Medical workers are a separate category of representatives of the Russian population. It should be noted that this group of persons has a certain status, represented by a combination of certain duties and rights provided for by the current law. Next, consider their list in more detail.

Who is a he alth worker
Before proceeding to a detailed study of the list of duties of medical workers and their rights, it is worth paying attention to who belongs to this group of people.
He alth worker is rather a generalized concept. This group includes all doctors of both broad and narrow specializations, whose activities are related to the prevention, diagnosis and effective treatment of various diseases at a high professional level.
Currently, special attention is paid to the education of medical workers. It must be special, and most specializations requirehighly qualified. Separately, it is also noted that any medical worker must have a certain set of personal qualities, among which humanity, attentiveness and philanthropy are mandatory.

Requirements for medical workers
It is worth noting that modern legislation puts forward a certain list of requirements that any worker in the medical field must meet. First of all, they relate to the presence of a certain level of special education, as well as additional knowledge:
- current legislation;
- normative acts included in the system of current legislation and related to the he althcare sector;
- in the field of social services for the population.
Of course, any doctor should have an excellent supply of theoretical knowledge, corresponding to his qualifications. Moreover, the knowledge gained in the learning process, the medical worker must skillfully and effectively use in the practice of providing social and medical services to the population.
In addition to having an education and excellent knowledge of theory, any specialist in the field of medicine must have a certain baggage of real practical skills in treating people. Skills acquired in the course of activities in the field of pediatrics, geriatrics, diagnostics and gerontology are considered standard. The need for all other skills depends entirely on the specific specialization of the doctor.
To the number of requirements for a medical workerit is also worth highlighting that he has a sufficient amount of practical knowledge in the field of working with technical tools, equipment, as well as the basic safety rules when carrying out professional activities in the field of his own specialization.
diseases in which he is a specialist. In order to constantly meet all the established requirements, any physician must regularly take advanced training courses, as well as take part in various educational programs aimed at developing new professional skills of a specialist.

General List of Rights
Special attention should be paid to the general list of rights of medical workers. The following specialist capabilities are enshrined at the legislative level by the content of Article 10 of the Federal Law "On protecting the he alth of citizens".
The basic rights of he alth professionals include the following:
- to protect dignity and honor (in the field of professional activities);
- to ensure normal conditions for conducting professional activities;
- for decent labor protection;
- to improve professional knowledge;
- to work under a contract or agreement;
- for retraining in the event that a specialist is unable to perform his job duties for certain valid reasons;
- for insurance of a mistake made in the course of professional activities;
- to create professional organizations of a non-profit type;
- to use the means of communication of a medical institution where the employee works free of charge and without hindrance.
Let's take a closer look at some of the most significant rights of he althcare workers.

