Regional Clinical Perinatal Center (Ryazan) began its work on March 1, 2011. Within the framework of the national program for the modernization of he althcare institutions, more than 2.5 billion rubles were allocated for its construction and equipping with the best medical equipment and technology.

Now GBU RO "OKPC" is considered one of the most well-equipped medical centers. Its main areas of activity are infertility treatment, gynecological operations, pregnancy management, including those complicated by diseases of a woman or fetus, delivery, and newborn care. Over the three years of successful work, more than 8.5 thousand children were born within its walls.
Structure of the perinatal center. Diagnostic clinic
The perinatal center (Ryazan) includes a diagnostic clinic, obstetric, gynecological and neonatological hospitals, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, medicalgenetic counseling, physiotherapy and ultrasound diagnostics department. In the polyclinic of the GBU RO "OKPC" there is a reproductive he alth office, a day hospital, and an ultrasound diagnostics room. It is open daily, except Sunday, from 8:00 to 20:00. On Saturday, patients are received at the polyclinic by on-duty specialists.

Physicians working at the perinatal center's polyclinic consult infertile couples, as well as women of childbearing age who require treatment and restoration of reproductive he alth. Initial appointments are by appointment. To do this, you should contact the registry in advance or fill out a special form on the website. When contacting the clinic, you must have SNILS, a passport, a compulsory medical insurance policy, a referral from a medical institution, and test results with you. In emergency cases, medical assistance will be provided on the day of the call. In addition to obstetricians-gynecologists and urologists-andrologists, the polyclinic is attended by specialists - ophthalmologists, endocrinologists, therapists, neurologists, cardiologists, psychotherapists, geneticists, sexologists and dentists.
Regional maternity hospital (Ryazan)
GBU RO "OKPC" has a well-equipped hospital, which includes three departments - gynecological, obstetric and neonatological. In the gynecological department, patients with various diseases of the female genital area are accepted for examination and inpatient treatment. There are various typesemergency and planned medical care, including operations - laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes, conservative myomectomy, therapeutic and diagnostic hysteroscopy in the institution "Perinatal Center" (Ryazan). Gynecologists, anesthesiologists, resuscitators are doing everything possible to preserve and restore the reproductive function of women.

Obstetric hospital of GBU RO "OKPC"
The obstetric hospital has a maternity and resuscitation department, as well as a pathology department for pregnant women. Indications for hospitalization of women are:
- pregnancy after infertility treatment or with complications (e.g. placenta previa, oblique or transverse position of the baby, severe preeclampsia, eclampsia and preeclampsia);
- premature rupture of amniotic fluid and onset of labor;
- the presence of developmental anomalies in the fetus - dropsy, heart defects, etc.
Comfortable conditions have been created in the pregnancy pathology department for expectant mothers - single and double rooms have their own toilet and shower, comfortable beds with adjustable backrest, TV, medical worker call console. The perinatal center (Ryazan) even provides Internet access (Wi-Fi). All patients of the hospital comment on the excellent care, talk about the excellent six meals a day and praise the medical staff.

Maternity department of the Ryazan perinatal center
Childbirth in medicalThe institution takes place in comfortable and spacious maternity units, which have a separate toilet room, shower, obstetric bed, which can easily be transformed into a comfortable chair for childbirth. There are even fitballs. All rodblok are equipped with modern equipment that monitors the condition of the fetus and woman. Also for the newborn there is a couvez with lamps. Childbirth in the GBU RO "OKPC" takes place under the supervision of experienced obstetrician-gynecologists, the nursing staff is always ready to help and support the woman in labor. In addition, partner births are also allowed in the perinatal center. The husband can be present in the delivery room and help the woman during labor. To do this, he needs to go through a medical commission in advance and pass the necessary tests. Immediately after birth, the newborn is placed on the mother's abdomen, the umbilical cord is cut and applied to the breast. This allows the mother to establish early and stable lactation, and the baby to receive valuable colostrum rich in immunoglobulin A.

