breast, ovaries, and in some forms of lung cancer.
