In the article, consider the tablets "Tanakan". From what disease to take them, we will tell below. The drug acts as a medicinal preparation, which is produced on a plant basis from the extract of the leaves of Ginkgo biloba biloba. It is produced by a French company called Ipsen Pharma, using exclusively high-quality raw materials that are grown in the USA on ginkgo plantations. What is unique about Tanakan? What is it for?
About the drug
This drug has properties that regulate the functioning of blood vessels, it improves their tone. The components of the drug have anti-edematous and antioxidant effects. It is interesting to note that "Tanakan" is currently used with great success in sixty countries around the world. It contains not one component, but a whole complex of them, we will talk about this later.

Composition of tablets
The described drug is produced in the form of a solution and pills. In this article, we will consider the form and application of tablets. So, the composition of "Tanakan" includes the main component, which is the extract of ginkgo leaves in the amount of 40 milligrams. As for excipients, they are lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, corn starch, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.
The active ingredients in Tanakan (we are talking about flavonoid glycosides, bilobaids, terpene substances and gynoclides contained in ginkgo leaves) can have a number of positive effects on the general condition of the vascular and nervous system of the human body. They have an effect on cell metabolism, improving blood microcirculation along with its rheological properties.
Tanakan tablets: what disease should I take them for?
The presented drug is appropriate for use in patients with the following pathologies and conditions:
- Impaired cerebral circulation of various origins (with the exception of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease).
- Deterioration of visual acuity.
- Vision problems of vascular origin.
- Development of obliterating endarteritis.
- The appearance of disorders in the coordination of movements.
- Occurrence of hearing loss.
- Presence of dizziness on the background of vascular pathologies.
- The presence of the consequences of cranial and brain injuries.
- Post-stroke conditions (impaired memory, sleep andattention).
- Development of asthenic conditions, which are caused by traumas or depressions of a psychogenic or neurotic nature.
- The occurrence of Raynaud's disease.
And all this is treated with Tanakan tablets. From what disease to take them, the doctor will tell.

Contraindications to this remedy
So, we have described the testimony of "Tanakan". We will find out further in which cases it is not prescribed. This tool is not always possible to use in treatment. Usually contraindications are such factors:
- Increased sensitivity to the ingredients that make up the drug.
- The patient's age is under eighteen.
- When pregnant or lactating.
- The appearance of exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the digestive system.
- The occurrence of exacerbation of erosive gastritis.
- When myocardial infarction.
- Having lactose deficiency or intolerance along with congenital galactosemia.
- Against the background of malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption of components) of glucose and galactose.
- Reduced blood clotting.
It is also important to say that the drug can be prescribed with great care for serious liver pathologies. This is confirmed by the instructions for use. The price of Tanakan tablets will be presented below.
Now let's move on to the question of the use of the drug and find out how and in what quantity it should be used for treatment.
Tanakana tablets are recommended to be taken duringmeal time, they are washed down with half a glass of water. The duration of drug treatment is determined by the doctor and, as a rule, can be about one to three months. The first signs of improvement are usually observed after a month.

The doctor must necessarily warn the patient that the drug "Tanakan" contains lactose, in this regard, they should not be taken by people who suffer from congenital galactosemia, lactase deficiency, and in addition, glucose malabsorption syndrome. For such patients, experts recommend taking the drug in question in the form of a solution. As part of your treatment, unless otherwise directed by your doctor, take one tablet (40 milligrams) three times daily, with your meals.
Tanakan side effects
Against the background of the use of this remedy in patients, some allergic reactions are possible, which can manifest as a rash, redness, swelling and itching of the skin. On the part of the blood, a decrease in the rate of its coagulability is possible. And with prolonged treatment, the occurrence of bleeding is not excluded. Eczema may appear on the skin. The digestive system is able to respond with abdominal pain, as well as various disorders in the form of diarrhea (diarrhea), vomiting and nausea. The nervous system sometimes responds to the drug with headaches, dizziness and tinnitus.
"Tanakan" for children
This medicine is contraindicated before the age of majority, but in rare cases doctors may prescribe it. And sometimes itprescribed even for babies in infancy who suffer from pathologies of cerebral circulation, intracranial increased pressure or dysfunction of the autonomic system. The use of the drug in question in pediatrics is possible only for individual indications.
Immediately before the appointment, the child must undergo a neurological examination, which includes Doppler ultrasound of the brain and neurosonography. The medication should only be taken under regular medical supervision. The dosage of "Tanakan", exactly like the duration of its administration, in pediatric practice is determined individually, which directly depends on the severity of the pathology and the age of the child.

