Laser in dentistry: indications for use, contraindications, reviews

Laser in dentistry: indications for use, contraindications, reviews
Laser in dentistry: indications for use, contraindications, reviews

The laser is now widely used in medicine. This can be said about the dental industry as well. Similar treatment is now carried out in many domestic clinics. But for what purposes is the laser used in dentistry? What are the indications for such treatment? Are there cases where it is contraindicated? How do experts themselves respond to such a technique? We will deal with all these important issues in the article.

What is this?

What is called a laser in dentistry? This is a special device designed to convert one type of energy into another. Specifically, into the energy of a narrowly directed radiation flux, which is valued in medicine and industry for certain properties.

"Laser" is an abbreviation here. This name is in English: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. In translation: "Intensification of light by forced radiation." Hence it becomes clear that the active component of any laser device is light. In this case, this is electromagnetic radiation in a specific range of frequencies and wavelengths of light.


Let's consider what types of lasers are used in dentistry:

  • Erbium.
  • Diode.
  • Neodymium.
  • Carbon dioxide.
laser whitening
laser whitening

The most common method

Diode laser in dentistry is the most common technique. It works in the invisible spectrum, and the radiation power can be adjusted by the dentist. The diode laser has a number of effects on soft tissues - removal, sterilization, coagulation, stimulation. It also affects hard tissues - it is used for sterilization and bleaching.

Thus, the laser in dentistry allows you to provide both therapeutic and surgical services to the population. Consider them separately.

Therapeutic dentistry

Dental laser procedures are generally painless. They are distinguished by their speed - the problem with which the patient applied can be completely solved in 5-10 minutes. The effectiveness of such treatment is quite high.

However, for a long time, laser treatment in dentistry was unpopular due to its high cost. But modern equipment allows specialists to provide high-quality care to patients at a reasonable price.

It is important to note that all therapeutic manipulations are carried out without anesthesia. Because they don't cause pain. Why laser treatment is primarily of interest to patients who are difficult to tolerate the effects of anesthetics.

The laser acts on a specific area of tissue at the cellular level. He canevaporate moisture in damaged cells, stimulate the body's defenses. Why only a few procedures are required to completely cure dental diseases. It should be noted that wounds with laser exposure to tissue heal and scar faster than when the same incision is made with a scalpel. Another important fact is that after laser treatment, the cases of recurrence of the disease are minimal.

erbium laser in dentistry
erbium laser in dentistry

Indications for laser therapy

Today the laser is widely used in dentistry. The indications for using this technique for therapeutic purposes are as follows:

  • Elimination of foci of inflammation that can form with stomatitis, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), herpes.
  • Sterilization of both open and closed cavities. This applies to pre-treatment of root canal fillings, as well as to periodontal canal treatments in diagnosing periodontitis.
  • Biostimulation shown to accelerate healing and soft tissue repair.
  • Immunomodulation. That is, stimulation of the body's defenses.
  • Reduction (or complete elimination) of the sensitivity of the tooth necks during erosion and wedge-shaped defects.

Very often used in dentistry laser in the treatment of periodontal disease and periodontitis in the early stages, with mild and moderate disease development. The use of a laser here helps to achieve the complete disappearance of periodontal canals by sterilizing them. At the same time, laser treatment helps to eliminate inflammation. Histhe impact stimulates the regeneration (recovery) of tissues, which in general accelerates the healing process.

Today we can say that the laser is an effective way to treat problems such as aphthous stomatitis, herpes sores on the lips, ulcers, as well as pathological cracks in the corners of the lips. With regard to non-dental diseases, the laser is currently successfully used for the following problems:

  • Leukoplakia.
  • Papillomas.
  • Lichen planus.
  • Fibromas.
laser dentistry reviews
laser dentistry reviews

Surgical Dentistry

In addition to conservative laser treatment in dentistry, this method is also used for various surgical operations. In particular, for cutting, coagulation, cutting, evaporation, removal of soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Laser is widely used in pediatric dentistry. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is a painless technique. This means that during the operation, the negative impact on the small patient is significantly reduced.

The use of a laser in surgery is also valuable because it eliminates bleeding and provides a sterile working field. The wounds heal quickly, do not swell. There is no need for stitching and further removal of stitches.

