Homeopathy for sore throat: drug names, composition, treatment results and doctors' reviews

Homeopathy for sore throat: drug names, composition, treatment results and doctors' reviews
Homeopathy for sore throat: drug names, composition, treatment results and doctors' reviews

In the article we will consider whether homeopathy will help with a sore throat. Indeed, every year an increasing number of people use such drugs in the treatment of various diseases. Homeopathy is gentle medicine based on the principle that like cures like.

Thus, while taking a homeopathic medicine, a person develops symptoms similar to the manifestations of the disease. The mechanism of functioning of such drugs is that microdoses of substances are used so that they produce a therapeutic effect. There is no unequivocal attitude to this science, especially among physicians. Some consider it a quackery, while others - a real panacea.

homeopathy sore throat
homeopathy sore throat

Treatment of sore throat with homeopathy should only be done under medical supervision.

The effect of homeopathic medicines on the body

According to numerous studies, this therapy actually works. Some doctors prescribe homeopathic medicines even for infants. What is the feature? The main difference between such methods of therapy and traditional medicine is that the latter treats the disease, while homeopathy treats the patient.

Homeopathic medicines do not disrupt the functioning of organs and systems. They act delicately, softly, therefore they are quite safe for he alth. The composition of such drugs does not include aggressive synthetic substances, but only natural ones. Homeopathy differs from herbal medicine in the concentration of the main element in the preparation and the principles of use.

Composition of homeopathic remedies for sore throat

Sore throat can be eliminated with homeopathic remedies, consisting of herbal ingredients with anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The composition of such medicines includes some mineral trace elements: mercury, gold, limestone, platinum, lead, graphite.

It is the similarity of the chemical and physical characteristics of trace elements that determines their therapeutic effect on the body. In addition, animal extracts may be present in the content of such medicines. In this case, toxic substances and waste products are used.

homeopathy classical
homeopathy classical

Indications for use

Homeopathy for sore throat can be used for the following pathologies:

  1. Diseases of the nasopharynx of an infectious nature of origin. These are tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis.
  2. Adenoids.
  3. Reflux.
  4. Allergic reactions.

The above diseases can provokethe occurrence of soreness and discomfort in the nasopharynx, sore throat when swallowing. Homeopathy can help very quickly.

Drug names

For the symptoms described, doctors who prefer to treat patients with homeopathic medicines prescribe the following medications:

  • "Aconite";
  • Argentum Nitricum;
  • "Belladonna";
  • Arsenicum Album.

Classical homeopathy for sore throat is used at the beginning of the disease with hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the larynx and tonsils, severe burning, with a sharp onset of the disease against the background of hypothermia, with feverish conditions, severe thirst. Drugs are prescribed not only for sore throats, but also for pathological conditions that are accompanied by chills without profuse sweating.

In fact, these drugs can be recommended for almost any infection during an outbreak. It can eliminate ailments such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. Homeopathic medicines can also be used to reduce fever during a sore throat.

Medicines contain flavones, alkaloids, saponins, ascorbic acid, tannins, coumarins and a number of trace elements. What are the most effective homeopathic remedies for a sore throat in an adult?

homeopathy treatment
homeopathy treatment

Argentum Nitricum

Such a homeopathic remedy relieves symptoms such as hoarseness or loss of voice, not only in infectious diseases of the throat, but also due toprofessional activity. In addition, the drug is indicated for pain in the throat of a stabbing character, benign formations on the mucosa.

The medicine contains silver nitrate, which effectively disinfects the surface of the throat, destroys pathogenic microbes, and has a systemic effect on the body. It is prescribed for tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils, pharyngitis.


This homeopathic remedy is the go-to remedy for sore throats in young children. It is used in acute purulent tonsillitis, which is accompanied by fever. The medicine contains poisonous substances of the belladonna plant in its composition, therefore it is used with great care and in strictly prescribed dosages by the doctor, especially when it comes to treating children.

Homeopathy for sore throat on the right or left is often prescribed.

severe sore throat
severe sore throat


This is a homeopathic medicine based on honey bee extracts. It has an inflammatory and irritant effect, eliminating the sore throat, which subsides during the intake of cold drinks and is aggravated by warm drinks. Also, this medicine is prescribed for unpleasant sensations of a stabbing nature that radiate to the ears, with swelling, enlargement and soreness of the tonsils.

Arsenicum Album

Homeopathic remedy "Arsenicum album" is produced on the basis of arsenic anhydride. It is used for sore throats of a burning nature that subside after taking warm drinks. Goodthe drug helps with discomfort that occurs during swallowing, ulcers on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx.

Treatment results

Many people believe that homeopathy is a good method of treating all sorts of diseases. For example, in case of inflammatory pathologies of the throat, it is not necessary to immediately begin the use of various pharmacological agents based on synthetic active elements, antibiotics, which can eliminate the disease only taking into account the occurrence of numerous side effects.

pain homeopathy
pain homeopathy

The results of treatment with the above homeopathic medicines are usually quite positive. Despite the fact that such drugs in the first days of taking cause an acute increase in pathological symptoms, they act effectively and help cure the cause of throat diseases.

Benefits of homeopathic remedies

The main advantage of medicines in this category is that there is the possibility of their use by pregnant women, the elderly, children of different ages. In addition, these drugs can be taken if there are contraindications or intolerance to traditional drugs.

The advantage of homeopathy is the ease of use of medicines. For example, granules do not need to be washed down like regular tablets. They have a sweetish taste, so they are easily accepted by young children. There is no addiction to homeopathic medicines, they are safe and are not capable of provoking side effects due to the extremely low content of active ingredients.

Whenhomeopathic therapy is not recommended to drink alcohol. Mint and camphor are also not used.

homeopathy for pain
homeopathy for pain

What drugs to relieve a sore throat? In homeopathy, they focus mainly on the patient's sensations and symptoms. Stop taking such drugs should be after the elimination of the pathological manifestations of the disease, and resume it if the symptoms return. In the acute period of the disease, the result of treatment with homeopathic remedies should occur on the first day. In the absence of positive dynamics of the patient's condition, further use of these drugs is inappropriate.

Will homeopathy help with severe sore throat according to doctors?

Reviews of doctors

Most experts note that they often prescribe homeopathic medicines to their patients. This applies not only to diseases of the nasopharynx and throat, but also to many other pathologies. They point to their only disadvantage - such medicines can have a positive effect only during long-term use. These are not symptomatic drugs used to quickly relieve pain, but systemic drugs to treat the underlying cause of the pathological signs.

pain in an adult
pain in an adult

Such remedies, according to doctors, are recommended for various diseases of the throat in a chronic course, when there is no urgent need to eliminate any infection that caused the development of sore throat. They act gently, unlike many traditional and oftenprescribed medicines with antiseptic properties. Homeopathic preparations are taken for sore throat in long courses at prescribed doses at certain intervals. In addition, it is important to control the diet.
