A sore throat can occur for various reasons. As a rule, an unpleasant symptom is temporary and "disappears" after coughing.
But it happens that tickling develops into a serious disease, the source of which can only be determined by an otolaryngologist. At the same time, pain syndrome as an additional symptom is quite rare. A visit to the laura is justified only if the problem with the throat has existed for more than three days.
A medical specialist will select a competent therapy, which may include an integrated approach. In most cases, patients are prescribed lozenges for sore throat to relieve pain.

Pickle is an unpleasant symptom that can manifest itself instantly, without any additional signs. As a rule, this process can be accompanied by a cough. Sometimes tears appear in the eyes of the sick person, and it will not be possible to immediately stop the attack. It is believed that such a violation in the throat tells about inflammation or anotherannoyed.
Pickle is a protective reaction to an infection from the mucous membrane of the throat, as well as the larynx and oral cavity. Due to the appearance of such a condition, the patient's voice may hoarse, it will break and often disappear.

If the patient showed similar signs, then the following factors can cause them:
- Infectious diseases.
- Bad habits.
- Allergic reactions.
- Environment.
Treatment in the throat may appear due to infection with viruses and bacteria:
- The spread of pathogens goes unnoticed at first. But in the future, in addition to perspiration, due to bacteria entering the larynx and bronchi, pain occurs and the production of pathological secretion increases.
- "Traces" of vital activity of parasites that can live in the tissues and organs of the digestive system. Metabolic products cause an infection that damages and irritates the throat.

Bad habits:
- Smoking. Due to the inhalation of smoke and harmful elements, soot settles on the throat. It enters the deep layers of the throat, which can provoke their inflammation due to intoxication and create a favorable environment for the spread of bacteria. In addition, a large amount of pathological secretion is secreted, which has to be constantly spit out.
- Alcohol has a similar effect tocigarettes. Ethanol washes away and corrodes the protective membrane of the mucous cavity, affecting the gastrointestinal tract. In such a situation, perspiration may even be provoked by the release of the contents of the stomach into the larynx and beyond.
- Spicy foods in large quantities also corrode the mucous membrane of the throat, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.

When else does tickling appear?
An allergic reaction occurs when a large amount of allergens accumulate in the body. They begin to cause inflammation on the surface of the throat, which manifests itself in the form of a desire to cough.
Other manifestations of allergy may not be observed. An allergic reaction can be suspected by its paroxysmal nature when exposed to certain conditions. It is the patient's responsibility to pay attention when his condition worsens and try to avoid contact with the allergen.
If the air in the room is very dry, the patient may have a small amount of saliva. In such a situation, irritation is temporary and may appear when creating comfortable conditions for existence. Sometimes just drinking water is enough to restore the natural microflora of the mucous membrane of the throat.
Treatment in the throat, as a rule, appears with otolaryngological diseases. Among the huge number of drugs for the treatment of the throat, it is necessary to note the pharmacological efficacy and ease of use of such local auxiliary drugs as lozenges fromsore throat and cough.
Indications for the use of such medicines include the following diseases:
- ORZ.
- Tonsillitis (a disease of the upper respiratory tract characterized by prolonged inflammation of the tonsils).
- Pharyngitis (acute or chronic inflammatory process localized in the pharynx, affecting its mucous membrane and deeper layers, as well as tissues of the soft palate, lymph nodes).
- Laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, usually associated with a cold or infectious diseases such as measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough).
- Tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea).
- Laryngotracheitis (an inflammatory disease with a combined lesion of the larynx and trachea, the occurrence of which is caused by a viral or bacterial infection).
- Glossitis (inflammation that affects the tissues of the mouth).
List of the best lozenges for sore throat and dry cough
Pills that soften the mucous membrane of the larynx:
- "Faliminth".
- "Septolete".
- "Gexoral".
Cough pills:
- "Lazolvan".
- "Ambrobene".
- "Suprastin".
Lollipops for sore throat:
- "Travisil".
- "Grammidin".
- "Lizobakt".
- "Lizak".
- "Decatilene".
- "Doctor Mom".
- "Strepsils".
- "Verbena".
Lollipops for sore throat and dry cough with allergies:
- "Lazolvan".
- "Laripront".
- "Faliminth".
Together with lozenges, it is recommended to use "Suprastin" (an antihistamine).
Special lozenges for sore throats for children are not produced. "Decatilene" and "Lizak" are allowed to be used by children only after four years.
"Lizobakt" is allowed to be taken by young patients after three years. And Doctor Mom lollipops are completely prohibited for children under eighteen.
Next, the most effective and cheap lollipops for sore throat will be considered.
Combined preparation for topical use with pronounced antiseptic, as well as fungicidal and antibacterial effects. The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the positive properties of the substances included in its structure.
Lollipops must be held in the mouth until completely dissolved. The break between the use of the drug and food should be half an hour or more.
The doctor prescribes the drug on the basis of clinical indications. Recommended dosages:
- Patients from twelve years of age are prescribed one tablet every two to three hours, with improvement in the condition, the time interval between uses should be increased to four hours. Daily dosage should not exceed ten tablets.
- Children from four totwelve years are recommended to take one lozenge every three hours for acute infection, as the clinical picture improves, the interval between doses should be increased to four hours. The daily dosage for children is no more than five lozenges.
The duration of therapy depends on the disease. It is necessary to continue to use the medication for at least two days after stabilization of the condition to prevent a recurrence of the disease.
Lollipops have an antiseptic effect, which is due to the active components included in their structure:
- Lysozyme is a protein enzyme that is contained in the secretion of mucous cavities, it leads to the neutralization of bacterial, fungal cells, as well as viruses, participates in the formation of non-specific protection of the mucous membranes of the body.
- Pyridoxine protects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and does not affect the severity of the effect of lysozyme.
There is no information about the possible absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of components from the body.
"Lizobakt" should be absorbed until completely dissolved in the mouth. Dosage and regimen depend on age:
- Children aged 3 to 7 take one lozenge thrice daily.
- Children seven to twelve are prescribed four tablets a day.
- For patients 12 years of age and older and adults, up to eight tablets per day.
The average duration of Lyzobact therapy is eight days.

