The smell of blood in the nose: causes and treatment

The smell of blood in the nose: causes and treatment
The smell of blood in the nose: causes and treatment

The smell of blood in the nose is a sign of a pathological process in the body. Under normal conditions, there is no such symptom. An unpleasant sensation can appear with various diseases, both life-threatening and not. In any case, it is worth visiting a therapist, undergoing a comprehensive examination.


Specialists call this term a condition in which the patient perceives the surrounding aromas incorrectly. As a rule, this phenomenon is not dangerous. Incorrect perception of aromas can manifest itself against the background of hormonal disorders. So, many women complain that their nose smells of blood in the first trimester of pregnancy. This happens because the body adapts to its new state.

The smell of blood in the nose
The smell of blood in the nose

In old age, dysosmia may be associated with atrophy of nerve endings. In this case, the smell of blood in the nose will appear with high blood pressure. Unpleasant symptoms can develop while taking certain medications. Long-term smoking (more than 10 years) will also contribute to damage to the scent receptors. In addition, alcoholism often leads to the developmentdysosmia.

The pathological process can develop against the background of other chronic diseases not related to the respiratory system. Therefore, if you smell blood in your nose, you should make an appointment with a therapist.


Swelling in the nose can lead to incorrect perception of smells. Statistical data indicate that more than 2% of cases of malignant tumors are occupied by sinus cancer. Representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to experience the disease than women. As a rule, these are people of working age.

The exact causes of the disease are currently unknown. However, there are factors that can contribute to the development of dangerous cells in the body. These include features of the professional environment, bad habits, as well as chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx. The risk of developing the disease is significantly increased in patients who work in the woodworking industry. Special respirators help to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Dangerous Diagnosis
Dangerous Diagnosis

Symptoms of a malignant tumor in the nose can vary greatly. The smell of blood in the nose can be the first sign of a dangerous process in the body. The sooner the tumor is detected, the more likely it is to be completely cured.

Features of therapy

Before starting the right treatment, the specialist must understand what kind of formation he had to face, where exactly it is located. The specialist makes a preliminary diagnosis based on the patient's complaints. The smell of blood in the nose andheadache - dangerous signs that may indicate the initial stage of the malignant process. The doctor also pays attention to external symptoms, such as discharge from the nose, facial deformity.

As a rule, it is possible to overcome a dangerous disease with the help of combination therapy. This includes surgery, chemotherapy, drug treatment. The amount of intervention depends on the location and size of the malignant tumor.

doctor and patient
doctor and patient

Prognosis depends on the stage of the malignant process. If the patient asked for help immediately after discovering the smell of blood in the nose, there is every chance to overcome a dangerous illness.


Many face inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Such a nuisance is accompanied by any cold. Why does my nose smell like blood? It is possible that I had to face a runny nose. The pathological process is manifested by edema, nasal congestion, burning in the nasal cavity. In addition, the patient begins to distort the perception of aromas. Many complain about the unpleasant smell of blood.

The inflammatory process can spread to other parts of the respiratory system. The aroma of blood in the nose can manifest itself with sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis media, etc. If you refuse timely treatment, dangerous complications will develop.

Bad smell
Bad smell

The most common is coryza. Everyone faces such a disease during the period of seasonal cold weather. Pathology is infectiousnature. The disease proceeds in three stages. Initially, there is a headache, general malaise. During this period, many complain about the appearance of an unpleasant smell of blood in the nasal cavity. Further, the mucous membrane begins to swell, breathing becomes more difficult. Acute coryza usually lasts 7-10 days.

Hypertrophic rhinitis

This is a special form of the disease in which there is an overgrowth of connective tissue. The pathological process is observed, as a rule, in the lower part of the nasal concha. As the connective tissue grows, the smell of blood in the nose may increase. This form of the disease often develops in early childhood with adenoids. In this case, surgery is required.

Patients complain not only about the smell of blood in their noses. There is also a strong congestion of the nasal passages. Due to respiratory failure, a number of comorbidities develop. Often in patients with hypertrophic rhinitis, sleep is disturbed, chronic headaches appear.

You can easily remove pathological growths of connective tissue with the help of cryodestruction or cauterization. Surgery is performed under local anesthesia.


