Viping - what is it? general information

Viping - what is it? general information
Viping - what is it? general information

Viping - what is it? A new unfamiliar word, found only in narrow circles, makes you think about its meaning. In fact, vaping is the process of smoking electronic cigarettes, a relatively recent fad that is the subject of debate about its harmfulness or usefulness.

Viping - what is it?

Getting more and more popular among fans of this pastime, vaping is becoming in demand in large cities. It unites e-cigarette users into communities of interest, where like-minded people can exchange experiences on the use of various vaping compounds, share the secrets of the specifics of smoking and just enjoy the process of vaping.

vaping what is it
vaping what is it

What is it for smokers? And what is the difference between traditional cigarettes and e-cigarettes? Is vaping difficult for beginners?

The main categories of e-cigarette consumers are:

  • who want to save money on the regular purchase of regular cigarettes;
  • beginnerssmokers;
  • choose a he althy lifestyle, without smoking (vaping in this case is a transitional stage in the process of weaning from a bad habit).

Viping - what is it? How to become a professional vaping player and skillfully understand all the nuances of electronic smoking? Consider further.

Viping: benefits and harms

The original idea of the electronic cigarette was to find a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking. Indeed, the minimum content of nicotine or its complete absence attract people who want to get rid of nicotine addiction. In addition, the fashionable novelty has a number of positive aspects:

  • No smoke or bad smell.
  • Saving money. Vaping only requires an initial investment of money to purchase an electronic device and e-liquids. Further expenses will be less significant.
  • Wide selection of e-cigarette models in various sizes and designs.
vaping cigarettes
vaping cigarettes

And the most important thing is relaxation while smoking. The ability to immerse yourself in your own thoughts. Be alone with yourself. Perhaps make the right decision in a calm environment.

The harm of vaping has not been definitely proven and is under study; according to some guesses and assumptions, the emitted fumes can be harmful to the body.

Design of the electronic cigarette

Vipping cigarettes are relatively simple in their design and consist of a battery with a button (the cigarette itself), an atomizer (heating element) andevaporating liquid.

vaping for beginners
vaping for beginners

The electronic cigarette has a number of characteristics. This is:

  • The presence of a switch (manual or automatic) activated when tightening. Most models work with manual switches, more reliable operation.
  • The capacity of the battery, the operating time of which without recharging depends on the value of milliamp-hours. For small cigarette models, a battery with a capacity of about 200 mAh is sufficient.
  • A charger that works both from USB and from an ordinary outlet. Many starter kits are already on sale with a charger. Small models of electronic devices can be recharged in a special cigarette case that looks like an ordinary pack of cigarettes.
  • The type of thread that connects the battery to the atomizer, which are mostly produced with 808/901 and 510 threads. If the components do not fit, you can use an adapter. True, it is very difficult to pick up an adapter for a branded thread.

Heating element: operation features

The work of most electronic cigarette kits is based on the action of cartridges and atomizers. Viping liquid gets on the heating element by means of its constant supply from the cartridge. It must first be filled and screwed into place, after which a gradual supply of liquid will begin.

liquids for vaping
liquids for vaping

Usually the first puff is not fun, as the factory vaporizeslubricant that protects the spiral from the influence of external factors. To get rid of at least part of such a solution as soon as possible, it is recommended to blow a new atomizer.

Heating elements: varieties

There are several types of heating elements. One of them combines an atomizer with a cartridge and is called a cartomizer. Initially, it was conceived for a single use, but most users fill it up until the latter is completely dirty. Recommended for people who spend most of their time driving. One of the new cartomizers, called the "clearomizer", is a transparent tube with a wick inside.

Large Atomizer Model - A Tank Atomizer capable of holding 2-4ml of e-liquid, which is enough for most vapers all day long.

Evaporating liquid is the best part of vaping

The most remarkable thing about vaping is the huge range of liquids, characterized by an incredible amount of flavors. These mixtures consist of dissolved nicotine (from 0 to 36 mg), glycerin, distilled water, propylene glycol and flavors produced on the principle of food and, in principle, do not cause any harm.

the harm of vaping
the harm of vaping

Such ingredients are widely used in cosmetology, pharmacology, and culinary arts. Propylene glycol is a flavor carrier, glycerin is required to form a vapor similar to cigarette smoke (organoleptically perceptible and visually noticeable). A thick mixture is diluted with distilled waterthe above two elements to make the liquid flow.

Viping differs not only in the aroma of the evaporated liquid, but also in the strength of its strength:

  • VG - a large amount of steam is released, the aroma is sweetish, the hit on the throat is insignificant.
  • PG - a little steam, the effect on the throat is stronger and drier.
