What is foot-and-mouth disease virus? How is the infection transmitted? What are the symptoms of the disease in animals and humans? How dangerous is the FMD virus? How is the disease treated? All this will be discussed in our publication.

The causative agent of foot-and-mouth disease virus is a specific structure of ribonucleic acids, which belongs to the family of picornaviruses. The size of such infectious particles is about 30 nanometers. The microscopic structure consists of RNA surrounded by a protein coat. Once in the human or animal body, the virus infects the lymph. Infection develops within 48 hours.
FMD virus is resistant to heat and cold in natural conditions. However, it instantly dies when exposed to temperatures above +80 ° C. Being in the faeces of an animal that ended up in the environment, the infectious agent passes into an inactive phase, maintaining vital activity for more than 100 days. FMD virus loses its ability toreproduction under the influence of ultraviolet rays, as well as disinfectants.
Infection development mechanism
After entering the body, the viral pathogen concentrates on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and damaged areas of the skin. In places of penetration into the tissue, the infection accumulates in small vesicles. There is an active reproduction of the virus. The infection then spreads through the bloodstream, attacking the tissues of organs and systems. Over time, intoxication of the body develops. Pathological ribonucleic structures settle in the epithelium of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, concentrate in the urethra.
Risk groups

Which categories of the population are at increased risk of FMDV infection? Usually the development of the disease is observed among the staff of livestock enterprises. As practice shows, most often a viral infection affects milkmaids, cattle drivers, people who work in slaughterhouses and meat processing plants. Sometimes, as a result of negligent attitude to work, the pangolin virus in humans is observed among veterinarians and livestock specialists.
At the same time, not a single case of transmission of pathogens from one person to another has been recorded. This is due to the low susceptibility of a person to infection. Among other things, after recovery, people acquire short-term immunity, which lasts about a year.
FMD symptoms in animals
Often, the infection affects young cattle. Immature animals are not immune tovirus and more severely tolerate the disease. The development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of fever, which is accompanied by rashes on the limbs, mucous membranes of the mouth, tissues adjacent to the horns, and also on the skin of the udder.
FMD virus in animals attacks the body for 10-15 days. This is preceded by an incubation period that lasts 2-4 days. In most cases, livestock can be successfully cured. However, with a severe course of the disease, death occurs.
Symptoms in humans

What are the symptoms of FMDV in humans? Often, already during the incubation period, which lasts about a week, an infected person shows the first characteristic signs of the disease. These include:
- chill;
- headache attacks;
- general malaise;
- muscle pain;
- increase in temperature to +38… +39 °С.
Then the foot-and-mouth disease virus in humans starts to progress. A few days later, a burning sensation and dryness in the oral cavity are added to the above symptoms. Photophobia appears, pain occurs when urinating.
As for the external signs of the FMD virus, the appearance of small whitish bubbles on the palate, lips, inner surface of the cheeks is noted. After about a day, such aphthae open, which leads to the formation of sores of a bright red hue. At this stage of the development of the disease, a gradual decrease in body temperature is observed. In spite ofsuch comparative relief, the general condition of the infected person worsens. There are severe pains when swallowing, there is a copious secretion of saliva. Then the tissues of the tongue swell, the lips swell. Speech becomes slurred.
In the absence of adequate treatment of the foot and mouth disease virus, in humans, blistering formations move to the skin of the legs and arms. Here, aphthae heal much faster than on mucous membranes. Within 3-5 days there is no trace of them.
The course of the disease in children is more severe. Nausea, frequent urge to vomit, upset of the digestive organs, changes in the structure of the stool, diarrhea are often added to the above symptoms.
Peculiarities of transmission of infection

