Acute hemorrhoids: symptoms, causes, how and how to treat?

Acute hemorrhoids: symptoms, causes, how and how to treat?
Acute hemorrhoids: symptoms, causes, how and how to treat?

Hemorrhoidal disease is very common among both men and women. The disease manifests itself due to the weakness of the venous walls in the rectum. Due to provoking factors, the disease can progress to acute hemorrhoids. Symptoms and treatment of this form of the disease are described in the article.

Causes of disease

The disease is chronic for several years. Depending on the patient's lifestyle, it goes into an acute stage faster or slower, when it is no longer possible to avoid the use of medications. Of course, if you start therapy in the initial stages of the disease, relapse can be avoided. But most patients stubbornly put off a visit to the proctologist, and the symptoms of acute hemorrhoids inevitably overtake them.

Causes of hemorrhoids:

  • hereditary predisposition to weakness of the venous walls;
  • physical activity - constant weight lifting (movers, builders and weightlifters often suffer from this disease - this is their professional ailment);
  • sedentary lifestyle (contributes to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs);
  • taking certain medications;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • thick blood provokes thrombosis in hemorrhoids;
  • malnutrition (almost always causes regular constipation and, as a result, sphincter overstrain);
  • chronic diseases of the digestive tract;
  • blood flow disorders that lead to blood pooling in the pelvic area.

Much depends on heredity. Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids are unlikely to appear in a person who genetically inherited strong venous walls. But even if such a hereditarily gifted patient neglects the right way of life, hemorrhoids will in any case make themselves felt. It's only a matter of time.

acute hemorrhoids treatment
acute hemorrhoids treatment

Acute hemorrhoids: symptoms

Treatment and prevention should be carried out in the early stages. When a serious exacerbation has begun, often only surgery can help. However, you can try to carry out comprehensive measures to alleviate the patient's condition at home.

Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids:

  1. Severe pain that gets worse when going to the toilet, during physical exertion, prolonged sitting still, trying to run, climbing stairs, coughing, sneezing. In some cases, the pain can reach such intensity that the patient is forced to resort to strong analgesics.
  2. Hard, painful to the touch knots of blue orpurple in color, which are visible outside or inside the rectum. These are the so-called hemorrhoids, which develop in all patients at the end of the second or at the beginning of the third stage.
  3. Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids in women are often associated with manifestations of urogenital infections. It could be vaginitis, urethritis. With such symptoms, antibiotics and serious anesthetics are indispensable.
  4. Bleeding is a common sign and symptom of acute hemorrhoids. Blood is no longer just left on toilet paper after a bowel movement. If a hemorrhoid bursts (external or external - it does not matter), then the bleeding reaches quite serious volumes.
  5. Severe itching and burning in the anus does not always indicate a transition to an acute form. Such symptoms are usually characteristic of the second stage of the disease. Manifestations and symptoms of acute hemorrhoids no longer imply itching and burning. At this stage, severe pain develops due to inflamed hemorrhoids.
  6. Increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees, feverish condition of the patient. The patient becomes disabled, lethargic and asthenic. In some cases, he is simply not able to go to work, he is forced to go to the doctor and apply for a sick leave.

Only a proctologist can assess the patient's condition and diagnose the exact stage of the disease. Treatment will depend on this. In some cases, patients make do with self-selected therapies. But it should be remembered that this threatens the development of bleeding and thrombosis.

methods of treatment of acute hemorrhoids
methods of treatment of acute hemorrhoids

Effective treatments

Symptoms of acute external hemorrhoids can be treated with medicated ointments. Baths and compresses are also good. Almost always nodes are present inside the rectum. Such hemorrhoids are called internal. For its treatment, rectal suppositories are used.

Let's take a closer look at each method of therapy.

  1. Rectal suppositories provide a local effect on the rectum, are quickly absorbed and absorbed into the blood, are most effective for internal acute hemorrhoids. Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of suppositories: painkillers, with propolis, ichthyol, sea buckthorn, homeopathic, hemostatic, methyluracil, anti-inflammatory, adrenaline.
  2. Ointments are effective for external hemorrhoids - both as a preventive measure and when symptoms of acute hemorrhoids appear. How to treat nodes with the help of such means? They should be applied in a thin layer to the affected tissue area. Ointments with a strong anesthetic effect help relieve pain even with symptoms of acute hemorrhoids. The method of application is slightly different for men and women due to anatomical features.
  3. Folk treatments can bring relief from the acute form of the disease only for a short period of time. To achieve long-term remission, pharmacological drugs should be used.
  4. Also, all patients with hemorrhoids, regardless of their location, should take a course of venotonic drugs every six months. They help thin the blood andimproving its composition - this action is called angioprotective. The drugs are quite expensive, but they allow you to avoid relapses of diseases associated with weakness of the venous walls. This is not only hemorrhoids, but also varicose veins, as well as cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Laxatives act indirectly and help reduce an attack of hemorrhoids by eliminating the possibility of constipation. When the patient does not have to push during the act of defecation, the nodes become less inflamed and cause less pain. If you exclude the possibility of constipation for a long time, there is a chance to minimize the manifestations of the disease.
proper nutrition for acute hemorrhoids
proper nutrition for acute hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories for stopping an attack of hemorrhoids

The most popular and inexpensive candles that can stop a pain attack:

  1. "Relief" - candles, the main active ingredient of which is shark fat. This component effectively nourishes and moisturizes the walls of the rectal mucosa. Relieves pain both with prolapsed hemorrhoids and with internal ones.
  2. "Gepatrombin G" - candles, which include sodium heparin. This component has the ability to disperse blood stasis in the pelvic area. It is the impaired blood circulation that contributes to the increase in hemorrhoids, which is why they cause severe pain. The use of suppositories effectively helps with internal acute hemorrhoids.
  3. "Natalsid" - candles with a natural composition. Used extensively by patients to treat symptomsacute hemorrhoids, the causes of which are pregnancy or constipation. They have a minimum of side effects. Among the contraindications is only individual intolerance to sodium alginate, which is the main active ingredient.
relief from hemorrhoids
relief from hemorrhoids

Drugs with venotonic action

These are tablets and capsules that will not provide instant relief for acute hemorrhoids, but in the long term will reduce its manifestations to a minimum.

