Sedentary lifestyle: consequences, dangers, diagnosis of hypodynamia, diet, movement and prevention

Sedentary lifestyle: consequences, dangers, diagnosis of hypodynamia, diet, movement and prevention
Sedentary lifestyle: consequences, dangers, diagnosis of hypodynamia, diet, movement and prevention

The stronger humanity develops, the less the need for physical labor. The overwhelming majority of modern people engaged in intellectual work are constantly at the computer, and when they come home, they sit down at the TV or again at the computer. Everything seems to be logical, a comfortable life is provided, but why does a sedentary lifestyle negatively affect he alth? Fewer and fewer people can boast unlimited energy, no headaches, no back pain.

In fact, the human body is designed for static and even long loads. If they are not present, and the body is in a constant sitting position, problems begin. Muscles lose their elasticity, atrophy, blood circulation slows down, and weight only increases. This is a natural reaction of a living organism to the inability to spend calories.

How can you tell if you are at risk?

It's easy enough to tell if you're going to have sedentary problems in the near futurelifestyle. If these statements are true for you, then you are at risk:

  • spend about 6-7 hours sitting at work;
  • take very few breaks;
  • hardly walk;
  • you get to work and home in your own vehicle or in convenient public transport;
  • do not walk up the stairs, use the elevator only;
  • you prefer passive recreation: going to the movies, watching TV and so on;
  • ancillary activities or hobbies related to sitting as well;
  • you don't play any sport.

And the easiest way to check is to observe yourself for one day and if you spend 7 or more hours sitting, you automatically fall into the risk group.

sedentary lifestyle problems
sedentary lifestyle problems

Negative Consequences

Sedentary lifestyle can lead to the development of all kinds of diseases. Or it can aggravate the situation with an already existing pathology, accelerate its development.

Besides this, most of the population of big cities eats the “wrong” foods, preferring fast food and convenience foods. And this is another important provoking factor in the development of dangerous pathologies. And all this happens against the backdrop of dirty air, both on the street and in the office.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Most often the consequence of a sedentary lifestyle are problems with the spine. These are pain in the lower back, cervical region, scoliosis andcurvature. Over time, osteochondrosis develops, there is a limitation of motor function, pain in the lower and upper extremities. Sprains, dislocations, and even fractures often appear.

This problem occurs against the background of calcium leaching from the bones. Muscles weaken and decrease in volume, the condition of the ligamentous apparatus worsens.

Definitely there are changes in the joints, they become inflamed, because they do not perform the function assigned to them. Today, the problem with the joints no longer occurs in old age, but also appears in young people.

spinal problems
spinal problems

Problems with vessels and heart

What is the danger of a sedentary lifestyle? It can cause the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The heart muscle is so weakened that even a short run to the same tram causes the heart to work at its limit.

There is a frequent heartbeat, tachycardia develops, which can cause arrhythmia. And all this can end with a myocardial infarction.

Constant sitting causes blood pressure spikes, and with consistently high blood pressure there is a huge risk of stroke.



Another problem that inevitably arises with a sedentary lifestyle is obesity. Excess body fat is inherently a "freeloader" for the body. Fat takes oxygen from the body, nutrients from food, without giving anything in return.

Another consequence of the sedentary imagelife is the belly. In particular, the abdomen appears in men, but the fat in this area is quite difficult to remove. In men, fat lies deep inside the body, mainly around the intestines, so getting rid of such an abdomen is quite difficult. As a result, there are problems with the heart, shortness of breath.

Fat person
Fat person

Mental changes and headaches

What does a sedentary lifestyle lead to? There are mental he alth problems. It means that without physical activity, the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) is reduced. And this inevitably leads to a depressive state, people constantly feel moral and physical fatigue, their mood is bad. Some people even have suicidal thoughts, there is no sense of fulfillment. After all, there can be no talk of any social activity if a person is depressed and is only capable of solving his current everyday problems.

Nervous disorders are often observed in a modern person, in particular chronic fatigue syndrome, which is accompanied by insomnia.

And, of course, if physical activity is reduced, then where without headaches? After all, blood circulation is disturbed, an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the brain, hence the migraine, a bad mood. Where will the good mood come from if your head hurts.


