Powder "Rehydron": what is prescribed, instructions for use for children and adults

Powder "Rehydron": what is prescribed, instructions for use for children and adults
Powder "Rehydron": what is prescribed, instructions for use for children and adults

Consider why Regidron powder is prescribed. This is a drug intended for enteral use with rehydration and detoxification effects.

The dosage form of this remedy is a powder for the preparation of a solution, which should be taken orally. It is a white crystalline mass. After the powder dissolves in water, the resulting solution takes the form of a clear, colorless, odorless liquid with a s alty-sweet taste. The powder is packaged in laminated aluminum foil bags packed in cartons of 4 or 20 pieces.

rehydron powder for what
rehydron powder for what

The complex of active substances of the drug "Regidron" includes:

  • dextrose;
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium citrate;
  • potassium chloride.


To find out why Regidron powder is prescribed, let's describe its pharmacological action. The glucose present in the preparation promotes the absorption of citrates and s alts and supports the processes of metabolic acidosis. The osmolarity of the prepared solution is 260 mosm/l, the medium is slightly alkaline (pH 8.2).

Compared to conventional rehydration therapy solutions, this medicinal product has the lowest osmolarity. In addition, compared with analogues in the content of powder from poisoning "Rehydrone", the sodium concentration is quite low, and the potassium level is slightly higher, given that hypoosmolar solutions are the most effective. Low sodium reduces the chances of developing hypernatremia, and high levels of potassium quickly restore levels.

The pharmacokinetics of glucose and electrolytes, which are part of the drug, corresponds to the pharmacokinetics of these substances in the body.

Why is Regidron powder prescribed?

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • need to correct acidosis;
  • prevention of water and electrolyte imbalance during physical and thermal stress caused by intense sweating;
  • restoration of electrolyte and water balance in case of severe diarrhea (including cholera) or heat damage that caused changes in water and electrolyte metabolism;
  • rehydration therapy for mild to moderate acute diarrheadehydration.

The main thing is not to self-medicate.

rehydron powder instructions for use
rehydron powder instructions for use

List of contraindications

According to the instructions for use, Regidron powder is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • unconscious;
  • diabetes mellitus (any type);
  • functional disorders of the kidneys;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • high sensitivity to drug components.

This must be considered before appointment.


Find out how to drink Regidron for adults and children? The prepared solution is intended for enteral use, for this, the contents of 1 package of the medical product must be dissolved in 1 liter of boiled chilled water. The following dosing is recommended:

  1. Diarrhea: Take 50-100 ml of solution every 3-5 minutes. During the use of a nasogastric tube, such a procedure should last at least 3-5 hours. With a mild course of the pathological process, the daily dosage should be 40-50 ml per 1 kg of the patient's weight, with an average course - 80-100 ml per 1 kg. The instructions for "Rehydron" for children with diarrhea must be strictly observed.
  2. Maintenance treatment: 80-100 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day during the period of diarrhea, until complete restoration of electrolyte and water balance.
  3. Heat cramps, polyuria, thirst: 100-150 ml taken over 30 minutes, after which it must be repeated every 40 minutes until the pathological symptoms disappear.
  4. rehydron powder expiration date
    rehydron powder expiration date

Adverse reactions

When taking the medication, allergic reactions may occur. If you exceed the dosage of Regidron, there is a high risk of developing unpleasant symptoms.

Overdose symptoms

In the case of an excessively large amount of the solution taken orally or when using the agent in high concentrations, the risk of hypernatremia increases. The main manifestations of this pathological phenomenon are weakness, drowsiness, nervous and muscular excitement, coma, confusion, respiratory arrest.

In patients with reduced kidney function, there is a possibility of developing metabolic alkalosis, which is characterized by neuromuscular overexcitation, tetanic convulsions, and decreased lung ventilation. In addition, in this case, the development of hyperkalemia is possible.

In severe drug overdose with clear symptoms of metabolic alkalosis or hypernatremia, the drug should be discontinued. Further therapy is prescribed based on laboratory tests and diagnostic results.

Special Recommendations

Not everyone understands why take Regidron powder. If a person loses more than 10% of body weight in severe forms of dehydration (anuria), it is necessary to restore by prescribing intravenous infusions with medicines and drugs for rehydration with the further use of the agent described by us.

Not required to be confirmed by laboratory testsin the additional use of electrolytes, it is impossible to increase the recommended dosing regimen. A high concentration of the drug solution can provoke the development of hypernatremia. For vomiting and nausea, this medicine is recommended to be taken in small amounts chilled. It is forbidden to add sugar to the drug solution. You can eat immediately after successful rehydration.

how to drink rehydron for adults
how to drink rehydron for adults

What else does the instructions for use for Regidron powder tell us?

In case of poisoning accompanied by vomiting, the drug should be taken after 10 minutes slowly, in small sips. Dehydration in people with diabetes mellitus, kidney failure and other chronic diseases requires monitoring of their condition during drug therapy, since dehydration provokes an electrolyte, acid-base or carbohydrate imbalance.

