Enuresis is characterized by involuntary urination, most often occurring at night, in children who should already be able to control their bladder activity. Numerous studies indicate that enuresis is not a disease, but a kind of transitional stage between the absent and the existing control of physiological processes.

Specialists cannot accurately determine the age limit separating involuntary urination, which is considered normal for a child, and pathological enuresis. It is believed that if a child still cannot control urination by the age of five years, it makes sense to give enuresis clinical significance and regard it as a pathology that requires the attention of doctors. This problem is typical for 15-20% of five-year-olds and 7-12% of six-year-olds. In rare cases, involuntary urination can occur in children under 12 years of age, invery rare - in adolescents under 18 years of age. At the same time, enuresis in boys develops 1.5-2 times more often than in girls. People who had such a problem in childhood may experience it periodically in adulthood.

Enuresis in boys and girls: main causes
- As everyone knows, in babies, the regulation of urination is carried out by the spinal center, so it occurs involuntarily. At the age of two to five years, the child develops urination centers in the brain, which begin to interact with the spinal center, as a result, the process of urination gradually becomes fully controlled. When there is no interaction between the centers, the tone of the bladder is disturbed and enuresis (primary) develops.
- Some urological and infectious diseases can provoke chronic urinary retention, and enuresis can develop against its background. So, enuresis in boys may be the result of balanoposthitis, and in girls - vulvovaginitis.
- If one of the parents had such a problem, then the probability of its occurrence in the child increases. Studies have confirmed the fact that enuresis can occur due to hereditary predisposition. Enuresis in boys happens more often, including due to the fact that hereditary factors have a greater influence on them than on girls.
- Psychological trauma can provoke enuresis (secondary). In this case, it develops as a result of some stress factor affecting the child, for example,moving, divorce of parents.
- Enuresis in boys and girls can also occur due to sound sleep. Some babies sleep so soundly that they don't wake up even when they need to urinate.

Enuresis treatment
Nocturnal enuresis in boys is treated the same as in girls. Children are prescribed a special drinking regimen that excludes fluid intake later than two hours before bedtime. Often the problem is caused by malfunctions in the release of vasopressin (a hormone), in which case children are prescribed taking its synthetic analogue, desmopressin, to cure enuresis (in boys, treatment may be longer). If neurotic enuresis occurs, psychological correction is necessary with the help of vitamin therapy and the use of drugs that can improve metabolic processes in the brain. Comprehensive treatment should also include physiotherapy, including special gymnastics and massage. Parents should not forget that the treatment of enuresis is a long process, so do not expect instant results from therapy. Be patient and do not put pressure on the child, otherwise the treatment process may become more complicated.