Liquid oxygen is an active, mobile (has a lower viscosity than water) substance of blue color with pronounced paramagnetic properties. This substance was obtained at the end of the 19th century, and since then it has found application in many fields, such as medicine or various industries.

Despite the fact that liquid oxygen itself does not have a harmful effect on the environment, does not emit toxic substances, does not burn or explode, working with it requires compliance with safety regulations. The fact is that this element is a catalyst for the strong oxidation of other materials, which can lead to the ignition or explosion of other substances in oxygen-saturated air. Therefore, the premises where work is carried out must be equipped with gas atmosphere control sensors and special exhaust ventilation.
You need to know that prolonged exposure to air containing a high percentage of oxygen can cause respiratory damage. Smoking is prohibited in these rooms and, in principle, open flames are not permitted. The clothes of a man who worked in a high-content laboxygen in the atmosphere, should be ventilated for at least half an hour. In addition, when using this substance, it is necessary to adhere to the general safety rules for working with cryogenic substances.

One of the most serious drawbacks of this substance is its refrigerant properties, which makes it difficult to use when working with materials that, when strongly cooled, change their characteristics dramatically. The temperature of liquid oxygen at normal atmospheric pressure is –183°C. This chemical element freezes at -218.8°C, after which it turns into pale blue crystals.
Liquid oxygen applied:
- as an oxidizing agent in rocket fuel, usually combined with hydrogen or kerosene;
- in medicine as a preparation for subcutaneous injections, for the manufacture of oxygen cocktails, to provide the necessary microclimate, refueling of special equipment, in the manufacture of preparations to enhance the growth of microorganisms, etc.;
- in the engineering industry, liquid oxygen is used for various methods of welding, surfacing and cutting metals;

- in the metallurgical industry it is used for the production of steel, alloys and non-ferrous metals, as well as for the reduction of iron;
- used to improve the environment: water purification, recycling of materials, waste oxidation;
- used in the chemical industry for the production of oxyliquites (explosives, innow rarely used), various acids, acetylene and cellulose, as well as in the conversion of natural gas or methane.
Where to buy liquid nitrogen and oxygen?
No problems should arise with the purchase of these substances - liquefied gases can be bought in any city or ordered for their delivery. Another thing is that these substances are supplied in large cylinders with a volume of about 40 liters, so for home use you will have to look for other options.