Surely in the medicine cabinet of every person there are valerian tablets or its alcohol extract. It is a sedative that helps to calm down in stressful situations, eliminates sleep-related problems and relieves feelings of anxiety.
Besides, it is inexpensive, and you can buy it without a prescription at any pharmacy. But what many do not know for sure is that if the dose of the drug used is not observed, an overdose of valerian is possible, which will be discussed now.

First, you need to briefly talk about it. Valerian, in whatever form it is released, contains the following substances:
- Essential oil. It is this, by the way, that causes the smell of the medicine. The composition of the oil, in turn, includes sesquiterpenes, bornylizovalerianate, terpineol, borneol, isovaleric acid and pinene.
- Free valeric and valeric acids.
- Triterpene glycosides.
- Organic acids(malic, formic, stearic, acetic, palmitic).
- Tannins.
- Valepotriates.
- Free amines.
The combination of all of the above components ensures the onset of a sedative effect after taking the drug. Interestingly, the highest concentration of substances is found in the rhizomes of plants collected either in early spring or late autumn. They are used in the production of medicines.

Drug action
Before you talk about an overdose of valerian, you should remember how this remedy works. Its application results in the following:
- Slow heart rate.
- Vasodilation.
- Inhibition of the central nervous system. It is thanks to this that a person relaxes, calms down and falls asleep quickly.
- More intensive production of gastric juice.
- Lower blood pressure.
- Elimination of muscle spasms of the digestive organs.
- Relaxation of the urinary system.
- Lower blood pressure.
The effect is especially noticeable after prolonged use of the drug. It is shown, as you might guess, with migraines, vegetovascular dystonia, insomnia and nervous excitement.
Consumption rate
It is precisely because of its non-compliance that an overdose of valerian may occur. To avoid this trouble, it must be remembered that the daily dose is 200 mg. This is the recommendation of medical professionals.
Although some manufacturers producethe drug is in capsules, and each of them contains from 200 to 350 mg of the substance, which is an exorbitant dose. Yes, and many people are used to taking this remedy about three times a day for 30-40 drops or 3-4 tablets.
Doctors say: if you drink the drug in such quantities, there is a risk of experiencing for yourself what an overdose of valerian is.
In tablets, in liquid form or in capsules - no matter in what form a person takes this remedy. To achieve a good therapeutic effect, it is necessary not to increase the amount, but to take it correctly. That is, according to the individual scheme developed by the doctor.

Admission recommendations
To avoid an overdose of valerian, you need to remember the following information:
- The maximum number of tablets allowed per day is 10 pcs.
- If the drug is drunk in a course, in order to stabilize the condition, then it is worth drinking 35 drops three times a day, diluted in a small amount of water. Or 2 tablets, also 3 times a day.
- If you need to quickly calm down, then 40 drops one time will be enough. Or 5 tablets.
- Children use of tincture is contraindicated. ½ tablet once a day is enough for them (from 7 years old).
- Children aged 4 to 7 should not be given more than ¼ tablet per day. That is, they only need 5 mg.
Following these recommendations will help avoid he alth problems and eliminate the need to look for answers to the question of what will happen fromoverdose of valerian tablets or drops.
What about the duration of use? It is set on an individual basis. Doctors say that the optimal period for taking the drug is 10 days. Maximum - 1 month.
Possible drug reaction
Continuing to talk about whether there is an overdose from valerian, it should be noted that the body of each person can react differently to taking it.
Some have a severe allergic reaction, poisoning by any component of the drug, which is fraught with laryngeal edema and anaphylactic shock. And this, by the way, sometimes causes death if help is not provided in time.
Even if such global proposals are excluded, there are still consequences, because long-term use of this drug is addictive. You have to either increase the dose or stop taking it. None of the options can be called the best, since in both cases there will be consequences.

The consequences of an overdose of valerian
Many people ignore the above recommendations. Some significantly increase the dose of the drug, others do not stop taking it after the prescribed 10-30 days, but continue to drink it further.
The result is poisoning with this drug. Can you die from an overdose of valerian? No, but there will be consequences. These include:
- Inhibition of nervous activity. A person will have to deal with constant lethargy, apathy,drowsiness, depression and bad mood.
- Slowness. It manifests itself in drawn out, sluggish speech, slow thinking of decisions and weakened reactions.
- Weakening of muscle tissues. A person literally cannot hold a spoon in their hands.
- Overexcitement. The effect is the opposite of the previous one, but it also occurs often. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Often an overdose of valerian (in drops or tablets - it does not matter) leads to overexcitation of the nervous system. Because of this, a person's hands begin to shake and dizzy, coordination of movements is lost, pupils dilate.
- Increased blood pressure. With excessive consumption of the drug, the opposite effect on the cardiovascular system is possible.
- Indigestion. It is indicated by heartburn, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
- Violation of the stool. Digestive problems with an overdose may not be, but constipation is quite.
If a person has been taking valerian for quite a long time, and he has some of the symptoms listed, he should immediately consult a therapist for advice and, of course, stop drinking the drug.

Infusion overdose
This case needs to be considered separately. Drops are stronger and faster than tablets, and they are also based on alcohol, so the consequences are different.
It has already been said above about what happens from an overdose of valerian takensystematically. But in the case of drops, there is a danger of poisoning after the first dose.
Theoretically, even death is possible. True, if you drink 1-2 liters of infusion at a time, it is unlikely that anyone in their right mind will come to mind.
So, having gone too far with drops, a person runs the risk of encountering such manifestations:
- Severe migraine-like headache.
- Something like confusion.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Slow heart rate (bradycardia).
- Allergic reaction.
At home, a person can be helped within a few hours after taking the drops. Then the drug is completely absorbed, absorbed into the blood, and you will have to call an ambulance. To prevent this from happening, you need to drink 1-2 liters of clean water and induce vomiting. The drug will come out with the masses.
As a rule, this gastric lavage helps. But if after some time the symptoms have not subsided, you will need to call an ambulance.

First Aid
There was an overdose of valerian - what to do? First of all, as mentioned above, perform a gastric lavage. But before that, call an ambulance.
You can reduce the absorption of the components of the drug from the intestines by taking some sorbent. The most popular options are Smecta and Polysorb.
You can also do an enema. It is put on the basis of ordinary water at room temperature. For greater efficiency, it is recommendedrepeat the procedure several times.
Even poisoned drink is recommended. Plain water, mineral water, sweet tea will do. The fluid will help replenish the water balance. This is important, because due to vomiting, reserves are depleted. Plus, the liquid will help speed up the excretion of the drug from the body by the kidneys.
In rare cases, people faint from taking valerian. If this happens, then it is necessary to moisten cotton wool in ammonia and let the poisoned person smell it. This usually helps. If a person has not regained consciousness, it is necessary to lay him on a flat surface, and turn his head to one side. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to control his breathing and pulse.

If it turns out that a person has a severe form of drug poisoning, he will be hospitalized. In stationary conditions, he will be washed and prescribed restorative therapy, which involves taking various medications (antihistamines, vitamins, etc.).
Of course, you will have to stop taking valerian. If its use is indicated to a person in connection with any diseases or disorders, the therapist will select a suitable harmless analogue.