Causes and signs of rickets in a child

Causes and signs of rickets in a child
Causes and signs of rickets in a child

There were many issues about the signs of rickets in children with Komarovsky, this topic was also raised in specialized publications, popular science magazines. More than once it was considered in the media, so many modern people know the name of the disease itself. Unfortunately, medical literacy is still not high enough, so the first signs of pathology are not known to everyone. It is especially important for parents of young children prone to such a disease to navigate them. Imagining how rickets begins, you can notice something was wrong in time and send the child for a medical examination in order to clarify the diagnosis.

General view

Most often, signs of rickets in a child are observed at the most tender age. Often, pathology is diagnosed in babies who are breastfed, although it also occurs at an older age. Rickets is usually called a disease in which the processes of metabolism of phosphorus and calcium do not proceed correctly in the body. cause such a problemcan be many different factors, but the most common deficiency in the tissues of calciferol. The human body is designed in such a way that these compounds are indispensable for metabolic processes involving phosphorus and calcium, which means that its lack affects the concentration of active components, and therefore the he alth of the child.

From medical practice it is known that the signs of rickets in a child often appear already in the first few months after birth. Another surge is observed during the first year of life. Slightly less often reveal cases of the disease at an older age. It is known that the risk group includes all children living in the northern regions. But gender does not play any role, on average, the incidence of pathology among boys and girls is the same. Insufficiency of vitamin D in the tissues of the body causes improper metabolism, which affects the bone tissue - it loses its strength. If the metabolic processes are very strongly disturbed, the problem is accompanied by rather severe symptoms. The very first signs are usually detected by a doctor during a preventive examination - parents are required to show children to pediatricians with a certain frequency. This helps to notice the complexity in time, to take measures for treatment. Rickets is a rather peculiar disease, so its diagnosis is quite simple, it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

signs of rickets in children under 1
signs of rickets in children under 1

Where did the problem come from?

Provoke the disease can be various factors leading to a lack of calciferol in the tissues of the body. Often, several important reasons affect the child at the same time, which becomes the cause of violations. The main task of the doctor is not only to notice the signs of rickets in a child in time, but also to understand what provoked the pathological condition. By correctly identifying and eliminating the causes, you can achieve a complete recovery. It is known that most often rickets affects children who are breastfed, and the first manifestations are observed even before reaching the age of three months. If the disease is mild, there may be a complete absence of manifestations, and this complicates the diagnosis and does not allow treatment to begin on time. There are many cases when an accurate diagnosis could be made only by the third year of a patient's life.

Quite often, signs of rickets in a child are observed against the background of malnutrition. At risk, first of all, babies, quickly transferred from breast milk to artificial products. At the age of one year and older, calciferol deficiency is explained by the imbalance of the diet, the inferiority of the nutrition program. Rickets develops more often if the child is kept on a vegetarian diet, in conditions of insufficient food of animal origin. It is known that more often the disease affects babies living in northern areas. This is due to the lack of sun, under the influence of which vitamin D is produced in the quantities necessary for a he althy person. Normally, ultraviolet radiation (in reasonable amounts) should affect the skin of a child in order to activate chemical reactions, whose chain leads to the formation of calciferol in body tissues. If the region where the child lives has a long winter, a short day, the risk of rickets is greater. This is especially noticeable in comparison with the statistics on childhood morbidity in southern countries.

Reasons: what else?

It is known that signs of rickets often appear in children after suffering gastrointestinal diseases. The risk is high if the child has had intestinal diseases. Enteritis, especially in a chronic form, provokes a violation of the absorption of useful components that enter the body with food, therefore, there is a lack of useful, irreplaceable components in the tissues of the body. This leads to a lack of not only calciferol, but also many other vital compounds. If chronic enteritis is detected, it is important to start timely treatment, otherwise it will not be possible to cope with the manifestations of rickets.