Infection can spread between animals and from livestock to humans. People affected by the virus are only carriers. However, they are not able to transmit the pathogen to another person. Children are the most susceptible to the virus. The presence of a weak immune system contributes to this.
How is foot-and-mouth disease transmitted? The infection is spread by contact. Infection occurs when the pathogen enters the body when caring for cattle. The virus can concentrate on animal hair, be found in pollution, feces.
Usually, people become infected by inhaling airborne dust. Sometimes infection occurs when dirty hands come into contact with the mucous membranes of the mouth. The disease can also develop withconsumption of animal meat and milk.
Treatment of foot and mouth disease in animals

The destruction of infection in cattle occurs by isolating sick animals from the rest of the herd. The latter are kept in separate rooms. They destroy the viral pathogen by introducing into the body disinfecting serums containing substances such as convalescents, lactoglobulins, immunolactones.
During the recovery period, animals are offered plenty of clean water and nutritious food. The mucous membranes of the oral cavity are periodically treated with antiseptics. In order to eliminate ulcers on the surface of the skin, ointments with a healing effect are prescribed. Additionally, antibiotics and pain medications may be used.
In case of widespread infection in the herd, quarantine is introduced. When epidemics occur, sick cattle are destroyed. Animal carcasses are disposed of by burning in furnaces. Quarantine measures are terminated after 21 days have passed since the last case of infection was recorded.
Treatment of foot-and-mouth disease in humans

Therapy for infection with a viral pathogen requires the placement of an infected person in a hospital. Treatment involves regular disinfection of the oral cavity, healing of formed ulcers, the use of measures aimed at alleviating the general condition of the patient.
Infected people are offered easily digestible food with a semi-liquid consistency. Food should be at room temperature and free of ingredients that may cause irritation.effect on mucous membranes. With extensive spread of ulcerative manifestations, nutrition is provided to the patient through the introduction of food through a probe.
For the purpose of local treatment, exposure to the affected areas of the skin with laser and ultraviolet radiation is used. For the speedy healing of sores, tissue treatment with florenal, oxolinic or interferon ointment is prescribed.
To alleviate the suffering of the patient during treatment, painkillers, cardiovascular, antipyretic pharmacological drugs are used. If necessary, carry out activities aimed at removing toxins from the body. Vitamin complexes are prescribed to maintain immunity.
In most cases, foot-and-mouth disease does not pose a mortal danger to humans. The prognosis for such a viral infection is extremely favorable. Full recovery with the formation of appropriate immunity occurs in a fairly short period. The disease does not leave behind any consequences. Cases of death are occasionally observed only among newborns and toddlers.

To prevent infection with the FMD virus allows, first of all, personal hygiene and compliance with sanitary standards. In order to prevent the disease, appropriate vaccination of animals is often carried out.
Of particular importance in terms of prevention is the implementation of instructions while working on farms, slaughterhouses, meat processing plants. According to the regulations, it is necessary to take care of livestock by wearingoveralls, protective mask, gloves. After finishing work, it is important to wash your hands with soap and water.
In order not to once again expose yourself to the risk of infection with the virus, it is worth eating only proven, safe products of animal origin. Utensils in which meat or milk has been stored raw should be thoroughly cleaned using detergent.
Last reported FMD case
In October of this year, the foot-and-mouth disease virus was detected in Bashkiria. The state of emergency was introduced in the villages of Ermukhametovo and Urmekeyevo, which are located on the territory of the Tuymazinsky district. In the region, roads were blocked that lead to the marked settlements, and checkpoints were also established. Special emergency response units have equipped disinfection stations. Active measures have begun to disinfect farms.
During the elimination of the epidemic, the FMD virus was found in dairy products. The sale of the latter from hand to hand was banned. Cattle in the above settlements had to be exterminated. The rest of the animals in the surrounding regions were vaccinated. At the moment, meat and milk are not sold to both the population and enterprises until the FMD virus in Bashkiria is completely eradicated.
In closing
As you can see, foot-and-mouth disease is a rather dangerous infection of a viral nature, which can cause significant losses to livestock farms. However, subject to the established instructions and personal hygienethe disease does not pose a danger to humans. If the infection still manages to hit the body, the forecasts for a full recovery are positive here.