Dichlorvos poisoning: symptoms, treatment, consequences

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Dichlorvos poisoning: symptoms, treatment, consequences
Dichlorvos poisoning: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Video: Dichlorvos poisoning: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Video: Dichlorvos poisoning: symptoms, treatment, consequences
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Insect control is familiar to almost everyone. This is especially true for people who have their own gardens or cottages. In addition, some faced the spread of insects in the apartment. Therefore, a substance such as dichlorvos is available in almost every home. It is designed to fight various insects: flies, ants, bedbugs and cockroaches. Nevertheless, not everyone knows how dangerous dichlorvos poisoning is for humans. This substance belongs to the group of chemicals - organophosphorus compounds. Such products are considered poisonous not only for insects. Poisoning with these substances is also dangerous for humans and animals. Harmful is not only getting this product inside, but also inhaling its vapors.

dichlorvos poisoning
dichlorvos poisoning

Causes of dichlorvos poisoning

Dichlorvos poisoning became quite common about two decades ago due to the appearance of a large number of cockroaches and bedbugs. Currently, this substance is not used so often. Temmany still use it today. In some regions, this tool was removed from production and sale, as it has a toxic effect and is dangerous. There are the following reasons why dichlorvos enters the human and animal body:

  1. Lack of ventilation of the room. You should know that after using household chemicals designed to fight insects, you need to open the windows and leave the apartment for a while. In addition, this also applies to pets. They also need to be released into fresh air until the room is ventilated.
  2. Ingestion of dichlorvos into the digestive tract. In no case should vapors be allowed to enter the oral cavity. If organophosphorus agents enter the stomach cavity, a lethal outcome is possible. Unfortunately, dichlorvos often enters the body of animals (dogs, cats). Also, children should not be allowed near it.
  3. The introduction of dichlorvos under the skin. This refers to the liquid form of a substance. Dichlorvos poisoning is also very dangerous, as it causes local damage. In addition, the substance can enter the bloodstream. Penetration of organophosphates in this way can be accidental (unknowingly) and deliberate (suicide).

Effect of dichlorvos on the body

dichlorvos poisoning symptoms
dichlorvos poisoning symptoms

In most cases, dichlorvos from bedbugs is used in everyday life. This insecticidal agent belongs to the 3rd hazard group. That is, human poisoning is unlikely. However, it is possible if used incorrectly.dichlorvos. In the body of insects, this substance affects the nervous system, causing paralysis. Death from exposure to organophosphorus substances in bedbugs and cockroaches occurs several hours after inhalation of vapors. For people and pets, dichlorvos is not so dangerous. Nevertheless, excessive accumulation of its vapors in the body is possible. This causes inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Also, dichlorvos vapor poisoning is dangerous for people suffering from allergic reactions. In this case, the substance quickly enters the surface of the bronchi, causing inflammation. In addition, the danger is the contact of dichlorvos with the mucous membrane of the eyes. This too causes tissue damage and an inflammatory response.

dichlorvos from bedbugs
dichlorvos from bedbugs

Dichlorvos poisoning: symptoms of intoxication

The severity of symptoms of organophosphorus poisoning depends on how long the person has been breathing the vapors of the substance, as well as on the characteristics of the organism. In people who are prone to allergies, the first sign of dichlorvos getting into the bronchi is shortness of breath, an asthma attack. When a liquid organophosphorus substance is introduced into the body, local edema, soreness and areas of damage occur - necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues. So, how does dichlorvos poisoning manifest itself? The symptoms of staying indoors for a long time are as follows:

  1. Dizziness, deterioration, weakness.
  2. Redness of the skin, itching.
  3. Increase in body temperature to 39 degrees.
  4. Headache.
  5. Appearance of cough and runny nose.

If dichlorvos vapors get on the mucous membrane of the eyes, there are signs of conjunctivitis. In this case, the person complains of itching, lacrimation. The inner surface of the eyelids is edematous and hyperemic. Even with a slight penetration of organophosphate into the digestive system (when spraying an aerosol), symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen.

what to do in case of dichlorvos poisoning
what to do in case of dichlorvos poisoning

What are the complications of poisoning?

In most cases, exposure to organophosphate vapors on the skin and in the respiratory tract is not too dangerous. Symptoms usually resolve within 1-3 days. Despite this, in some cases, severe consequences of dichlorvos poisoning are observed. They develop if a person has an individual intolerance to this substance, with prolonged contact with vapors, or if poison is ingested. In these cases, there is a pronounced intoxication of the body. Severe poisoning is characterized by symptoms such as repeated vomiting, increased heart rate and blood pressure, paroxysmal cough. The most dangerous signs are the appearance of a convulsive syndrome, a spasm of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. The consequences of such a state can be collapse and the development of coma.

dichlorvos vapor poisoning
dichlorvos vapor poisoning

Diagnosis of dichlorvos poisoning

Find out: what exactly caused the poisoning is not always possible. Especially if the patient is in critical condition oris a child. Diagnosis is based on questioning relatives. You should pay attention: is there dichlorvos from bedbugs nearby. Usually, it has a characteristic smell, but in some cases the substance does not smell or has time to disappear before the doctors arrive. It is important to pay attention to the characteristic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, flushing of the skin and fever.

What to do in case of dichlorvos poisoning: first aid

When inhaling dichlorvos vapors, a person must be taken to fresh air. Indoors, open windows and doors for several hours. Hyperemic areas of the skin should be washed with running water. It is desirable for the patient to provide bed rest. The mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nasal cavity should be washed with clean cold water. If the patient has signs of intoxication, it is necessary to induce vomiting, drink as much liquid as possible.

effects of dichlorvos poisoning
effects of dichlorvos poisoning

Medication for dichlorvos poisoning

In some cases, if a person has received dichlorvos poisoning, drug therapy is necessary. Activated charcoal is recommended to remove harmful toxins. If dichlorvos gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes and signs of conjunctivitis, Albucid drops are required. To prevent an allergic reaction, the drug "Suprastin", "Tavegil" is used. In severe cases, hospitalization, infusion of saline solutions, anticonvulsants are required.