  1. The drug "Phlebodia" has the following properties: reduces the extensibility of veins, tones the vascular wall. Due to this action, with regular use of Phlebodia, the possibility of exacerbation of hemorrhoids and complications is reduced. Proctologists without fail prescribe venotonics to patients after surgery to remove hemorrhoids.
  2. Venarus is another popular venotonic drug. Indications for use - hemorrhoids in the acute and chronic stages, as well as varicose veins of the lower extremities. Due to the medicinal composition, venous distensibility decreases, vascular tone increases, and blood stasis in the veins decreases. In addition, microcirculation and lymph outflow are improved, capillaries are strengthened, their permeability is reduced.

Effective ointments at the time of an attack

List of the most effective ointments for the relief of symptoms of acute hemorrhoids:

  1. "Relief Advance" is a variation of the popular ointment, which was created specifically to stop acute attacks. Partadded analgesic component - benzocaine, which is deprived of the standard ointment "Relief". This ingredient stops nerve impulses, so you can achieve pain relief, reduce itching and burning symptoms of acute internal hemorrhoids.
  2. "Troxerutin" 2% or 5% contains the main active ingredient of the same name. When applied externally, the ointment can reduce the size of hemorrhoids, as it accelerates blood stasis. It has a mild antipruritic and analgesic effect. Pain with a strong attack of hemorrhoids ointment is unlikely to alleviate, but in the second stage of the disease, the remedy is very effective. There is a more expensive analogue of "Troxerutin" called "Troxevasin". The composition of these funds is identical, but the cost is three times different.
troxerutin for acute hemorrhoids
troxerutin for acute hemorrhoids

Methods of folk therapy for an acute attack

Symptoms of acute hemorrhoids in women and men can be stopped by folk remedies. Such methods reduce pain for a short time - an average of half an hour. But if there are no medications for pain in the house, then folk recipes will help relieve the symptoms.

  1. Fresh potato juice is the No. 1 remedy among all other methods aimed at reducing the pain of acute hemorrhoids with improvised means. Peel a raw potato, grate it and squeeze out the juice. Soak a cotton pad with it and apply to the hemorrhoid. It will shrink in size. Potato Juice Reduces Pain, But Not As Effective As It May Bemake pharmacological agents.
  2. Bee products are a well-known folk remedy for both chronic and acute forms of hemorrhoids. You can make your own rectal suppositories from beeswax, or simply make compresses from a bandage or cotton dipped in honey water.
  3. Infusion of chamomile, calendula or oak bark is an effective remedy for reducing itching and burning in the anus. It is necessary to prepare the most concentrated infusion of these herbs as possible and arrange a sitz bath. Some people are allergic to herbs - this should be taken into account and used with caution.

Laxatives for hemorrhoids

Laxatives indirectly act on hemorrhoids to prevent constipation.

"Senade" is a drug based on the herb senna. Sold in packs of 50 and 100 tablets. The average cost of the drug is about two hundred rubles. It is in high demand among consumers due to its cost and effectiveness, as well as its natural composition. The relief effect occurs approximately 7-8 hours after taking one tablet

senade for acute hemorrhoids
senade for acute hemorrhoids

"Phytolax" - a laxative of complex action from the domestic company "Evalar". The average cost of syrup is about three hundred rubles. The tablet form is a little cheaper - about two hundred rubles. The laxative effect occurs approximately five hours after the use of the remedy

Proper nutrition

Most patients experience severe pain with symptomsacute hemorrhoids. How and how to treat such a condition? Patients choose means of pharmacology. Of course, this helps to stop the attack for a while. To prevent relapses of acute hemorrhoids, you should normalize your diet, which will improve blood composition and prevent constipation.

  1. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of clean water per day. This helps to thin the blood and normalize its composition. As a result, the tone of the venous walls improves, which helps prevent the recurrence of acute hemorrhoids.
  2. In the diet daily should be raw or boiled beets. This is the best natural laxative. Unlike tablets, it is inexpensive. Improves blood composition by increasing the number of red blood cells. Prunes are also good in this regard - they can be eaten both fresh and dry.
  3. Daily diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits. They are rich in fiber and help improve intestinal motility. Regular intake of raw vegetables and fruits causes unloading of the digestive organs. This generally has a positive effect on the patient's well-being.
beets for acute hemorrhoids
beets for acute hemorrhoids

Preventive measures for hemorrhoids

In order to prevent the transition of chronic hemorrhoids into the acute phase, the following rules should be observed:

  • avoid staying in steam rooms, baths and saunas - high temperature contributes to the expansion of veins and blood vessels, as a result, the patient experiences exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • daily cold showers in the rectal passage provide the opposite effect -the vessels narrow, and the pain goes away, the hemorrhoids decrease;
  • complete exclusion from the diet of alcoholic beverages helps cleanse the blood and positively affects the condition of blood vessels and capillaries throughout the body;
  • moderate physical activity is aimed at accelerating blood circulation, preventing blood stagnation in the pelvic organs. Patients with hemorrhoids are contraindicated in physical activity associated with weight lifting.