Often there are signs of rickets in children under 1 year old, if the babies are born prematurely. Prematurity, as well as diseases that began during the period of gestation, provokes a variety of he alth disorders, including the insufficiency of various components. Premature birth is perhaps the most common factor leading to rickets in newborns. This is due to the incompleteness of the processes of formation of internal organs at the time of acquiring independence from the mother's body. If the development proceeded with violations, this provokes numerous he alth problems. Some appear immediately after birth, others make themselves felt later. Rickets will be no exception.

the first sign of rickets in a childup to a year
the first sign of rickets in a childup to a year

Time to see the doctor

Rickets is a disease that progresses gradually. Modern doctors know several stages that consistently change each other. So, the first sign of rickets in a child under one year old is vegetative disorders, which can be seen in the mood of the child, his behavior. Sick kids show nervousness, easily and quickly get irritated even for insignificant reasons. Previously attractive games for them cease to occupy, it becomes difficult to arouse interest in something. Many kids limit mobility, avoid active movements. Such a period stretches for a month, although sometimes deviations in duration are possible. Having noticed the signs, you should already make an appointment with the doctor to assess the condition of the child. Perhaps the doctor will immediately prescribe a set of tests to determine the condition of the child.

Signs of rickets in children under 1 year old include active sweating, and the liquid acquires a specific unhe althy odor. The patient's sweat is sour, caustic, and the abundant release of such a substance leads to irritation of the skin. Many children develop sweating. Sick islands of the skin, children quickly comb, which is noticeable to any attentive parent. The change in smell is due to incorrect chemical reactions in the body, due to which the composition of the excreted secret, electrolytes changes. To bring these processes back to normal, it is necessary to establish a metabolism.

What's next?

At the end of the first stage of the disease, there are new signs of rickets in children. Photos on the World Wide Web show that quite a lotchildren face this stage of the disease, while adequate treatment has not yet begun. This is due to various reasons, often - simple carelessness of parents, irresponsible attitude. The height of the disease manifests itself with a variety of symptoms, it is difficult for patients to tolerate. Bone tissue deformities are quickly observed. Flat, tubular bones are most susceptible to abnormal changes, since it is they who develop especially actively during this period of growing up. If a child with rickets gets an appointment with a doctor during this period, it will not be possible to identify the pathology of labor - the manifestations are characteristic, not characteristic of other disorders, immediately noticeable literally to the naked eye. In some cases, the symptoms are very severe, in other patients its severity is somewhat weaker. At the age of one year and older, rickets rarely occurs in a severe form.

What to look out for?

The most characteristic sign of rickets in children 3 years old is the curvature of the spine. During the examination, the doctor notices that the clavicles also have an irregular structure - thickness, density differ from the norm, the bones protrude forward. Examination of the chest shows the disturbed architecture of this part of the body. The edges become flat, and the gaps between them change relative to the norm. There are many cases when rickets manifested itself as a specific sign - a modification of the sternum in the lower third. This area may protrude or be depressed. This condition is popularly called "chicken breast". The course of such processes leads to a sharp change in the appearancechild. However, the "shoemaker's chest" appears only if rickets has developed strongly, it was not possible to identify the disease in time and begin adequate treatment. If the diagnosis is made in a timely manner, measures are taken to improve the baby, such changes can be avoided.

rickets in children signs photo
rickets in children signs photo

Another obvious sign of rickets in children from the photo is the modification of the legs. The limbs take on a shape similar to the letters "O", "X". This manifestation of the disease is especially pronounced by the age of five, although sometimes you can see it earlier. In order to notice something was wrong in time, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of the child from different angles. The easiest way to notice abnormal leg development is to look at your baby from the side.

Muscles and bones

Signs of rickets in 3 year olds include decreased muscle tone. In this case, pathological conditions are observed that affect not only muscle fibers, but also the nervous system. If you put the child on his back, you can see a kind of deformation, known for a long time as the “frog belly”. Examining the patient's stomach, one can notice that in this area the tissues seem to spread out, hanging down on the sides. The phenomenon is explained by low muscle tone, which is especially pronounced in the tissues that form the abdominal wall in front.

At the same time, signs of rickets in children after a year include bone deformities. Changes in the skeleton affect the functionality of internal systems and organs. Violation of the structure of the chest leads to a small volume of the lungs, impaired ventilation of the body,causes emphysema and other diseases. Improper breathing affects the tone of the vascular system, blood flow. In total, all these changes lead to insufficiency of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Problems can be relatively mild, but sometimes they create not just discomfort, but are a risk factor.

