"Muk altin". What kind of cough should be taken by adults and children

"Muk altin". What kind of cough should be taken by adults and children
"Muk altin". What kind of cough should be taken by adults and children

In the article we will find out for which cough "Muk altin" is effective.

The medical product is a mucolytic medicine of a narrow spectrum of action, which is aimed at eliminating this unpleasant symptom by reducing the severity of allergic and inflammatory reactions, as well as facilitating the processes of sputum excretion. At the same time, in order for therapeutic measures to be as effective as possible, you need to know which cough "Muk altin" helps with.

muk altin for which cough to take
muk altin for which cough to take

Composition and pharmacological properties

Convex tablets of this pharmacological agent on both sides have a slightly sour taste and a peculiar herbal smell; they are produced in paper packages with cells, as well as plastic bottles, 10 and 100 tablets each. The main active ingredient of this medical product is an extract from the medicinal plant Marshmallow.

What cough to take"Muk altin" for children and adults, interesting to many.

The healing properties of marshmallow in the treatment of catarrhal pathologies have been known for a long time, these include:

  • strong anti-inflammatory property;
  • enveloping;
  • regenerating;
  • emollient.

The effect of this pharmacological agent on the body is similar to flax oil decoctions: in contact with the mucous membranes, the polysaccharides of the medicinal plant effectively eliminate the symptoms of irritation, thin the mucous contents, greatly facilitating the process of its removal.

At the same time, it is important to understand what kind of cough they give "Muk altin".

Additional components included

Additional elements in the medicine are:

  • tartaric acid;
  • calcium stearate (used for tableting);
  • sodium bicarbonate (used to enhance expectorant properties).

through the kidneys.

What kind of cough is Muk altin prescribed for? As a secretolytic of natural origin, the drug is used in the treatment of dry or wet cough, the severity of which begins to decrease significantly with regular ingestion, due to the cumulative effect of this medication.

muk altin with which cough to take children
muk altin with which cough to take children

Mechanism of action

The properties of the drug "Muk altin" are the following functions, which are carried out in stages:

  • stimulation of the production of mucous secretion by bronchial glands, which makes it possible to liquefy thick accumulations of sputum;
  • strengthening contractions and increasing the tone of the smooth muscle tissue of the bronchioles, which provides an intensive separation of mucus accumulated in the bronchi;
  • acceleration of cilia movements on the structures of ciliated cells of the respiratory tract, contributing to the rapid promotion of sputum and the elimination of congestion, which can provoke further reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in a humid environment and a long pathological process;
  • further excretion of liquefied sputum through the tracheobronchial system of the body.

Thus, the mucous secretion, formed as a result of the activity of pathogens, begins to be removed along with their waste products and dust particles, passing from the trachea of the bronchi to the pharynx. With what kind of cough to take "Muk altin" for adults and children, it is important to find out in advance.

At the same time, the patient has a productive cough, which, in turn, occurs more rarely and is less pronounced, delivering less discomfort due to irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and facilitating expectoration processes helps the body, weakened by an infectious disease, acceleratingthe onset of recovery.

For which cough "Muk altin" is most effective, we will tell below.

Indications for use

Medicine applied:

  • in the treatment of patients with ENT pathologies, which are accompanied by a wet type of cough, in which there is a decrease in density and accelerated sputum excretion from the trachea;
  • in order to prevent a secondary complicated infection in the bronchi with a dry cough, when the medical product "Muk altin" not only dilutes the accumulated mucus, but also stimulates the secretion of this mucus, due to which a dry and unproductive cough is converted into a wet one, and inflammatory processes into bronchial tubes are completed much faster.

One of the main advantages of this pharmacological agent is the absence of addiction symptoms and extremely rare cases of negative side effects, which makes it possible to use this medication for a long time. In accordance with this, it is ideal for the complex therapy of chronic infectious processes, during which resistance to broad-spectrum bacteriostatic drugs has arisen.

What kind of cough, dry or wet, "Muk altin" helps, you can check with your doctor.

Clinical specialists prescribe this remedy for the following conditions:

  • obstructive and other types of bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • tuberculosis.

In addition, this drug is used for pathologies such as laryngitis and pharyngitis, which are often a prerequisite for the development of damage to the lower respiratory system.

What kind of cough in children "Muk altin" is prescribed, every parent should know.

muk altin from which cough dry or wet
muk altin from which cough dry or wet


Pharmacological agent is contraindicated in the event of the following pathological conditions:

  • gastric or duodenal ulcer;
  • high sensitivity or intolerance to certain elements of the drug of an individual nature;
  • under 1 year old.

Drug interaction

The medicine "Muk altin", used for dry or wet cough, which often occurs with acute respiratory infections of the throat and nose, can be combined with the simultaneous use of other antitussives. It is not allowed to be used in concomitant therapy with drugs that suppress the cough reflex, mainly narcotic drugs (for example, codeine, an opium alkaloid, as a centrally acting drug, is used exclusively in the complete absence of mucous contents in the bronchi).

