Breast cancer is increasingly being diagnosed in young women of reproductive age. According to official WHO data, the risk of a terrible disease increases every year. But today, medicine does not stand still and is being actively modernized, new technologies, diagnostic and treatment methods are being created that make it possible to identify the disease at an early stage and eliminate it.

One of the effective ways to solve the problem is a mastectomy. What is it? A proven surgical method that is used in breast cancer. If ten years ago, doctors separated the entire gland along with the pectoral muscles (even at an early stage), today, thanks to modern technology and the high skill of doctors, it is possible to save the areola of the nipple and axillary lymph nodes.
Specialists of the 21st century are making every effort to preserve he althy tissue and eliminate the affected one, because the complete removal of the mammary gland inflicts a heavy psychological blow on a woman. Let's talk more about the types of surgery and the consequences.
Maden operation (simple mastectomy)

The surgeon does not exciseregional axillary, subscapular and subclavian lymph nodes, and also leaves the muscles of the sternum. In this case, the affected mammary gland is removed. Often prescribed for preventive purposes to prevent the development of cancer cells, especially with a genetic predisposition.
Operation Pati (modified radical)
The most common and popular procedure. The gland is removed along with the cartilaginous ends, fatty tissue (subclavian, axillary, subscapular), as well as the lymph nodes and part of the sternum. This method allows you to save the function of the breast for a full life and personal self-awareness. At the same time, the modified operation is as effective as a radical mastectomy.
Halstead operation (radical mastectomy)

The gland itself is excised with muscle tissue and lymph nodes, where cancer cells may be located. To reduce the amount of tissue removed, specialists have developed several modifications of this method: according to Madden, Halsted, Patey, Urban-Holdin, etc. Today, a radical operation to remove the mammary gland is extremely rare and only at a late stage, when other methods are impermissible and impractical.
Reconstructive surgery with mastectomy
Carried out in several ways: using your own tissues and silicone implants. One-stage reconstruction allows you to restore the volume of the breast and maintain its previous shape. Operations like this are in high demand.they are chosen by more than 75% of women with oncology. Before they are carried out, the doctor suggests that the patient walk for some time with a special bra with inserted silicone prostheses, after which artificial implants of the desired shape, type and brand are placed under the skin. The reconstructive method returns hope for a full life. Such an operation is much easier than using your own fabrics.

Mastectomy - what is it? Surgical method to remove malignant seals in the mammary gland and areas of adjacent tissue. It is prescribed when diagnosing a large tumor that is located outside the mammary gland. It is carried out for women with a small breast size to avoid deformation. For medical and aesthetic reasons, especially in the initial stages, an iron-sparing operation may be offered. After it, radiation therapy is necessarily carried out, as a result of which the breast is slightly deformed. Therefore, everyone decides for himself what suits him best.

Although mastectomy is considered one of the safest surgical interventions (which it was described above), after its implementation, negative consequences are not excluded. Some people experience heavy bleeding, this is due to poor blood clotting. In rare cases, there are problems in the work of the shoulder joint. This is due to improper rehabilitation. It is possible to single out such a complication as infection of the wound (treatedonly antibacterial drugs).
There is also lymphostasis after a mastectomy - a tangible and visible accumulation of fluid in the lymphatic vessels. But this condition occurs relatively rarely. Be aware that lymphedema can form even 2-3 years after the intervention. If swelling occurs, seek immediate medical attention. In such cases, exercises are prescribed, bandaging (an elastic sleeve or a bandage) is used to stimulate blood flow.
Post-operative period
Mammary gland removal is not an easy procedure, after which you must take care of your he alth and strictly follow the prescribed rules. You are allowed to get up on the second day and take care of yourself. Full activity is restored only on the 20th day. Drainage is usually removed after about two weeks (it all depends on healing). Painkillers are prescribed to alleviate the condition.
Advice for patients undergoing surgery
For the first few months, doctors do not recommend visiting the solarium and the beach. Intramuscular injections into the arm and injury to the hands should also be avoided, nails should be taken care of with particular care, avoiding abrasions and lesions. When working in the garden, rubber gloves should be worn. To avoid lymph stagnation and immobilization of the shoulder joint, it is necessary to develop the arm and lightly massage the armpit every day after ten days after the operation.
I would like to say that many patients who underwent this operation were satisfied with theirchoice and quality of life. Of course, mastectomy (what kind of medical procedure, you now also know) is not a panacea and has its drawbacks, but still this method helps to gain self-confidence and not be ashamed of your own body.