Food allergies in children are very common, so parents have a lot of questions about it. It is a reaction of the immune system to any product. This is a consequence of food intolerance, in which the immune system produces special antibodies to the protein that is part of the food that serves as an allergen.

Every time a child eats food containing allergens, the immune system comes into play. Such a reaction has various manifestations, ranging from digestive disorders, ending with anaphylactic shock. About the causes and symptoms of food allergies, and in addition, about the methods of treatment, we will tell in our article.
Food allergy
Theoretically, children can be allergic to any food. But often it is caused by eight products. These include cow's milk, eggs, wheat, nuts, peanuts, soy, fish and shellfish.
As you get older, some foods like milk, eggs, wheat and soybeansthe child's body develops tolerance. In this case, it is generally accepted that children outgrow the allergy. In this regard, the listed products rarely act as allergens for adults.
Food allergies in children and adults are often caused by nuts along with peanuts, fish and shellfish. Regardless of the time when the allergic reaction to these products first appeared, in childhood or already adulthood, it can remain for life.

As for food additives, such as flavors, colors and preservatives, they rarely cause an allergic reaction. As practice shows, this happens only in 0.22% of cases.
All parents should know how allergies manifest in children.
Frequency of food allergy
A real allergic reaction of the body to food is extremely rare - only three percent of people. But more than thirteen percent of people suspect that they have such a pathology.
Causes of food allergies in children
Currently, the mechanisms of incorrect immune responses, along with the factors provoking such a reaction, continue to be investigated. It is known that the formation of allergies in an infant begins, as a rule, immediately after birth. The causes of unhe althy conditions are determined by the following factors:
- Improper nutrition of a woman carrying a fetus.
- Features of intrauterine developmentbaby.
- Transmission of antibodies through milk as part of an incorrect mother's diet.
Supplementation while breastfeeding
Short-term breastfeeding, against the background of which artificial formula based on cow's milk was introduced into complementary foods, can cause allergies in children. The protein of this product is often capable of inducing an immune response. Based on this, in the case when a nursing mother does not have breast milk, its substitute must be selected only together with the doctor.
Another risk factor is a large amount of food in the first complementary foods. It is required to introduce products one by one, starting with the minimum dosage. It is important to monitor the reaction of the child's body. In this case, you should pay attention to the condition of the skin, stool, the presence of nasal discharge and the development of cough.
How do children develop allergies?

An allergic reaction of the body to foods can have the following manifestations:
- Skin may experience redness, itching, rash or swelling. These symptoms occur in ninety percent of cases.
- The respiratory system can react with sneezing, coughing and runny nose. A similar reaction occurs in 70% of cases. What other allergy symptoms do children have?
- The digestive system reacts with swelling of the lips or tongue. In this case, a person's condition can be complicated by nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, diarrhea, the appearance of blood in the feces, irritability and refusal to eat. Atbabies may experience weight loss.
- From the side of the heart and blood vessels, as a rule, there is a decrease in blood pressure, the appearance of dizziness and fainting.
Allergy symptoms in children should be identified in time, and the patient needs immediate help.
The following tests are being conducted to diagnose food allergies in children:
- Determination of the level of general and specific immunoglobulin E.
- Performing skin tests. As part of this study, prick tests are carried out in order to diagnose reactions of an immediate type. Patch tests are also performed to diagnose delayed-type reactions.
- Carrying out endoscopic examinations that reveal changes in the mucous membrane of the digestive system.
- Provocative testing. As part of such studies, the suspected food is canceled for several weeks, after which it is allowed to eat again, observing the reaction of the body.
Now consider how the treatment should be carried out.

Treatment of allergies in children
Complex therapy begins with limiting the use of the list of undesirable products. At the same time, fasting of patients is not allowed, especially without the supervision of a doctor at home. In the event that the disease is aggravated by bronchospasm, the following measures should be taken:
- Call an ambulance.
- Give your child an antihistaminedrug, according to the instructions.
- Ensure sufficient fresh air supply.
A similar principle of first aid should be followed for Quincke's edema, and in addition, for anaphylactic shock. In all these situations, urgent intervention by specialists is required. The medicine for allergies for children is selected by the attending physicians. After that, it is extremely important to comply with the prescribed dosage and frequency of administration. In addition to taking antihistamines, decongestants, leukotriene inhibitors, sorbents, and steroid sprays may also be needed.
One of the ways to treat allergies in children, which is used in combination with medications, is the process of hyposensitization. Immunotherapy involves the consistent and prolonged introduction of a certain amount of the allergen into the body. Over time, the volume of the substance increases. Against the background of this approach, sensitivity to the provoking component may decrease. The allergen is injected.
Hyposensitization for allergies in a child is prescribed if the medications have not had the desired effect. Regular use of sprays and tablets for six months or longer can cause a deterioration in the patient's condition, so it is often necessary to resort to immunotherapy. Given that the method is associated with some risk of a significant allergic reaction, injections are made in a medical facility.