Regulations for admission and dosing regimen

In accordance with the information from the official instructions, the drug "Muk altin" is intended for oral use only. It is recommended to take the remedy 1 hour before meals with a tablet of water. However, there are other ways to take thismedicines, depending on personal preference and age of the patient:

  • put the pill in your mouth and suck;
  • according to age, dissolve the dosed volume of tablets (based on the daily dose) whole or in crushed form in 0.5 l of boiled cooled, but not cold water (children under 3 years old are allowed to make a solution in sweet tea and in water, to which a spoonful of honey is added, as well as in juices, syrups, compotes, etc.). Such solutions should be drunk throughout the day before meals;
  • for a single dose: dissolve a single dose of tablets in half a glass of liquid, take 30 minutes before meals.

The recommended course of therapy with this medication ranges from 7 to 14 days. If necessary: in case of recurrence of the disease, in severe cases or its chronic course, it would be advisable to continue taking the drug, but not more than one month. In the absence of normalization of the patient's condition, you need to stop taking it and contact a specialist.

at what cough give muk altin
at what cough give muk altin

The daily dosage of Muk altina for adults and children over the age of 12 is 6 tablets, the maximum is 8 tablets.

In cases of diffuse inflammation of the bronchi and symptoms of thick sputum, additional mucolytics should be taken, such as Bromhexine or Acetylcysteine

Children under three years of age are advised to give this cough suppressant three times a day, divided into 3 portions.

Use during pregnancy

The medicine "Muk altin" is one of the few pharmaceutical medicines recommended for all types of cough during pregnancy. Doctors consider its use safe not only for expectant mothers, but also for women who are breastfeeding.

Means "Muk altin" is also recognized as an effective prophylactic drug to strengthen the immune forces and resistance to SARS, which are most dangerous for pregnant women.

Thus, even well-known mucolytic drugs, such as Ambroxol or Bromhexine, are recognized as undesirable for use in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, which is explained by the negative impact on the development of the child. In clinical practice, it has been proven that the drug "Muk altin" is the safest remedy that does not harm the development of the fetus. This is partly due to the fact that only natural plant raw materials are used in the production of this pharmaceutical product.

what kind of cough do muk altin drink
what kind of cough do muk altin drink

It must be taken into account that at the beginning of therapy, a sharp increase in sputum viscosity and a deterioration in general condition are possible, but such symptoms disappear on their own after one to two days.

In addition, when prescribing the drug "Muk altin" to a pregnant woman, the doctor must take into account the fact that Althea extracts, as part of the medication, can increase the tone of the uterus, so you need to choose the right dose of the drug and determine the duration of therapy (which usually does not exceed 2 weeks).

Fromwhat kind of cough tablets "Muk altin" help, of course, it is important to know. But the development of possible side effects should also be taken into account.

Side effects

This is a universal remedy for all types of cough, used to treat patients of all ages. However, even it can cause some adverse reactions, in the event of which it is necessary to consult a specialist and possible withdrawal of the drug. Negative side effects include:

  • allergic reactions (dermatosis, pruritus);
  • digestive disorders (dyspepsia, nausea).

This medication does not affect the nature of the psychomotor and intellectual functions of the patient's brain, therefore, when using it, activities are allowed that require increased concentration of attention (driving a car).

muk altin with which cough to take adults
muk altin with which cough to take adults

For what kind of cough do they drink Muk altin?

When answering the question of what kind of cough you need to use the drug "Muk altin" - wet or dry, it must be said that this medication is a universal medical remedy for combined effects, equally effective both in the development of unproductive and wet cough. The main thing is not to self-medicate and be sure to follow the instructions.


Pharmacological agent can be found in any pharmacy, it is sold without a prescription. The cost of this medication ranges from 7 to 55 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package.

With what cough to take "Muk altin", now it's clear. What can replace it?


Muk altin, a cough medicine, has no absolute structural analogues, but there are many medicines on the domestic pharmaceutical market that have an identical therapeutic effect. Among these drugs can be noted:

  • "Libeksin";
  • Bithiodin;
  • Glaucin;
  • Broncholithin;
  • "Stoptussin";
  • "Pexelidine";
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Gedelix;
  • "Thermopsis";
  • Carbocysteine;
  • Bronchicum.
  • pills muk altin from which cough
    pills muk altin from which cough


From which cough "Muk altin", dry or wet, helps better, not everyone knows.

This medicine is familiar to many since childhood. According to consumers of such pharmacological products, this drug is highly safe and effective. Patients say that when using it, side reactions almost never occur, the medicine is well tolerated not only by adults, but also by children, and quickly eliminates cough in the earliest stages of its occurrence. With more advanced forms of this symptom, the duration of treatment slightly increases, however, and in such cases, many people prefer this particular remedy, since it is made only from natural raw materials.

We looked at what kind of cough they take "Muk altin"..