Interaction of "Tanakan" with other medicines
This drug in tablets can be used with many pharmaceuticals, however, its use should not be combined with Warfarin or Aspirin, as such an interaction can cause an increase in the risk of bleeding. In the case of taking with alcohol, it is worth considering the possibility of a reaction to alcohol (in the form of a rapid heartbeat and reddening of the skin), and therefore it is better not to allow such a combination.

It is not desirable to use the drug simultaneously with such medicines as "Disulfiram" along with "Cefomandole", "Latamoxef", "Cefoperazone" (cephalosporin antibiotic), "Chloramphenicol"(fenicol antibacterial drug); Chlorpropamide, Glipizide, Glibenclamide, Tolbutamide, Griseofulvin (antifungal), Ketoconazole, Procarbazine, Metronidazole, and Trichopolum.
Use in the elderly
In what cases is it advisable to use "Tanakan" in old age? Stroke, along with chronic forms of cerebral vascular insufficiency, are the most common neurological diseases in the older age group of patients. Cerebral vascular insufficiency is one of the most common factors of disability among the elderly. Along with this, the treatment of such deviations and pathologies remains a very difficult problem for modern society.
Obviously, the doctor's primary task is to treat the underlying vascular disease, which can be atherosclerosis of the cerebral circulatory system, hypertension, as well as thrombosis and thromboembolism. As part of therapy today, doctors widely use drugs that affect neuronal metabolism and cerebral microcirculation. Among them, Tanakan is considered to be very promising in the field of pharmaceuticals and medicine. It is famous for its vasoactive and metabolic effects.
In addition to the objective positive impact on cognitive function in patients suffering from vascular dementia, the use of "Tanakan" in the elderly contributes to a significant improvement in the overall well-being of older people. After treatment, as a rule, the severity of subjective symptoms in the form ofheadaches, dizziness, noise in the head, fatigue and more.
Since such manifestations are often associated with a moderate or mild depressive disorder, which is very characteristic of the elderly, the observation of positive dynamics of subjective symptoms makes it possible to speak of a mild antidepressant property of Tanakan. It should be noted that treatment with this drug in old age is selected purely individually, depending on the degree of manifestation of pathological changes in the body.

Currently, different companies produce a lot of preparations based on the extract of the leaves of the ginkgo plant. Due to the outstanding medicinal properties of the main component, such medicines are very popular all over the world.
All these medicines are analogues of Tanakan tablets, among them it is worth mentioning Bilobil along with Ginkgo Biloba, Gingium, Ginkoum, Memoplant, Vitrum memory and Ginos. But do not forget that the replacement of "Tanakan" with any of the analogues should be carried out only after consulting a doctor.
Drug price
The drug "Tanakan" in tablets will cost consumers from four hundred and thirty to six hundred rubles for thirty pills. For ninety pieces, the buyer must pay about one thousand two hundred rubles. You can buy this remedy in a regular pharmacy or on the Internet without a prescription from a doctor. Before use, you must consult a specialist. Let's take a look at the opinionsconsumers and find out what they write about this drug on the Internet.
People in the comments write that this medicine is well tolerated by the body, without causing severe adverse reactions. As a rule, patients notice a positive effect within three to four weeks after starting the drug.

It's worth mentioning that older people report better memory, fewer signs of nervousness, and no or fewer episodes of dizziness and headaches. Among other things, patients in the reviews say that thanks to this pharmaceutical, they have a normalization of vision and blood pressure.
But consumers are not satisfied with the inflated price of the drug. In addition, among the numerous comments, one can find complaints about the appearance of some disorders of the digestive system against the background of the use of this drug for treatment. But in general, people are satisfied and consider Tanakan tablets to be very effective. From what disease to take them is now known.