There is such a wide variety of individual intolerances in the world that sometimes the question arises as to whether there can be an allergy to chicken. It turns out, maybe, although it is not one of the most common. It also includes a reaction to chicken feathers, eggs and fluff.

Causes of chicken allergy
In itself, the meat of this bird is recommended as a diet. But even this type of product can cause an allergic reaction. The causes are purine and serum albumin, which are part of the meat protein. Another cause of the disease may be alpha-galactose. It can cause a person to go into anaphylactic shock.

It also happens that a food allergy to chicken does not always manifest itself. Then they talk about the possible presence in the meat of drugs that are usually used for the growth of birds. Or, when eaten, there were feathers on the skin. In this case, the reaction will be on them.
Chicken meat must be cooked before eating. It is desirable before this semi-finished product alsoto freeze. All these actions contribute to the destruction of allergens.
Who can get sick?
Chicken allergy can occur in those whose parents also suffer from this disease. Here we are talking about genetic predisposition.
The first symptoms of an allergic reaction appear in babies a few weeks old. Their body reacts to the product that is in the diet of a nursing mother.
Intolerance to poultry meat and other ingredients is cumulative. This means that with the first use of chicken, there will be no reactions of the body. When eating a large amount of meat, there may be an increase in the symptoms of the disease. Patients with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis have an increased risk of developing product intolerance.
Chicken Allergy: Symptoms
The reaction of the body to poultry meat is the same as to other foods to which a person has an individual intolerance.

Chicken allergy symptoms are:
- rash on body;
- dry and rough areas;
- very intense itching that is almost unbearable;
- allergic rhinitis with severe nasal congestion and sneezing;
- itchy eyes, watery eyes, conjunctivitis;
- painful sores form on the gums and inside of the cheek;
- disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, namely diarrhea and nausea;
- dry cough.
How it manifests itselfanaphylactic shock?
In this condition, there is a sharp drop in blood pressure and dizziness. A person has impaired cardiac and respiratory activity. In this case, it is dangerous that the puffiness that has appeared is rapidly spreading not only over the face, but throughout the body. Swelling of the larynx is considered a very disturbing condition for children, as it can provoke suffocation.
How does an allergic reaction manifest itself in children?
Typically, the symptoms of a chicken allergy in a child are very similar to those in an adult.
Most of all children complain about itching. It is he who is the reason why their sleep and appetite are disturbed.

Allergy to chicken in infants is manifested primarily by a violation of the functions of the digestive apparatus. One of the main signs are colic and bloating, diarrhea, vomiting.
The child usually pulls his legs up to his stomach, refuses to eat. Do not forget that colic in babies is not only due to an allergic reaction to any product. Most of them cry and arch when introducing formula or new foods into mommy's diet.
When chicken allergy is caused by an intolerance to feathers and down, which are commonly found in pillows, there is rhinitis and coughing. In this case, there may also be swelling of the face and, accordingly, itching.
This disease can lead to a cross-allergic reaction. It manifests itself in intolerance to other types of meat. Sometimes it happens,that even the smell of these products causes another attack.
Diagnosis of disease in humans
If you suspect that you have an individual intolerance to poultry meat, you should seek the advice of a specialist.

After questioning, the doctor determines the causes of an allergic reaction to this product. In this case, a food diary is started for the child, which indicates all the products from the baby's diet.
In turn, the allergist sends the patient to a series of tests that allow you to identify what exactly he is allergic to. In addition, the internal organs are also examined, thanks to which you can find out about the quality of the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
Allergy Prevention
In order for a child or an adult not to be allergic to chicken, the diet should be controlled. A nursing mother should remove from use those foods that can cause individual intolerance. Complementary foods should be introduced gradually.
Chicken egg and meat is allowed for a child from two years old. They should be introduced into the diet in small portions. Be sure to observe the reaction of the body.
Cure disease
When diagnosing an individual intolerance to chicken, you should consult a doctor. He is the one who prescribes medication. It all depends on the symptoms of the disease and the age of the patient.

As a rule, it is necessary to take antihistamines to improve the patient's condition anddisappearance of primary symptoms. If the person's condition is severe, then other drugs are prescribed, for example, enterosorbents.
In very difficult situations, the specialist offers immunomodulatory therapy. From the name it is clear that when taking these drugs, immunity will be restored.
If there is a rash on the body, the doctor prescribes special ointments and creams. They will reduce the allergic reaction and relieve inflammation.
All medicines are selected by a specialist. It takes into account all the age characteristics of a person and the ongoing symptoms of the disease.
Individual intolerance to poultry meat in dogs
There are a lot of opinions about diseases in these pets. Some authors argue that there is no allergy in dogs to chicken and all the arguments are a myth. Let's try and we will understand this issue.
It is believed that if the dog itches, but it does not have fleas (according to the owner), then it all comes down to individual intolerance to any product. In fact, the owner of the animal may not see the very flea that makes his pet behave this way.

In the case when there are definitely no parasites, it is not worth claiming that this is definitely an allergy to chicken. This behavior of the dog may be a reaction to shampoos or medicines, indoor plants.
Dry food with chicken in animals is the least allergic reaction. As a rule, individual intolerance to soy, beefconsidered to be more common. But still, after you have given this or that product to the dog for the first time, you should observe its reaction and behavior.
If, after eating chicken feed, the animal began to itch, you can, of course, talk about individual intolerance. But this is not a fact. In fact, allergies can be to other components of this food, such as soy. Without analysis and contact with a specialist, this, unfortunately, cannot be found out. The most correct solution is to transfer the dog to a diet that lacks protein.
Each animal individually. If your friend's dog is diagnosed with a chicken allergy, it doesn't mean your pet is the same. To do this, you need to go to a veterinary clinic, where a specialist, after taking tests and samples for allergies, will confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis.
So, dog allergies to chicken are very rare. In the case when the pet itches all the time and behaves restlessly, you should contact a specialist to find out the reasons.