Safe treatment of ear congestion

Safe treatment of ear congestion
Safe treatment of ear congestion

The ear is one of the most important human senses. It allows us to hear speech, music, noise. The fact that we can enjoy sounds plays a big part in the socialization process.

Ear congestion treatment
Ear congestion treatment

The essence of the work of this organ is to capture the vibrations of sound waves, converting them into a nerve impulse that enters the brain and is analyzed in its cortex. Any ear disease threatens with hearing loss, and the first sign of this is a feeling of congestion.

In order for you to understand how important the treatment of stuffy ear is, you need to know how it works. Anatomically, it consists of three sections. The auricle and canal are the outer ear. The tympanic cavity, bounded by the membrane, is the middle ear. The auditory cochlea and channels of the vestibular analyzer are the inner ear. When one of the parts of the ear is unhe althy, there is an unpleasant sensation. In order to get rid of it, ear congestion treatment is necessary. Most often, this sensation is accompanied by acute otitis, tubo-otitis, some diseases of the external ear.

Diseasesouter ear
Diseasesouter ear

Congestion is caused by inflammation or wax buildup. Hearing loss can also occur due to insufficient blood supply to the inner ear, as the auditory nerve does not receive enough oxygen in this case.

Treatment of stuffy ears may be required for pregnant women, as serious hormonal imbalances occur in their body, causing swelling of the nasal mucosa and dysfunction of the auditory tube. This condition usually resolves after childbirth. In order to treat ear congestion, you need to determine the cause of the disease, the symptom of which is congestion. To do this, the doctor examines the eardrum and performs a tone threshold audiometry. As a result of research, the doctor may prescribe urgent treatment. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult a doctor when ear congestion appears, and not to neglect this signal of the body. Thus, ear congestion may be a sign of sensorineural hearing loss, which requires immediate vascular treatment. If you consult a doctor on time, and do not treat the ear with folk remedies, then the prognosis for a cure is very high. Deafness is too high a price to pay for delay.

Ear treatment with folk remedies
Ear treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of ear congestion at home rarely leads to a good result. But in such cases, when congestion is caused by a cold and runny nose, special ear drops and a blue lamp can be effective enough to eliminate this symptom. The main thing is that the disease will not progress. You can use drops or a lamp only after examining a doctor and confirming that congestion is a consequence of a cold, because in case of inflammation, the lamp will only aggravate the situation, and the drops will not have any effect. Modern possibilities of medicine allow you to quickly and painlessly get rid of hearing problems under the supervision of a qualified specialist.
