The stomach is one of the key organs, the he alth of which directly affects the comfort and full functioning of a person. The appearance of a sliding hernia can have a tangible negative impact on this organ. It is impossible to ignore such a problem, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of the pathology and treatment methods.
Hiatal hernia
This disease can be defined as a pathology, the essence of which is the displacement of one or more organs located in the peritoneum. The movement itself is carried out through the opening of the esophagus in the diaphragm in the direction of the chest cavity. As a result, organs that should be in the abdominal cavity end up in the chest area and protrude noticeably.

Hiatal hernia (the second name of the disease) can even lead to partial slippage of the stomach, which eventually ends up in the chest area.
This condition sometimes provokes the development of acid reflux in a patient, that is, the outflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. Most of thesediagnoses are made in patients over 50 years of age. At the same time, it should be noted that women suffer from such a problem as axial hernia, much more often than the representatives of the stronger sex.
Causes of occurrence
Displacement of internal organs can be the result of several factors that should be taken into account. Here are the reasons for the appearance of this pathology:
- too strong loads leading to overstrain of the peritoneum;
- prolonged cough;
- overweight;

- pathology of the development of the diaphragm of the esophagus, which is of a congenital nature;
- changes associated with the aging process;
- constant constipation;
- a noticeable increase in pressure inside the peritoneum;
- operations and various injuries;
- In some cases, hiatal hernia may be due to pregnancy or difficult childbirth.
It is easy to see that such a difficult condition is caused by excessive tension in the peritoneum, which appears under the influence of a variety of reasons.
Types and degrees of disease
Modern medical practice allows us to identify several key types of this problem:
- Paraesophageal. We are talking about the displacement of only part of the stomach without the participation of other organs in the process.
- Sliding hernia, it is also axial. In this case, its cardial part is also displaced into the chest cavity.

- Mixed. These are the characteristics of the first two types, whichappear simultaneously.
- Congenital. Such a diagnosis is made when a hernia is detected, the formation of which occurs against the background of a small esophagus, located in the form of a “thoracic ventricle”. This situation is anomalous.
It is important to note the fact that a sliding hernia is a pathology that can have several degrees, each of them has its own characteristics and deserves attention:
1. The stomach is below the diaphragm, the cardia is at the level with it, and the abdominal segment of the esophagus is above the level of the diaphragm.
2. Hiatal hernia of the 2nd degree differs in that the esophagus is evenly compressed, and the cardinal part of the stomach protrudes into the mediastinum.
3. There is a pronounced contraction of the esophagus, and the entire stomach or its component protrudes into the mediastinum.
How the diagnosis is made
There are several techniques by which an axial hernia or other type of this pathology can be detected.
First of all, it is worth resorting to X-ray examination, which will be based on barium contrast. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then as a result, a noticeable protrusion can be seen in the picture.

Attention should also be paid to such a technique as pH-metry. With its help determine the acidity of the stomach. These data are very important for the appointment of effective therapy.
Fibrogastroscopy plays its role in identifying the patient's condition. The use of this technique makes it possible to assess the state in which the esophagus and stomach are inoverall.
Without such diagnostic measures, such a pathology is almost indeterminate in the early stages. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the symptoms in order to be able to recognize the impact of such a serious illness in time.
Manifestations of disease
Pain can be identified as key symptoms, appearing with different frequency and intensity. However, they can be both blunt and burning.
Sometimes pain radiates to the heart area, causing patients to suspect heart failure. In some cases, a hiatal hernia can cause pain in the interscapular region.
If the disease is caused by such a congenital problem as an insufficiently wide esophagus, then the symptoms may resemble those of an axial hernia. We are talking about heartburn that appears after eating, pain in the chest, aggravated in a horizontal position, and pain in other parts of the body.
In general, the pathology manifests itself as follows:
- difficulty in swallowing food;
- heartburn after exercise or eating;

- pain in the chest area;
- Signs of a hiatal hernia may take the form of belching air or stomach contents.
This symptomatology is sometimes misunderstood by patients. As reviews show, people think that these are signs of other diseases, they self-medicate. However, with any suspicion of a hernia of this type, you should immediately go to the doctor. This will allowstart timely treatment and prevent complications.
Therapy Methods
If you had to face such a problem as a hiatal hernia, then there can be two ways out of the situation: surgical or conservative treatment.
As the main task of classical techniques, one can define not the elimination of a hernia itself, but the reduction of the symptoms of reflux esophagitis and the neutralization of gastroesophageal reflux. That is, doctors seek to remove pain and prevent possible complications. These goals are achieved through the appointment of a diet based on fractional and frequent meals. At the time of such treatment, you will have to give up some products. We are talking about chocolate, carbonated drinks, coffee, animal fats, fresh bread and other flour products. Also, doctors do not advise with such treatment to rest in a prone position for the next 3 hours after eating.

Bad habits can complicate the process of fighting the disease, so they will have to be abandoned. There may also be pharmacological effects. These can be proton pump inhibitors, prokinetics, antacids, etc.
As for surgical intervention, it is relevant only if conservative treatment has not given the desired effect. The most commonly used laparoscopic technique.
Possible Complications
If a hiatal hernia has been diagnosed, then without timely and qualified treatment, the patient may become even worse.
The very fact of complications can be expressed throughmultiple processes:
- infringement of a hernia;
- esophageal bleeding;
- peptic stricture of the esophagus;
- reflux esophagitis;
- esophageal perforation;
- prolapse of the gastric mucosa into the esophagus;
- peptic ulcers.

If surgery has been performed, there is a risk of gastric dilatation, megaesophagus and gastroesophageal reflux. Do not exclude the possibility of recurrence of the hernia. Aspiration pneumonia can be a complication. To neutralize it, parenteral administration of antibiotics is used.
To dismiss the fact of a hiatal hernia is a big mistake. If such a diagnosis was made, then the treatment process should be taken as seriously as possible. Otherwise, the condition may worsen significantly.