Food allergy diet combined with targeted treatment likeusually gives excellent results. It is important at the same time to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations and not engage in self-administration of medications. With the use of folk remedies against the background of the body's predisposition, one should also be careful. Any manipulations should definitely be discussed with the doctor in order to avoid an even greater increase in symptoms.
Treatment of food allergies in infants
In the event that the baby is allergic, it is necessary to avoid complementary foods until the age of six months. Adding products is required in minimal doses and one type at a time. Only after the age of two can cow's milk be introduced along with chicken eggs, nuts and wheat.
In the treatment of milk allergy in a child, the state of the digestive system plays an important role. The development of dysbiosis, even at its early stage, can lead to an increase in the immune response. It is necessary to prescribe enterosorbents along with probiotics and other drugs in the following cases:
- with irregular bowel movements;
- appearance of constipation;
- presence of undigested particles in feces;
- intense colic.
In the event that there is an alternative, it would be better not to take medicines in the form of syrups, as they may contain various colors or flavors.
Mix Compilation
Treatment of allergies in an infant provides for a selection of special mixtures in the event that a newborn baby is bottle-fed. Hypoallergenic preparations are of two types: based on soy protein or hydrolyzed. The last type includes a protein that is broken down into individual amino acids.

From six months you can gradually switch to a hypoallergenic multi-component puree. Such dishes are vegetable, and in addition, berry or fruit. From ten months it is allowed to diversify the diet by adding mashed meat. Any stages of feeding are recommended to be clarified with your doctor.
With allergies in a child (you can see a photo of the symptoms of the disease in the article), who is breastfed, the mother needs to carefully monitor her diet. She must completely exclude refined foods from her diet, she must also never smoke, she must give up drinks that contain alcohol or dyes.
It is recommended to take food in portions, adhering to a certain schedule. All products must be natural and fresh.
How does a baby's milk allergy develop?
Reaction to cow's milk protein
The most common cause of allergies in children in the first 3 years of life is a reaction to cow's milk protein. For this reason, whole cow's milk is not recommended for children under the age of one.
Those babies who are on artificial feeding and are allergic to cow's milk are prescribed a mixture with split protein. After the allergic reaction has passed,children are advised to adhere to preventive hypoallergenic mixtures, avoiding products containing whole cow's milk protein until the age of three.
In 95% of cases, an allergy in a child (its symptoms are clearly visible in the photo) to cow's milk protein disappears by the age of three. Children who still have dairy intolerance are advised to take additional calcium supplements to make up for the deficiency of this element.
Allergy to fish and seafood
Food allergies in children, which are caused by fish as well as seafood, can persist throughout life. The development of tolerance to this type of food usually does not occur. In the presence of such a pathology, any fish dishes can cause a negative reaction, regardless of the type of their preparation. The reaction can be noted even because of the smell of boiled or stewed fish. Therefore, fish, along with crustaceans - shrimp or mussels - is important to completely exclude from the child's diet. The same applies to adults.

What to do with this type of allergy in a child? It is necessary to take into account the fact that fish acts as a source of protein, and in addition, essential omega-3 fatty amino acids. As a source of protein, fish can easily be replaced with meat, poultry or even dairy products, which are actually the main sources of this element for children and adults.
Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important for the development of the brain, and in addition, the vision of the child. During pregnancy, these beneficial elements pass through the placenta frommother to the fetus, in addition, they are present in breast milk. Omega-3 acids are very important for the development of the nervous system and intelligence in a child.
Thus, omega-3s are considered indispensable, since they are not formed in the human body, but must enter it through food. Unfortunately, they are found only in a few products, namely fish and some vegetable oils, such as linseed, hemp and mustard.
Some manufacturers add omega-3s to infant formula, dairy products. Thanks to this, in the event that a child does not like or cannot eat fish, he will receive omega-3 in his favorite yogurts, curds and desserts. Parents should look for just such products so that fish intolerance does not affect the he alth of the baby.
We found out if a child can have an allergy, and how to deal with it. We hope you find this information useful.