"Mildronate" is an effective drug that is successfully used in modern medical practice for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Before you start taking this medication, it is important to read the instructions for it. This drug is distinguished by a number of indications and contraindications, which the doctor must take into account when prescribing treatment. Many are interested in the best manufacturer "Mildronate". There are several countries where it is produced. Consider the instructions for use of this drug.

The main active ingredient of "Mildronate" is meldonium, an analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine produced by body cells.
The tablets contain excipients:
- Potato starch.
- Silicon dioxide colloidal.
- Calcium stearate.
The shell of the tablets consists of titanium dioxide and gelatin.
Injection ampoules containmeldonium (100 mg per 1 ml) and water.

Properties of meldonium
This substance has a positive effect on myocardial contraction, it has a myocardioprotective effect, can prevent heart rhythm disturbances, thereby reducing the infarct zone. Analysis of information on the use of "Mildronate" for the treatment of angina pectoris shows that the drug effectively reduces the volume of glyceryl trinitrate and the intensity of angina attacks.
This substance has a persistent antiarrhythmic effect in patients with ventricular extrasystoles and coronary artery disease, and in people with supraventricular extrasystoles there is a less intense effect. Of vital importance is the ability of "Mildronate" to reduce oxygen consumption by cells during antianginal therapy, when coronary artery disease is detected.
Meldonium has a positive effect on emerging atherosclerosis, which can occur in peripheral and coronary vessels, thereby reducing the atherogenic index and cholesterol levels in blood plasma
In the experiments, the antihypoxic effect of the active substance was revealed, as well as an action aimed at improving cerebral circulation. "Mildronate" has a stimulating effect on the nervous system - it increases endurance and activity, stimulates the improvement of behavioral reactions, can have an anti-stress effect and protect organs from stressful changes.

Impact of the product
"Mildronate" is a fairly well-known and widely used drug, which is usually prescribed by neurologists and cardiologists. It belongs to the category of metabolic agents, having the following effects:
- Antihypoxic - the drug prevents hypoxic tissue damage.
- Angioprotective - strengthening the walls of capillaries, improving microcirculation, as well as increasing their tone.
- Cardioprotective - "Mildronate" has a beneficial effect on the metabolic process in the myocardium.
- Antianginal - normalization of the functioning of the coronary vessels, facilitating the delivery of oxygen to the muscles of the cardiac system.
Indications for use
"Mildronate" is prescribed as a protective drug. This medication should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription, otherwise there is a possibility of the patient developing a variety of negative effects.
Indications for use:
- VSD.
- Bronchitis.
- Impaired circulation in the meninges.
- Dishormonal cardiomyopathy.
- Withdrawal syndrome.
- Degraded performance.
- Excessive mental stress, physical strain.
- Hemophthalmos.
- Heart failure.
- Speed up the recovery process after the operation.
- Asthma.
- For weight loss.

Despite the effective impact of Mildronate,There are some circumstances under which it should not be used. So, the drug is not recommended for use in such situations:
- Pregnancy.
- High ICP.
- Breastfeeding.
- Allergy to Mildronate components.
- Under 12 years of age.
Negative actions
Usually "Mildronate" is tolerated without much difficulty, but it is worth remembering that it can cause some side effects:
- Sudden pressure surges.
- Tachycardia.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Allergic reaction (rashes (urticaria), swelling, itching, allergic-type rhinitis, and redness).
- Short of breath.
- Symptoms of dyspepsia.
- Quincke's edema (damage to the eyes, face, lips and throat).
- Increase in the number of eosinophils.
- Psychomotor agitation.
- Anaphylactic shock (difficulty breathing, loose stools, vomiting, cyanosis of the skin, dysfunction of certain organs).
- General weakness.