Help needed

Scoliosis, insufficient tone of muscle fibers can cause serious infringement of the internal organs, which are under pressure. There are many cases when the signs of rickets in children 2 years old included improper functioning of the spleen, liver - this is due precisely to squeezing. Since bone tissue develops incorrectly with calciferol deficiency, this creates the basis for numerous orthopedic pathologies, which means that urgent complex treatment is needed.

It is known that the most striking signs of rickets in children under 1 year old and at an older age usually last several months - this is how long the height of the pathology continues. To bring the condition back to normal, it is necessary to visit the doctor as soon as possible to select a therapeutic course. All the recommendations of the doctor will have to be carried out very clearly and accurately - the future of the baby depends on this. If it was possible to identify the pathology in time and start fighting it, soon the child's condition gets better, the appearance gradually changes to a he althy one. The recovery period, treatment takes 2-4 months, sometimes six. If the baby has been ill with a severe form of pathology, the symptoms may persist for several more years. If the child passes the prescribeda rehabilitation course by a doctor, it will be possible to completely eliminate all the consequences of rickets.

signs of rickets in children under one year old
signs of rickets in children under one year old

Define: important correctly

If, according to the signs of rickets in children under 1 year old, it was possible to make a timely and accurate diagnosis, it is possible to prevent the patient's serious condition in time. As in the case of any other disease, with rickets, the best prognosis is for those who went to the clinic, as soon as the disease had just begun. Diagnosis, carried out in time, helps to prevent complications (some of them appear years later), as well as to make the child active and interested. The most reliable method for determining rickets is to undergo regular check-ups with a qualified pediatrician. During the examination, the doctor, noticing suspicious signs, can prescribe special tests to clarify the patient's condition. This helps to assess how severe the violations are, how correctly the diagnosis is formulated, what causes provoked the disease.

The first signs of rickets in children under one year old, visible from laboratory tests, are changes in phosphorus and calcium in the circulatory system. Normal parameters: 2.5-2.7 mmol/l for calcium, the second element should be present at a concentration of 1.3-2.3 mmol/l. If the analyzes show parameters lower than the indicated values, we can already talk about an incorrectly proceeding metabolism, which means that there are grounds for diagnosing rickets. To clarify the diagnosis, an alkaline phosphatase test is done. The active compound takes part in the metabolic processes of phosphorus, calcium. Normal performance- within 200 U / l, and high concentrations signal problems.

Checks and measurements

If the first signs of rickets appear in children, it is necessary to conduct examinations not only of the appearance, but also of the condition of the internal organs. To do this, first of all, they are sent for an x-ray to reveal the fact of the presence of bone tissue deformities. The disease can provoke problems of skeletal architecture, which are best reflected by the X-ray method. A properly conducted examination helps to detect “rachitic bracelets”, “rosary beads”, an irregular structure, shape, curvature of the spine, abnormalities in the development of the chest, and seals in the tubular bones already at an early stage. True, they are sent for x-rays only in situations where the tests have already confirmed the primary suspicions of doctors - without strict indications, irradiation is categorically not recommended.

At the first sign of rickets, a child may be sent for a CT scan. The indications for such a study are similar to those with which x-rays are recommended. A distinctive feature of tomography is its high resolution, which means that the results of the study will be more accurate and informative. CT is a modern and effective method that allows you to accurately determine how large the lesions are, how serious the violations provoked by the disease are. Based on these data, it is possible to choose the most effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation of the patient.


Dangers and risks

If there are signs of rickets in children 2 years old, while adults do not takemeasures to help the child, the results can be the most deplorable. In general, the prognosis is determined precisely by accurate and timely diagnosis, the correct start of therapy. The disease, established in the early phase, rarely provokes complications, but the pathology, detected late, can lead to a variety of consequences. To cope with them, you will have to go through a long rehabilitation course. Of the consequences that develop with a relatively high frequency, it should be noted curvature of the legs, malocclusion, and a decrease in muscle tone. Mostly, the changes are mild, and a long recovery after an illness with the practice of rehabilitation techniques helps to correct the consequences.