The right to practice and practice medicine
Among the basic rights of workers in the field of medicine, special attention should be paid to the opportunity provided to them to conduct professional activities, but only to those that are permissible by the level of qualification acquired in the prescribed manner.
It is worth noting that only those persons who have received in the prescribed manner a document confirming the presence of a certain qualification in a particular field (diploma, license, certificate of a specialist, special title) have the right to carry out practical activities in the speci alty in question.
As for the medical practice of a private nature, its conduct is allowed only if there is a special license for that, which can only be issued by the licensing and attestation commission. In the event that the activities of the doctor are carried out withoutthe existence of this document or at the end of its term, then it is recognized as illegal. Violation of this provision entails criminal or administrative liability.
Right to contract work
Modern legislation gives all qualified medical workers the right to work under an employment contract or contract. Moreover, Russian specialists also have the right to work under such conditions not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also abroad. Within the Russian Federation, the conclusion of such contracts with doctors should take place exclusively in accordance with the norms of labor law.
The right to defend dignity and honor
It is worth noting that all categories of medical workers have the full right to protect their own honor and dignity in the professional sphere, which is prescribed not only in the Law "On the Protection of the He alth of Citizens", but also in Art. 152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This also includes the right to protect business reputation.
It is worth noting that the statutory limitation period does not apply to the protection of this right. Moreover, doctors, like any other person, have every right to compensation for moral damage suffered on this basis.
An attack on the honor and dignity of a medical worker is recognized as actions that were committed by other persons, presented in the form of spreading untrue rumors about a certain doctor or organization of medical workers that contradict reality. Also here you can note slander and insults,directed towards the medical worker and, in particular, his professional qualities.
Eligibility for professional error insurance
Mistakes are often made in medical practice. Modern legislation provides for the right of doctors to insure it, but only if the damage to the patient was caused not as a result of the negligence or negligence or inaction of the doctor.
When considering this right, it is worth highlighting a certain list of insured events, from liability for which any specialist in the field of medicine is insured:
- Patient death due to unintentional error;
- causing harm to the he alth of the patient in the process of establishing a diagnosis;
- harming in the course of treatment.
Practitioners quite often note that the problem of professional liability insurance for employees in the medical field is the most relevant at the present time.
Today, the right in question can be exercised by concluding a separate civil liability insurance contract. His conclusion occurs when there is a certain risk of harm to the he alth or life of the patient in the course of medical intervention. This agreement can also be concluded in relation to a third party, with his close relatives.
Within the framework of such a document, in the event of some harm to the patient, the insured (the medical institution where the specialist works)assumes liability for possible harm caused to him during the operation or any other intervention. In this situation, the insured person is a medical worker who treats a person specified in the agreement.
It is worth noting that in the process of concluding such an agreement, the parties must necessarily reach an agreement on the following issues:
- contract term;
- a certain insured event, i.e. that specific situation, upon the occurrence of which claims may be made against the insured regarding compensation for material damage for the harm caused;
- the amount of the sum insured to be paid in the event of a specified situation.
The right to refuse treatment and observation of the patient
Among the general list of rights of medical workers is the possibility of their rightful refusal to observe a patient or treat him. When considering this point, it is worth paying attention to the criteria for the legitimacy of refusal, which are:
- no threat to the he alth and life of the patient as a result of a perfect refusal;
- the presence of an appropriate sanction of an official of the he alth facility, which may be the chief physician or head of a particular department;
- non-compliance by the patient with the established internal rules of the clinic or the doctor's instructions.
The right to improve professional knowledge
Considering this opportunity provided by the legislator for all representativesof the population that are part of the group of he alth workers, it is worth noting that it is closely related to their obligation to regularly improve their professional skills. It is worth noting that the presence of extensive experience in the field of medicine is not a reason for avoiding advanced training courses for medical workers, as well as other types of educational programs.
The relevance of the regular use of this right is due to the fact that modern medicine is a rapidly developing industry, which requires strict adherence by experts in this field to all new trends in the treatment of patients.
Additional education that doctors can receive can be presented in the form:
- thematic training on selected issues (from 72 hours);
- conducting thematic and problematic seminars (72-100 hours);
- long-term training (more than 100 hours), after which the accreditation of a medical worker can be increased. In the course of such training, specialists study certain problems in the profile of their professional activity.
It is worth noting that at the end of specialized training, certification of medical workers is carried out, during which the level of acquired knowledge is checked.
At the request of the employee, his professional retraining can be carried out. At the end of the course, certification of medical workers is also carried out and a diploma is issued to them, confirming the fact of retraining.
It should be noted thatspecialists in the area under consideration are interested in regularly improving their own qualifications, since its level directly affects the amount of wages. So, on average, medical workers with a low level of qualification earn about 30,000 rubles, while high-class specialists have a salary of 20-30 thousand more.

Having considered the list of rights, it is worth paying special attention to the obligations established by law for a group of medical workers. Speaking about normative regulation, it is worth noting that they are prescribed in the content of articles 70, 71 and 73 of the Federal Law "On protecting the he alth of citizens of the Russian Federation".
Thus, based on the information provided in these sources, the list of duties of doctors includes the following:
- comply with the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation in the process of performing their professional activities;
- provide medical assistance in accordance with the existing qualifications and job description, as well as official duties;
- prescribe drugs for certain diseases, and, if necessary, write prescriptions for them;
- to fully comply with the principles of deontology and medical ethics;
- regularly improve the level of their professional training;
- ensure the safety of medical confidentiality learned as a result of official duties.

About the Federal Register of He alth Professionals
Considering the topic of duties and rights of workers in the field of medicine, it is worth paying special attention to the FRMR - a system created at the federal level, with which you can safely track the quantitative and qualitative composition of workers in the he althcare sector in the Russian Federation.
Information about all employees in the field of medicine who have certain qualifications in the field of activity in question is entered into the specified database.
The main purpose of the Federal Register of Medical Workers is that it is used to collect information about the country's medical workers, as well as to process and analyze the information received. As practice shows, this database is a powerful tool that helps to make various decisions on various issues in the field of he althcare, as well as providing information and analytical support for medical activities.

Among the data entered into this database are not only the full names of doctors and their place of work, but also the degree of accreditation of medical workers and those areas of activity in which they are outstanding specialists.