Admission rules
Capsules should be taken without chewing. It is forbidden to crack or break the integrity of the capsule. "Mildronate" should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water. Often this drug is prescribed to athletes, as it will protect the heart from high loads and stress.
Injection Solution
Perform injections mainly intramuscularly, parabulbarno, and also intravenously. When administered intramuscularly, "Mildronate" willenter directly into the thickness of the muscular system, after which it is delivered to the cells. Parabulbar type injections involve the introduction of the drug into the eye area (through the lower eyelid to the edge of the eyeball).
Solution for injection produced in ampoules. They must be opened immediately before injections.
Before applying this product, the solution must be inspected for the absence of sediment. For injections, it is allowed to use only pure solution. It is allowed to perform intramuscular injections even at home, and parabulbar and intravenous injections are performed only in a hospital.
Usually, drops are used in ophthalmology in such situations:
- The occurrence of hemorrhages in the retina.
- Detection of non-inflammatory retinal lesions.
- Thrombosis developing in the main vein.
- Pathologies of the optic nerve.
Prescribe this form of the drug mainly to children over 12 years of age. The drug is prescribed by cardiologists when diagnosing disorders in the functioning of the heart. "Mildronate" is allowed to be used with reduced performance and excessive exhaustion, for example, during exams.
The duration of treatment largely depends on the diagnosis. But this drug will provoke the occurrence of psychomotor agitation, so it is required to use it in the morning.
One tablet of "Mildronate" contains 250 or 500 mg of the active substance. 5 ml of syrup contains 250 mg of meldonium. Welltherapy, as well as dosage depend on the disease and the condition of the patient. Assigned to 500 or 1000 mg per day. You can use this amount at one time or divided into two doses.
For cardialgia, 500 mg of meldonium is prescribed per day.
In case of circulatory disorders of the brain - 500-1000 mg per day.
In the case of using "Mildronate" in the form of syrup and capsules, it should be consumed 30 minutes before eating. The last dose of the medicine must be taken before 5:00 pm to facilitate the process of falling asleep.

Course duration
It is highly undesirable to use this remedy for self-treatment. It is very important that the duration of treatment and the dosage of the drug are prescribed by the doctor, who will tell the scheme for using "Mildronate" without interruption and harm to he alth. Appointments must be made strictly on an individual basis.
To achieve the desired effect, you should adhere to the following recommendations when taking the remedy:
- For chronic diseases, treatment should be scheduled individually, but its duration is usually no more than 1.5 months;
- In acute pathology, the drug should be taken for 4-6 weeks.
If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the course after a break.
Drug Interactions
Mildronate can be combined without complications with the following medicines:
- Diuretics.
- Antiplatelet agents.
- Broncholytics.
- Antiarrhythmic drugs.
"Mildronate" may enhance the effects of other medications. This condition is usually noted when taking this medication in combination with:
- Drugs that help lower blood pressure.
- Cardiac glycosides.
- Beta-blockers.
There are many known drugs that have the same effect as "Mildronate". These are: "Bravadin", "Dibikor", "Melfor", "Predizin", "Riboxin", "Karditrim", "Kudesan", "Medatern", "Etoksidol" and "Trimet". The solution has the following analogues: Inosin-Eskom, Mexicor, Cardionat, Idrinol, Firazir, Phosphaden and Histochrome.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding
The safety of using Mildronate during childbearing has not been exactly established. To avoid possible adverse effects on the fetus, it should not be used during lactation and during pregnancy.
It is also not known whether the active ingredient "Mildronate" will be excreted in mother's milk. If it becomes necessary to use the drug while breastfeeding, it is recommended to stop lactation.
Application features
Patients suffering from certain chronic diseases should be extremely careful when using the drug. This applies to patients suffering from renal and hepatic insufficiency. There is no exact data oneffect on the ability to drive vehicles.
There are practically no reviews about the manufacturer "Mildronate". Latvia is the country where this medicine is produced. Patients in their reviews do not focus on this. In addition, "Mildronate" is produced in Poland (the company "Elfa Pharmaceutical" in the city of Jelenia Góra) and in Slovakia (the company "HBM Pharma"). Regardless of the manufacturer of "Mildronate", in Germany this medicine is actively used to treat patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
This medication is not produced in our country. Above, we indicated who the manufacturer of "Mildronate" is. In Russia, its analogues are produced. They are no less effective, but cheaper. These are: Melfor, Meldonium, Cardionat, Idrinol. Belarus also produces analogues of the drug in question. These are: "Mildrocard" and "Riboxin".
Patient opinions
People in their reviews report that "Mildronate" helps to solve many problems with the heart, circulation, relieves fatigue, increases activity. Students report that taking this medication helped them prepare for the session. Athletes also respond well to the drug. Many write that he has practically no adverse reactions.
However, there are people who have not felt the effects of "Mildronate". They report that after the course of treatment with this remedy, they did not gain strength, and fatigue did not decrease.
"Mildronate" is widely used for various conditions of patients. This drug is produced in different countries. Which manufacturer of "Mildronate" is better? According to reviews, this is the Latvian company Santonika. The owner of the registration certificate "Grindeks" (Riga). Also, Russian pharmaceutical companies have proven themselves well, producing effective and inexpensive analogues. The drug is prescribed for decreased performance, physical overstrain, heart failure. If used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, no adverse reactions are observed.