"Allokin-Alpha" is an antiviral drug that is used to treat two common unpleasant diseases: herpes and papillomavirus. The causative agents of these viral diseases constantly live in the human body, making themselves felt only when immunity is weakened. This is where the manifestation of these insidious diseases begins. Special ointments, of course, help to remove them, but the virus still lives in the body and sooner or later will manifest itself again. Allokin-Alpha will help to free a person forever from pathogens. Russian analogues, release form, indications and contraindications for use will be discussed in detail in this article.

Pharmacological action
When taking the drug "Allokin-Alpha" (instructions for use, price, analogues are presented below), all links of immunity are effectively strengthened, and, as you know, there are two of them: humoral andcellular.
This tool helps to increase the activity of T-lymphocytes, which suppress and destroy the virus when interacting with the drug. These cells are the most important link between innate and adaptive immunity.
According to medical reviews, the Allokin-Alpha drug, whose Russian counterparts differ only in cost, produces endogenous interferon, which gives the body strength to actively fight the disease.
Taking an antiviral agent helps to regulate the conduction of excitation through the cells and nerves of smooth muscles, normalize the transmission of neuromuscular impulses impaired as a result of the blockade of K-channels. In addition, thanks to the Allokin-Alpha drug, the effect on smooth muscles of substances such as histamine, oxytocin, serotonin and acetylcholine increases.
The use of an antiviral agent does not have a toxic effect on the human body, and there is no non-specific activation of the immune system after an illness.
The main results of the pharmacological action of the drug include:
- Disappearance of signs of viral infection.
- Reduce the likelihood of complications.
- Reducing the duration of exacerbation.
- Exclusion of the recurrence of the disease.
Issue form
The drug "Allokin-Alpha" is available in the form of a white powder or porous mass, odorless. Used to prepare an injection solution. Produced in three forms:
- 1 mg vialssubstances packed in plastic contour trays of three.
- 10 ampoules placed in one contour cell.
- Ampoules with 1 mg of the drug, complete with ampoule scarifier, packed in 5 pieces.
Indications for use
The Allokin-Alpha drug has a wide range of effects on the parts of the human immune system. As a rule, the tool is used for:
- Chronic papillomavirus and a high probability of cancer.
- Lesions in the cervix in women and anogenital area in men. In such cases, the drug is used as an aid.
- Chronic and often recurrent herpes virus. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to use Allokin-Alpha at the first appearance of bubbles.
- Acute and chronic hepatitis of groups B and C. Taking the drug should be started from the first days of the appearance of jaundice on the skin and mucous membranes. If the treatment was started later than a week later, it will not be possible to achieve the maximum effect.

"Allokin-Alpha": how to breed?
In order to properly prepare a solution for injection, the contents of the ampoule must be dissolved in saline in a ratio of 1:1. To avoid the occurrence of side effects, it is not recommended to dilute in any other preparations. It is forbidden to mix the powder "Allokin-Alpha" with the means of parenteral administration in one medicalsyringe. The diluted solution should be used immediately, without leaving it until the next injection.

Method of application and dosage
According to the instructions, the drug "Allokin-Alpha" is injected subcutaneously. The duration of treatment includes 6 injections of 1 mg of an antiviral agent, performed every other day. This therapy is intended to treat an infection caused by oncogenic papillomaviruses.
For the treatment of recurrent herpes, it will be enough to administer three injections with the same dose and delivered every other day.
As for the moderate form of hepatitis B, the course of treatment in such cases increases to 9 injections of 1 mg. You can start therapy only after the diagnosis has been confirmed.

Russian medical scientists managed to invent a medicine with a minimum number of contraindications, since Allokin-Alpha (instructions for use, the price of which is discussed in this material) is not recommended for use only in the presence of autoimmune pathologies, individual intolerance to the components, with pregnancy and lactation period. It should be noted that the drug is not intended for the treatment of children.
Side effects
Reviews indicate a good tolerance of the drug "Allokin-Alpha", Russian analogues may have other responses. Side effects in rare cases are manifested in the form of muscle weakness, dizziness and the appearance of new herpes vesicles.
All these symptoms are usually associated with improperly formulated treatment. The reason for the appearance of side symptoms may lie in exceeding the recommended doses, the wrong combination of medications, ignoring contraindications to the use of the drug "Allokin-Alpha", violation of the frequency of injections, improper manipulation of the injection and non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
Pregnancy and lactation
Despite the fact that the main active substance has no teratogenic and mutagenic effect on the fetus and its development, the use of the drug "Allokin-Alpha" during pregnancy is prohibited. During the period of breastfeeding, it is also worth refusing treatment with this medication. If it is necessary to use this particular antiviral agent for treatment, the baby will have to be fed with milk formula.
Interaction with other medicines
When treating viral diseases with a drug based on alloferon, it is allowed to take drugs that have a detrimental effect on the pathogens of herpes simplex, papillomavirus and hepatitis B and C.

Allokin-Alpha: Russian analogues and prices
At the moment there are no problems with the purchase of an anti-virus tool in any region of Russia, especially in Moscow. The cost of the drug is quite high and differs significantly from pharmacies and manufacturers. On average, the price of one package costs 70-150 dollars.
Today, Allokin-Alpha has many analogues, the most common are:
- "Cervarix". Vaccine for the treatment of papillomavirus. The composition of the drug "Cervarix", the price of which in the territory of the Russian Federation ranges from 4250 to 5400 rubles, does not include the pathogens themselves, including inactivated ones. The basis of this drug are virus-like particles deposited on the surface of carrier proteins. The papilloma virus poses a great danger to humans, since in some cases it leads to the appearance of malignant tumors in the cervix. After completing the full course of vaccination, all patients were determined to be immune to HPV. The duration of the immune response to the effect of "Cervarix" from the moment of the first injection is 4 years. In the course of the studies, the high effectiveness of the vaccine was confirmed in order to prevent infection with the virus in patients of different age groups. "Cervarix", the price of which is much higher than the equally good analogue of "Groprinosin", is able to cause cross-immunity, which protects the body from various variants of the papillomavirus.
- Gardasil. The instructions for use allow the use of the vaccine for the treatment of children and adolescents over the age of 9 years for the prevention of precancerous dysplastic conditions and cervical cancer, as well as genital warts on the genitals and around the anus associated with HPV. On the territory of Russia, the cost of the drug is 3500-6400 rubles.
- The main form of release of the drug "Groprinosin" - tablets. The instruction says that the active substancemedication is inosine pranobex. In the network of pharmacies, the drug comes in blisters, 10 tablets each. The average cost of a package with 20 tablets is 500 rubles, 30 - 700 rubles, and 50 - 1250 rubles. The drug is effective in the treatment of Davson's encephalitis, most often found in children who have had measles before the age of two. "Groprinosin" (tablets) instruction recommends taking with reduced immunity, if various viruses have become the cause of this.

Combination with alcohol
No medication is recommended to be mixed with alcohol. The drug "Allokin-Alpha" was no exception. Doctors adhere to this position: the interferons that the human body produces under the influence of a drug are very sensitive to the smallest changes in the chemical composition of the blood. And it is rather difficult to predict the outcome of their interaction with an anti-virus agent. It is safe to say that the consequences of such a combination will be unambiguously negative. In addition to reducing the effectiveness of treatment, the risk of harm to human he alth also increases.