Diet and nutrition for type 2 diabetes

Diet and nutrition for type 2 diabetes
Diet and nutrition for type 2 diabetes

Currently, diabetes is one of the most dangerous diseases. This is a deadly disease that does not kill a person with lightning speed, but gradually. High blood sugar wears out the internal organs (heart, liver, kidneys) and reduces their resource by several times. This is the main reason for the numerous complications faced by diabetics. The consequences of disease progression can be fatal (coma, limb necrosis, hypoglycemia, blindness, gangrene). In order to minimize complications, proper diabetes nutrition should be followed.

General information

type 2 diabetes
type 2 diabetes

Previously, type II diabetes was thought to be a mild form of the disease. However, modern medicine knows that this is not really the case. This form of diabetes is called "insulin dependent". This is due to the fact that many patients require artificial administration of the maintain a normal life. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, insulin from the outside, as a rule, is not required. Traditionally, specially selected nutrition for type 2 diabetes, physical activity and drugs that slow down the absorption of glucose in the gastrointestinal tract are prescribed. Medications that increase the release of insulin from the pancreas may also be prescribed.

Why you should diet

Diet to lower blood sugar
Diet to lower blood sugar

Currently, millions of people around the world have been diagnosed with diabetes. Those who have encountered it should completely reconsider their diet. Proper nutrition in diabetes is not a general recommendation, but a vital necessity. Compliance with the diet significantly improves the patient's well-being. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in the body are normalized, and blood sugar levels are reduced. If the diet is not followed, a variety of complications can be observed, up to a fatal outcome. Hyper- and hypoglycemia are the most common consequences of a lack of disease control. In the first condition, there is a very high level of sugar in the blood. It is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, loss of strength, high blood pressure and others. Due to the lack of timely medical care, the patient may fall into a coma. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) causes a person to experience weakness and dizziness. A critical lack of glucose requires immediate hospitalization, a fatal outcome is possible.

How this will help

Nutrition for diabetes
Nutrition for diabetes

Many ignorant people can argue for a long time about what diet matters in diabetes, if in the future you still have to inject insulin. Very big! The main problem with this disease is that the cells lose their sensitivity to insulin, which, in turn, is indispensable for the absorption of carbohydrates by the body. The situation is aggravated when a person abuses sweets. Because of this, blood sugar levels rise. The main task of the diet is to restore lost insulin sensitivity to the cells. If you stick to the recommended diet, then the body will again acquire the ability to properly absorb sugar.

Forbidden foods

Forbidden foods for diabetes
Forbidden foods for diabetes

If type 2 diabetes has been diagnosed, the diet and nutrition recommended by the attending physician must be followed strictly. First of all, you should exclude sugar in its pure form from your diet, as well as those products in which it is contained in large quantities. This mainly applies to chocolate, sweets and any other sweets. Flour, muffins and all kinds of cookies are also prohibited. You will have to forget about confectionery products that are not intended specifically for diabetics. Pasta is also completely banned.

With this disease, doctors recommend eating a large amount of vegetables, but some of them should not be eaten either. This applies to legumes, carrots and potatoes. In this case, the limitations are due to the fact that they contain a large number ofstarch that does not benefit the sick.

Saturated fats are contraindicated in type 2 diabetes. Meals (table 9) should include only dietary meats. Fat and butter will have to be completely abandoned. This also includes pork, goose and duck. With such a disease, fatty foods do no less harm than the use of sugar-containing foods. In addition, it contributes to the weight gain that most people with diabetes already have.

From frankly harmful products, such as semi-finished products, sweet soda, cheese and curds, as well as condensed milk, it is best to refuse. This also applies to mayonnaise, hot and s alty sauces. You should refrain from any alcoholic and alcohol-containing drinks.

Allowed Foods

Allowed foods for diabetes
Allowed foods for diabetes

Diet for diabetes should be based on a large number of foods that contain vegetable fibers. These include vegetables, grains and nuts. Foods high in plant fiber help lower blood sugar levels. Along with this, it also reduces the amount of cholesterol, which plays an equally important role in the development of the disease. It is necessary to focus on cabbage (Brussels cabbage, white cabbage and other types), cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, eggplant, garlic.