As soon as signs of rickets in children are detected, treatment should be started immediately, and not by home methods, but under the supervision of a qualified doctor. The first step is the therapeutic approach. The doctor chooses a treatment program and prescribes the frequency of tests to monitor effectiveness. It is necessary to constantly assess the patient's condition. You should urgently come to the doctor if there is no increase in activity, improvement in the patient's well-being. The very first thing that parents need to do is to introduce walks with the child into daily practice. Sunlight exposure is vital for a child with rickets. Ultraviolet improves the condition of the body by stimulating the production of calciferol in the body. You need to walk outside every day. Systematic, regularity is the key to a reliable stable result of such a relatively simple measure that does not require anyspecial cost.

What will help?

If there are signs of rickets in children under one year old, the doctor may prescribe medications that contain vitamin D. Mostly recommend forms that are soluble in water. The doctor chooses specific doses, focusing on the condition of the child. You should not choose the dose yourself, you can harm the child's body, hypervitaminosis provokes various consequences, no less severe than a lack of vitamin.

rickets in children signs of treatment
rickets in children signs of treatment

To eliminate the signs of rickets in children under one year old, you will have to normalize the baby's nutrition. If the child is prescribed medication, it is important to discuss the nutrition program with the doctor. This helps prevent hypervitaminosis. If the child eats on his own, the menu should include foods containing calciferol. The richest in them are eggs, milk and products made on it, meat, including poultry meat. To increase the effectiveness of such a program, physiotherapy is prescribed. The child is directed to ultraviolet irradiation to stimulate the formation of calciferol in body tissues. By improving the patient's well-being, increasing bone density, you can quickly achieve good results. The duration of the course is no more than 15 procedures, and each of the approaches takes from two minutes to ten. True, in some cases, physiotherapy is contraindicated. Only a doctor can prescribe such a course, assessing the patient's condition.

signs of rickets in children under 1 year old
signs of rickets in children under 1 year old

Babies: Features

Suspect an illness in a child,breastfed, it is possible by behavior. Toddlers are shy, many are inactive, behave sluggishly, but are often naughty. Droplets of sweat are especially clearly visible during the feeding period. Sweat production is noticeable on the head, if the child is sleeping - on the back of the head. This is noticeable in a constantly moistened pillow. Many rub their heads against nearby objects, and this provokes active hair loss. This behavior is explained by itchy areas of the skin. Lack of adequate assistance provokes muscle weakness. A child suffering from rickets, much later than he althy peers, learns to independently move, rise, sit, walk. Typically, such children have a voluminous tummy, problems with stools are not uncommon, and constipation and incontinence are equally likely. But the skeletal system changes a little later. The back of the head is flattened, the head is enlarged, bumps are formed on the crown and forehead. Patients with rickets often have a convex forehead. There may be isolated areas where the bones soften on the head. This is characteristic of the active period of the disease, patients whose age is 3-6 months.

With rickets in a baby, the fontanel closes much later than the due date. Near the sternum, the ribs thicken, rosaries appear. This is typical of the return of 6-9 months, if at this time the child suffers the active phase of the disease. Examination of the chest may show pressure on the sides. Many, as practice shows, do not pay enough attention to this. It must be remembered: rickets provokes distortions of the legs, the spinal column, can cause flat feet, abnormal structure of the pelvis. If severe ricketsa little girl has been ill, in the future she will have to endure complicated childbirth. This means that even the slightest suspicion of a disease is a reason to seek a diagnosis, without waiting for the symptoms to manifest themselves violently. In addition to the acute variant, rickets is subacute - in this form, the disease proceeds relatively slowly, often formed at the age of 3-9 months, accompanied by malnutrition. Relapses are possible when the child feels better in summer, but worsens in winter.

Preventive measures

In order not to face the signs of rickets, it is important to regularly walk with the baby and work out a correct, balanced nutrition program. The child should sleep well. Massage should be done, accustomed to gymnastics from birth. A preventive measure prescribed by a doctor is taking vitamin D in an amount of up to 500 IU. It is safe, meets all the needs of a developing organism. In pharmacies, the product is presented in the form of solutions in water, oily substances. It is known that D3 shows better efficiency than D2, that is, provitamins, which stimulate the generation of vitamins in the child's body. In general, aqueous solutions are considered less hazardous than oily ones. This is true if a large dosage of the drug is prescribed. Usually, as a preventive measure, vitamin D is prescribed for the entire cold season, and in the summer the drugs are stopped. There is no danger in this. But with an increased dosage, you should take a week break after each month of the course.