Mommy and baby stay together
The postpartum ward is also more comfortable. All rooms are clean, with excellent repair and individual bathrooms. In the Ryazan perinatal center, the joint stay of a woman and a child, as well as feeding on demand, is practiced, which is extremely important for establishing a strong emotional connection. Breastfeeding consultants will help to establish lactation, answer all questions and show you how to properly attach the baby to the breast. Take bags with you to the hospitalwith things you don’t need - everything you need for both the baby and the mother is given here. Including the staff brings sterile diapers, undershirts, bed linen, nightgowns. They also provide disposable diapers, liquid baby soap and necessary medicines. Every day, a neonatologist examines a newborn, and an obstetrician-gynecologist examines a woman. All examinations and vaccinations are made with the written consent of the mother.

Neonatology hospital
For complex cases, the GBU RO "OKPC" has a superbly equipped intensive care and intensive care unit, as well as a pathology department for newborns and premature babies, where experienced medical workers nurse babies weighing 500 g or more. The neonatological hospital is equipped with incubators and resuscitation complexes, modern respiratory equipment that helps premature babies breathe, lamps and phototherapy devices necessary for the treatment of jaundice. Newborns are carefully examined using various methods - Doppler, pulse oximetry, electrocardiogram. Perform audiological screening and diagnose and treat retinopathy.
Genetics consultation: Ryazan, perinatal center

In the perinatal center in Ryazan there is a medical genetic consultation, it is headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, geneticist of the highest category Yakubovsky G. I. He advises married couples on issues of miscarriage, infertility and prognosisprenatal examination of pregnant women to detect hereditary diseases and fetal defects. Comprehensive diagnostics includes ultrasound, dopplerography, cardiotocography, color Doppler mapping, invasive diagnostics (amniocentesis, placentocentesis, etc.) and subsequent analysis of fetal cells. Also, the medical genetic consultation of the GBU RO "OKPC" conducts mass screening for severe hereditary diseases of newborns, such as phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis, etc., and admits children to determine pathologies.
One of the medical services provided by the perinatal center (Ryazan) is an ultrasound examination. It can be carried out in a complex or by separate systems and organs - the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder, uterus, appendages, etc. Ultrasound is also performed at various stages of pregnancy, while it is possible to record the data obtained on a CD and see the baby in mode 3 and even 4D.

The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics is equipped with good high-resolution devices, which allows you to accurately determine the gestational age, starting from 2 weeks, and exclude fetal developmental pathologies. Examination of women can be carried out with transabdominal and transvaginal sensors. If necessary, uteroplacental and fetal-placental blood flow is also assessed. The head of the department is Salomatin I. V., a team of excellent specialists works under his leadershipultrasound diagnostics - Ananyina O. V., Evdokimova N. V., Dmitriev A. A., Kulikova O. A. and other doctors. The Perinatal Center (Ryazan) provides ultrasound for free.
Contact details. Perinatal center (Ryazan): address, website, phone numbers
This medical institution is located on the street. International, d.1. Its five-story building is easy to find - it is made in light - white and orange - colors. Well-groomed flower beds and a neat lawn adorn the area adjacent to the medical institution "Perinatal Center" (Ryazan). How can you get to it by public transport? Buses No. 17, 21, 34 and 61, fixed-route taxis No. 98 and 51 or trolleybus No. 16. You should get off at the Telezavod stop. In advance, you can find out all the necessary information by calling: +7 (4912) 46-44-09 (inquiry desk), +7 (4912), 46-44-15 (registration). You can contact the head physician of the center Petrova Elena Igorevna at +7 (4912) 46-44-64. The site of the perinatal center (Ryazan) provides all the necessary background information, with its help you can make an appointment and read the reviews of other patients.
Patient reviews about GBU RO "OKPTs"
Many couples treated for infertility, as well as pregnant women and women in labor, praise the perinatal center (Ryazan). Their feedback is as follows: patients note the excellent equipment of the maternity hospital, comfortable conditions of stay, good nutrition and the attentive attitude of doctors and other medical personnel. Many emphasize that all medical services are providedfree of charge, under the policy of compulsory medical insurance.