The disease is also associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. In the vast majority of cases, a bacterial infection leads to the development of the pathological process. However, fungi and viruses can also provoke the disease. Nasopharyngitis can be acute or chronic. In both cases, the disease may be accompanied by the smell of blood in the nose.

doctor and patient
doctor and patient

Initially, the pathological process almost always develops in an acute form. If therapy is carried out incorrectly or out of time, the disease becomes chronic. This requires a longer and more expensive treatment.

Nasopharyngitis, like rhinitis, begins with a burning sensation in the nose. Then a serous discharge appears.

Treatment of disease

With proper therapy, recovery occurs within a week. The doctor chooses the method of treatment based on the nature of the disease. If the disease was provoked by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are indispensable. As a rule, broad-spectrum drugs are used. Additionally, antiviral agents, immunostimulants, vitamins can be prescribed. At high body temperature, antipyretic drugs are required.


When nasal breathing is difficult, vasoconstrictor drugs are often used. However, you should not get involved in such drugs. They can be addictive. In addition, after taking such drops, there may be a smell of blood in the nose and dizziness.

Nasal polyps

Outgrowths of hypertrophied mucosa can also lead to distortion of aromas. Often with this diagnosis, there is a smell of blood in the nose. The causes of the pathological process may be different. Statistics indicate that up to 5% of the world's population faces the problem. In men, polyps are observed much more often than in women. Often the disease develops due to anatomicalfeatures of the nasal cavity. In this regard, the disease may be hereditary. Chronic inflammatory diseases also lead to the appearance of growths in the nose. These include sinusitis, allergic respiratory diseases, asthmatic bronchitis.


In most cases, polyps begin to grow in the ethmoid sinus. "I smell blood in my nose" - with such a complaint, patients seek help for the first time. Pathology should not be ignored. Polyps increase in size over time, occupying the entire nasal cavity. Nasal breathing significantly worsens. Patients become irritable, quickly tired. The appearance of polyps in childhood can lead to a violation of the structure of the skull.

At the initial stage of the disease, success can be achieved with the help of conservative therapy. Treatment is aimed at eliminating factors that can provoke the growth of polyps. If nasal breathing is disturbed, it is no longer possible to do without surgical intervention. The growths are removed under local anesthesia. If the operation goes without complications, the patient can go home after a few hours.

Blood diseases

The smell of blood in the nasal cavity can be felt with frequent capillary bleeding. Pathology can be congenital or acquired. Often, people with a low blood coagulation rate experience such a symptom. Hemophilia is a dangerous hereditary disease that is not always possible to identify immediately after birth. A full lifestyle allows the patient to leadreplacement therapy. The patient is given drugs that replace the missing blood components.

Anemia is another common condition that can cause the smell of blood in the nose. Against the background of a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin, the patient becomes more tired, pale. The patient is unable to complete daily tasks. Anemia often develops during pregnancy. The problem is easily eliminated with the help of special preparations based on iron.

Polycythemia is a disease that develops due to a sharp increase in red blood cells in the body. The pathological process leads to the formation of blood clots and can be fatal.

The group of cancers includes a disease called "leukemia". The first sign of a pathological process can also be the smell of blood in the nose.

Hypertensive encephalopathy

Chronic progressive disease of the brain tissue can also be detected by the smell of blood in the nose. A pathological process develops against the background of prolonged uncontrolled hypertension. Gradually, the small vessels of the brain are affected. Refusal of timely therapy can lead to atherosclerosis and death of the patient.

High blood pressure is the main factor leading to the development of the disease. Each hypertensive crisis results in the death of a small portion of the blood vessels in the brain. Nocturnal rises in blood pressure are dangerous. In this case, the patient may feel normal. The smell of blood in the nose in the morning can alert. Such a symptom is a reason to turn toconsultation with a therapist.

Unfortunately, hypertensive encephalopathy cannot be completely cured. Proper therapy will stop the development of the disease. The patient must be prescribed vasodilators, as well as drugs that improve blood microcirculation.


Why does my nose smell of blood? An unpleasant odor can be present in a variety of pathological processes. The first thing to do is make an appointment with the doctor. The specialist will conduct a series of diagnostic studies and determine what the unpleasant symptom is associated with. The sooner treatment is started, the lower the likelihood of dangerous complications.