In the event of loose stools with blood impurities, hyperthermia with high rates (more than 39 ° C), duration of diarrhea for more than 5 days, abrupt cessation of diarrhea, development of a vivid pain syndrome, cessation of urination, the appearance of slow speech in the patient, excessive fatigue, sudden drowsiness or the inability of the patient to talk, you need to urgently see a doctor.

For diarrhea associated with cholera and other severe intestinal infections, this solution may not be sufficient to achieve electrolyte balance.

Use during lactation and pregnancy

During pregnancy and inthe period of the lactation process in the recommended dosages, it is allowed to use Regidron, but before that it is recommended to get a doctor's recommendation.

Use in childhood

How to breed Regidron for a child is described in detail in the instructions. There are no age restrictions on the use of this medical product, therefore, in the treatment of children, it can be used at any age.

For children in the first year of life, the initial dosage should not be more than 5-10 ml (the volume of a teaspoon). It is necessary to take a medicinal solution every 10 minutes. During the day, the baby should be given no more than 30-50 ml of medication per 1 kg of body weight.

rehydron powder for what to take
rehydron powder for what to take

With indomitable vomiting in a child, it is recommended to wait out the attack and only then give the drug. It is very important that the child does not immediately drink a large amount of the solution, since excessive filling of the stomach provokes vomiting. It is necessary to give the child the drug to drink often, but in small doses - so the medicine will be absorbed faster in the digestive tract and provide the necessary therapeutic effect.

In especially severe conditions, the child can be given "Rehydron" at the rate of 80-100 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

Drug Interactions

How to drink Regidron for adults and children together with other medicines? Since the finished medical solution has a slightly alkaline reaction, it can in a certain way affect the effectiveness of medications, the absorption of which depends on the level of acid-alkaline intestinal balance.

Expiry date of Regidron powder and ready solution

Medication in powder form has a shelf life of 3 years. The prepared solution must be used within a day. After the expiration of this time, it is considered unsuitable for reception.

rehydron instruction for children with diarrhea
rehydron instruction for children with diarrhea


The price of powder for oral administration "Regidron" varies between 15-20 rubles per sachet. It depends on the region and pharmacy chain.


Medication analogues are:

  1. "Hydrovit" is a medicine that contains the following active elements: dextrose monohydrate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium hydrocitrate. This medicinal product is used for diarrhea for electrolyte replacement and rehydration, and as a prophylactic for electrolyte disorders resulting from excessive sweating during hyperthermia or increased physical exertion.
  2. "Trigidron" is a pharmacological drug, the therapeutic effect of which is aimed at removing toxins from the body and replenishing the lost fluid in it, lost as a result of vomiting or diarrhea during poisoning and other pathological conditions. This medication is produced in Russia by the pharmaceutical company Marbiopharm. The powder contains in its composition such substances as potassium chloride, dextrose monohydrate, sodium chloride and citrate, has a high activity when penetrating into the intercellular space, rapidly leavingvascular bed.
  3. "Citraglucosolan" is a medicine that is a combination of several basic substances: glucose, sodium chloride, sodium citrate and potassium chloride. This medication is indicated for the appointment of those patients who need help with the onset of mild to moderate dehydration, which can be triggered by infectious diseases and their consequences, for example, diarrhea. The drug should be prescribed for prophylaxis in order to avoid violations of s alt and water metabolism, as well as in the treatment of patients experiencing high physical exertion.
  4. "Reosolan" - an analogue of the "Regidron", with an absolutely identical composition. This remedy is used for violations of electrolyte and water balance during dehydration (thirst, polyuria), diarrhea, heat damage, acidosis, intense sweating (physical and thermal stress).
  5. rehydron dosage
    rehydron dosage


Most of the patients who used Regidron powders left positive feedback about it. They characterize this medication as a remedy that has been confirming its effectiveness and safety for many years. Many patients note that this remedy always pleases with its low cost and availability in almost every pharmacy.

As for the action of the drug "Regidron", it perfectly removes signs of dehydration. The drug is considered an indispensable tool in the treatment of various poisonings (in particular, food poisoning), when the patient experiences vomiting and diarrhea. The powder is easily diluted with water, that is,its preparation is convenient and simple. The taste of the finished solution is slightly s alty. Patients note that the medicine does not have a smell, so it is not difficult to take it with nausea. If you know why Regidron powder is taken, the effect will be, but it will not be achieved immediately, after about a few hours.

Negative reviews are few, but they contain information that this drug causes some adverse reactions, in particular - allergic manifestations on the skin, a violation of the processes of digestion of food. Doctors note that this medication does not contribute to the occurrence of disorders in the digestive tract, and such symptoms occur, most likely due to other pathological conditions and causative factors. According to medical experts, "Regidron" today is the main drug that has an absolutely safe effect on all body systems, quickly eliminating clinical signs of dehydration without harm to he alth.

The reviews also indicate that this medicine is well tolerated by children, adverse reactions to it are extremely rare. When using it in childhood, it is very important to follow the dosing regimen and the rules of administration.

We looked at why taking Regidron powder.