If you use a laser instead of the usual scalpel, then the dental operation is bloodless. In addition, the duration of the procedure is reduced. It should also be noted that during laser surgery there is no possibility of infection inwound. Healing is naturally faster, as is the overall recovery of the patient.

In the case of superficial surgical interventions, laser operation in a pulsed mode, anesthesia is not required even during the operation. And this is a very great advantage of the technique in relation to pregnant women, patients with serious cardiovascular diseases, people with individual intolerance to anesthetic drugs.

In the case of deep exposure, the patient notes only a slight soreness of the wound in the postoperative period. As for edema, in most cases it is completely absent.

diode laser in dentistry
diode laser in dentistry

Indications for laser surgery

Surgical dental surgery with a laser can be indicated in the following cases:

  • Removal of neoplasms of various nature: papillomas, epulis, hemangiomas, fibromas, cysts.
  • Gingivoplasty in the open area of the smile. The operation is performed to create an aesthetic contour of the gums.
  • Excision before filling overhanging gums.
  • Removal of overgrown gums before prosthetics.
  • Correction of frenulums of both tongue and lips.
  • Removal of gum hood over incompletely erupted teeth.
  • Deepening of the vestibule of the oral cavity.
  • Hemostasis. Stopping open bleeding in the mouth.

As for the bridles, with the help of a laser it is possible to correct them without bloodshed. There is also no need for stitches.

Sometimes there is a need for laser surgery before orthodontic procedures. In particular, a small vestibule plasty or gum surgery (to prevent recessions) may be required. If in these cases a laser is used instead of a scalpel, then healing, tissue repair is much faster.

laser in dentistry
laser in dentistry

Dental implants

One of the main indications for laser treatment is the restoration of teeth after implantation. The following procedures stand out here:

  • Gum cutting for implant placement.
  • Antiseptic treatment of the future implant bed.
  • Opening of implants after healing.
  • Treatment of reimplantitis.

Brushing teeth

Laser exposure allows you to change the shade of tooth enamel by 8-10 tones. Also, with the help of this technology, you can remove plaque and tartar. During treatment, a special gel is applied to the teeth. Under the action of a laser, its components penetrate the enamel and displace pigment cells from it. As a result of such exposure, the teeth are cleaned and become whiter.


Today, the use of laser in dentistry has been well studied. Contraindications to the use of this technique in the treatment of a patient are as follows:

  • Pathologies of the heart, vascular system in the stage of decompensation.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, in which there is a sharp, strong excitability of the patient.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Severe, severe stage of emphysemalungs.
  • Functional renal failure.
  • Severe diabetes.
  • Profuse bleeding.
  • Oncological nature of the disease.
  • Photodermatoses.
laser application in dentistry
laser application in dentistry

Expert reviews

Let's imagine the reviews about the laser in dentistry from the medical professionals themselves. Based on a review of their responses, the following can be said:

  • A lot of positive feedback from patients who applied for laser treatment of herpes. Using this technique, you can effectively neutralize rashes - the laser dries them well. You can also completely prevent rashes on the lips if, at the first symptoms of the disease, they are treated with laser beams.
  • Doctors call this method of dental surgery not only effective, but also convenient. In particular, in the treatment of complex cases of caries, when the gum grows into the resulting cavity. With the help of a laser, you can solve the problem in one visit.
  • Dentists first of all note the therapeutic effect of the laser on the gums. Literally before the eyes, edema dissolves, inflammation decreases. In addition, there is not even the slightest possibility of infection in the wound, which many patients are afraid of. When performing dental procedures with a laser, the doctor may also reduce the sensitivity of some tissues.
  • Another great feature of the laser, which can be read about in the reviews of dentists - the technique allows you to quickly stop bleeding in the oral cavity.
  • In many clinics, the laser is used not only for therapeutic and surgical procedures, but also for aesthetic - teeth whitening. According to patients, the technique gives good results.
laser treatment in dentistry
laser treatment in dentistry

It can be said that the future of dentistry lies with laser treatment and surgery. After all, this is a painless method that excludes the possibility of bleeding and infection. And an effective method for solving a number of dental problems, which is now becoming more accessible to a wide range of patients.