Varicose and hemorrhoids

Due to the fact that a person moves little, he has a stagnation of venous blood in the small pelvis. And this is a direct path todevelopment of hemorrhoids.

Varicose veins are another scourge of modern man. If earlier it was believed that this disease is more characteristic of the female half of humanity, now it is often found in men. Varicose veins are dangerous because of the formation of blood clots, which at any time can clog the blood vessels leading to the lungs, heart muscle or brain.

The risk of developing varicose veins increases if a person has a genetic predisposition to this disease. The sitting posture is especially harmful when the legs are laid on top of each other, then the blood vessels are additionally pinched.

Genital sphere

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for men is a huge risk of developing impotence and prostatitis. Lack of physical activity leads to pelvic congestion, a huge risk for both men and women.

Respiratory problems

Doctors have long noticed that the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are frequent colds. And everything is connected with the fact that if physical activity is reduced, then the functional ability of the lungs also decreases. In the process of the respiratory act, special cells called "macrophages" are produced that protect the alveoli from germs. Their life cycle is short. Their number is sharply reduced if a person moves little and stays in a polluted room for a long time. Hence the conclusion that in addition to a sedentary lifestyle, polluted office air carries a huge risk for the respiratory system. After allmacrophages are quickly killed by inhaled dust. In addition to dirty office air, the risk is increased by smoking, constant inhalation of exhaust gases from vehicles.

A person who moves little, breathes shallowly, that is, all the alveoli of the lungs do not participate in the process. As a result, dead microphages are poorly excreted and blood flow is weakened. This is how unprotected areas of the alveoli appear, into which microbes and viruses penetrate without any problems. Hence colds and lung diseases.

For persons who move little, it is recommended to do breathing exercises, which will allow you to include the maximum number of alveoli in the process. And the most interesting thing is that the best breathing exercises are cheerful and perky laughter.

frequent colds
frequent colds

What other problems might arise?

The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in women are stagnant processes in the pelvis, and these are problems with the uterus, appendages and other organs. In addition, both men and women may experience problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, a huge risk of developing diabetes and hypertrophy of connective tissues.

Recent studies conducted by specialists from the University of California (USA) have shown that a sedentary lifestyle is directly related to the thinning of the brain area responsible for memory.

constant fatigue
constant fatigue

What to do?

The easiest and best way to change your lifestyle. Although this is not always possible.

How to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle? Shouldadhere to some rules that will reduce the negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle.

During the working day, try to use every opportunity to move. Set an alarm every 30 minutes to remind you to stretch.

For lunch, go to the farthest catering establishment. If possible, engage in active games during the break or do warm-ups with employees.

Do not deny yourself a visit to the fitness or swimming pool. It is best to devote time to sports activities at least 2-3 times a week. If the office has an elevator, then refuse it, go down and up the stairs. Walk to and from work, at least a few stops. Arriving home, do not immediately sit down at the computer or TV. If you have children, take them for a walk, or take your dog for a walk.

Yoga will help solve back problems. Sign up for a course and don't miss it.

Don't be lazy, do gymnastic exercises for at least 10 minutes in the morning. Get active on the weekends as well. A trip to nature is a great opportunity to combine relaxation and playing badminton or a ball.

If there are problems with the veins, then compression stockings can act as a prophylactic. It is suitable for both he althy people and those who have varicose veins at an early stage.

Stay on the path to reducing your food intake. With each year of growing up, it will be harder and harder to get rid of fatty tissue.interlayers. Although you can fight obesity not only with the help of the gym, but also with he althy and passionate sex.


To reduce the symptoms of physical inactivity and get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to eat on a schedule. No need to snack on chips and chocolates. Snacks with good food should be every 2-3 hours. Portions should be small. Take a look at your lunch taken from home - do not be afraid, divide it into two, but rather into three meals.

Refuse any products that can provoke the appearance of excess weight, cellulite. Such products include: smoked meats, fried poultry with skins, sweets and muffins, fatty sour cream, coffee, carbonated drinks and bananas. He althy foods include: vegetables, fresh and steamed, fruits, crumbly cereals, dried fruits, sour-milk products.

Before each meal, it is recommended to drink a glass of water or a cup of green tea, about 30 minutes before the meal. Water will fill the stomach, but not add extra calories.