Doctor MOM
The drug has natural ingredients, thanks to which lozenges have anti-inflammatory, as well as antiseptic, antispasmodic and mucolytic effects.
In addition, the substances of the drug help to neutralize the pain syndrome, the emblic extract is considered a natural antipyretic component.
The instruction says that despite their natural composition, they are contraindicated for use in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.
Doctor MOM lozenges are packaged in blisters of four. According to the instructions, you need to open the foil and take out the lozenge and slowly dissolve it in your mouth.
It is allowed to apply no more than one candy from perspiration every two to three hours. Daily dosage - 10 tablets, the average course of therapy varies from ten to fourteen days. If after 3 days there is no positive dynamics, then you should seek the advice of a doctor. The instructions for use indicate that patients should not use the medication for more than three weeks.
It is strictly contraindicated to chew the lollipop, it is important to slowly dissolve the drug, only in this way can the active substances have pharmacological properties on the sore throat.

The main active ingredient of the dragee has several therapeutic effects, which include:
- Mild local anesthetic effect.
- Analgesic effect.
- Antiseptic effect (destruction of pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms in the area of the inflammatory process).
Also, the drug depresses cough without the release of pathological secretions. When resorption "Faliminta" there is a feeling of coolness in the mouth and throat. The active substance is practically not absorbed into the general circulation.

Lozenges are antiseptic medicines for local use. Lozenges are used for the complex treatment of sore throat, which is considered the result of an infectious and inflammatory process.
The average pharmacological dosage for adult patients and children from six years old is one lozenge, which dissolves after two to three hours, but no more than eight tablets can be taken per day. The average duration of therapy is three days. The drug is contraindicated in patients under six years of age.

Due to the combination of natural ingredients in the drug, the drug has several pharmacological effects, which include:
- Mucolytic action - improves the excretion of pathological secretions from the lumen of the respiratory organs due to its liquefaction, as well as an increase in the functional activity of the cilia of the epithelium of the bronchial mucosa.
- Anti-inflammatory effect - reduced severityinflammation.
Pills are meant to be sucked. They must be kept in the oral cavity until completely dissolved. The average therapeutic dosage for adults and patients from twelve years old is two tablets three times a day, for children from six to twelve years old - three pieces a day.
The average duration of treatment varies from two to three weeks. If necessary, a medical specialist can extend the course of therapy, as well as adjust the dose. It is not recommended to do this on your own to avoid complications. Children under six years of age, the drug is contraindicated.
What lollipops can be used for sore throat during pregnancy?
If you suddenly get a sore throat during pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, medicines bought at a pharmacy at your own risk can harm a child. But sometimes sometimes it happens that it is impossible to get an appointment with a doctor in the near future. Then it is acceptable to take drugs that relieve the sore throat and are safe. These products include lollipops and lozenges:
- "Pharingosept".
- "Chlorophyllipt".
- "Lizobakt".
- "Laripront".
- "After the fact".
You can use the following lozenges for sore throat with breastfeeding:
- "Lizobakt".
- "Strepsils".
- "Doctor MOM".
Before this, you need to consult a doctor.
After analyzing the reviews of doctors' lollipops, you cancome to the conclusion that medical specialists do not consider these drugs a panacea and recommend the use of more serious drugs than lozenges in difficult situations.
Reviews on lozenges for sore throat and cough are divided, as most doctors advise using them in the complex therapy of respiratory diseases in children and adults, since lozenges are considered one of the few drugs that do not cause adverse reactions. As a single drug, they only neutralize the pain syndrome, without relieving the disease itself.