Since ancient times, viburnum has been used to treat colds and lower blood pressure. Now it is used in folk and official medicine, cosmetology and food industry. Viburnum has a wide range of uses. Despite its bitter-sour taste, berry tea helps in the treatment of many diseases. How to brew viburnum?
Useful properties
The healing properties of viburnum have been known to our ancestors since antiquity. It has been used to treat many diseases. Usually viburnum was eaten fresh or tea was made from it. By the amount of vitamin C, berries are ahead of blackcurrant and lemon, so they are often used to treat colds.

How to brew viburnum? Before moving on to the process of obtaining a healing drink, you need to consider all its benefits.
Among the useful properties of viburnum, the following can be distinguished:
- Vitamins and minerals,contained in the berries, help strengthen the immune system. Therefore, drinking tea with viburnum is useful for colds and for the prevention of viral diseases. To do this, the berries can be used both fresh and dry or frozen.
- Kalina has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is taken for sore throat, runny nose and bronchitis.
- Viburnum tea normalizes the digestion process, as it contains pectins and tannins, which have a positive effect on the digestive tract.
- Adding berries to tea is recommended for people who suffer from high blood pressure. Viburnum juice is able to cleanse the blood of toxins.
- Tea has a calming effect, so it can be drunk in stressful situations, increased nervousness.
- Viburnum berries are rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals.
Due to the useful composition, viburnum tea has a positive effect on he alth and relieves the symptoms of many diseases.
Berries harvesting
It is recommended to collect viburnum in October, the main condition is that frosts pass. They remove the bitterness of the berries and are also a sign that the fruits are ripe and filled with healing power.
The procurement process consists of the following steps:
- berries are removed together with the stalk, but not separately, but with the whole umbrella;
- then separate them from the branches;
- the process is carried out carefully so as not to damage the berries;
- fruits are washed;
- spread them out to dry on a pre-preparedtowel or cloth;
- sprinkle the berries with sugar in equal proportions and grind;
- put the resulting mass in sterilized jars;
- keep cool.

How to brew viburnum? To get a truly he althy drink, the fruits must be properly harvested. Berries for this can be dried or frozen. In the first case, the fruits are not separated from the branches, but washed in the same form. Dry naturally, and only then placed in the oven (at a temperature of 60 degrees) or on the stove.
For freezing, the berries are separated from the twigs, then they are washed, dried, put in a container and frozen.
Kalina for hypertension
Berries affect the circulatory system as follows:
- increases the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthens their walls;
- reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
- eliminate vascular spasms;
- thin the blood;
- set the optimal heart rate;
- expand the heart vessels.
Another important quality of viburnum is its diuretic effect, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body. And this leads to a decrease in pressure. Properly prepared tea retains all its healing qualities and can have a healing effect when used systematically.
How to brew viburnum? There are some simple tips.

To lower blood pressure, you need touse the recipe for tea with viburnum. An important condition is the correct collection of berries. It is best to do this after the onset of frost. During this period, the fruits cease to be bitter. If the aftertaste remains, you can get rid of it by pouring boiling water over the berries for 10 minutes.
How to brew viburnum from pressure
To make tea, you need to take a handful of clean berries, put them in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Mash viburnum, transfer to a container and pour hot water. The temperature should not exceed 60-70 degrees. Experts advise not to boil the broth, but to cook over low heat. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator, but not more than 2 days. After this period, it loses its healing properties. Such a remedy can help the heart and blood vessels.
It is recommended to take it no more than twice a day. For optimal tea intake, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

How to brew viburnum? It is best to take chopped berries. You can make a drink from some berries, and then add it to black or green tea. It is best to pour tea leaves not with boiling water so that all useful substances and vitamins are preserved.
Such methods of brewing are known:
- 50 g of fresh berries are ground with sugar, poured into a glass of hot water. Insist for half an hour. To improve the taste, green or black tea is added to the drink. The resulting drink is drunk throughout the day.
- Mix honey with fresh berries, leave for a week in a cool place. Add 1 tbsp. l. into tea.
- 30g dried fruits are poured into a glass of hot water, wrapped in a dense cloth and infused for 30 minutes. Tea is filtered and drunk throughout the day. To improve the taste, add honey or lemon.
Proper brewing of viburnum tea allows you to save all the beneficial properties of berries and have a positive effect on the body.
Infusion in a thermos
There are many recipes for making viburnum. After all, berries contain vitamins C, A, E, P, K, organic acids, tannins, tannins, coumarins, micro and macro elements, myricyl alcohol.
To brew viburnum in a thermos, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. crushed fruits. Pour them into a vessel and pour 230 ml of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos for 3.5 hours, strain.

It is recommended to take the resulting drink 80 ml 3-4 times a day 40 minutes before meals. The infusion is especially effective for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, colitis, enteritis), as well as for skin rashes and nosebleeds.
How to brew viburnum for colds
In order to get a truly healing drink, you must follow the following recommendations:
- berries are separated from the branches, they are placed in a container and kneaded;
- filled with hot water;
- insist for 10-15 minutes;
- the infusion is filtered and boiled;
- dry brewing tea (green or black) is poured with viburnum infusion;
- for taste it is allowed to add a spoonful of honey or a slice of lemon.
Take tea twotimes a day. It will help strengthen the immune system, it can be drunk as a cold prevention.

The second version of viburnum tea for colds. It must be prepared from fully ripened berries. It is best to pluck them after the first frost.
How to brew and how to drink viburnum? The following drink recipe is known:
- 3 tbsp. l. crushed berries pour 300 ml of hot water;
- boil the broth over low heat for 15 minutes;
- strain and bring the broth to its original volume by adding water.
It is recommended to drink a decoction 1/3 cup three times a day 40 minutes before meals. The drink acts as a tonic and diaphoretic.
Vitamin drink
How to brew viburnum for cough? A drink made from fresh or frozen berries is an excellent tonic that is used in the treatment of many diseases of a viral nature in combination with drugs.

The tea recipe is simple:
- mash a small amount of berries with a fork in a glass;
- fill them with warm water;
- to improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey or a slice of lemon.
Drink tea 30 minutes before meals three times a day for 1/3 cup.
For bronchitis, flu and any cough you can make tea:
- 2-3 tbsp. l. viburnum flowers and a handful of berries pour a liter of water;
- cook on lowfire for 15 minutes;
- when the tea has cooled, add 200 ml of honey.
Drink the drink throughout the day in small quantities.
To get tasty and he althy viburnum tea, you need to brew it correctly. This will preserve all vitamins, micro and macro elements and other substances. Tea will help get rid of many diseases, including lowering blood pressure and cold symptoms.