Diabetics have to abstain from fruits, but not all. You can eat grapefruits, peaches, sweet and sour apples and lemons. At the same time, it is important not to exceed the daily intake of such food - no more than 200 g.

In diabetes 2type of food and menu should be supplemented with lean meats (fish, chicken, turkey, beef). Seafood is also not prohibited.

It is also acceptable to eat eggs. However, it is important to note that only proteins are allowed. Yolks can only be afforded occasionally.

Cereals are a very important part of proper diabetes nutrition. You can eat barley, wheat, barley, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge. At the same time, rice and semolina will have to be completely abandoned.

It is advisable to cook a protein omelet from eggs or use them soft-boiled.

As for drinks, sugary ones should be excluded. In addition to ordinary water, you can drink herbal tea without sugar and mineral water. If you really want juice, then it is better to cook it at home from vegetables. You can drink low-fat milk, but only in moderation (for example, adding it to tea).

Sample menu

Proper nutrition in diabetes is the key to good he alth. It helps control the disease and its progression. That is why it is so important to correctly compose a menu for the patient. An approximate daily diet might be as follows:

  • For breakfast, oatmeal (or any other porridge from the list of allowed) and tea without sugar.
  • You can eat an apple during lunch.
  • For lunch, it is best to cook vegetable soup or meat (boiled or steamed).
  • During the afternoon snack, you can eat an orange and drink tea without sugar.
  • For dinner, a cottage cheese casserole, soft-boiled egg / omelette or meat patties are suitable.
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of yogurt orRyazhenka.

Principles of nutrition

If you have diabetes, you need to eat at least five to six times a day. You need to eat fractionally, in small portions. You should never skip breakfast. The first meal of the day will help stabilize your blood sugar levels. As for dinner, it is not recommended to eat later than one and a half to two hours before bedtime. If you really want to have a snack, then you can afford an apple or a glass of kefir.


If a person has diabetes, a diet and nutrition based strictly on permitted foods is not a temporary measure. You will have to stick to them for the rest of your life. Thanks to the diet, it is possible to maintain weight within the normal range, which is very important for this disease. In addition, it will help to avoid such terrible complications as blindness, gangrene and many others.

How not to break loose

How not to break the diet with diabetes
How not to break the diet with diabetes

If a person has type 2 diabetes, nutrition and treatment come to the fore. The desire to eat forbidden foods should never be more important than this. In this regard, it is worth removing any provocateur products from your home. This applies primarily to sweets, which can make a person break the diet. At the same time, you should fill the refrigerator with fresh products that you can and should eat.

If, before the diagnosis, a person did not think about a he althy diet and practically did not eat vegetables, then at first it will be quite difficult to get used to. A simple trick can help: divide the plate into two parts. One half will have vegetables and the other half will have the restpart of the meal. You need to start eating with unusual foods, alternating them with what has always been in the diet.

Lovers of industrial juices and sweet sodas find it hard to give them up. This is not a problem, because you can cook them at home. It is acceptable to use freshly squeezed juices (for example, orange) and slightly carbonated unsweetened mineral waters.

Modern sweeteners

Sweeteners for diabetes
Sweeteners for diabetes

Completely give up sugar for many is more difficult than it might seem at first glance. For this reason, diabetics consume various sweeteners and sweeteners, which is allowed. It is noteworthy that they have absolutely no calories. The use of acesulfame potassium, saccharin and aspartame is acceptable. At the same time, the use of fructose as a sweetener is categorically not recommended. Despite the fact that it does not have a significant effect on blood sugar levels, its negative effect on cholesterol cannot be ignored. In addition, fructose increases appetite. It can be obtained naturally as it is found in many foods.

Sorbitol, isom alt and xylitol are controversial sweeteners. They have a low glycemic index, but they are high in calories. In addition, a common side effect of their use is diarrhea. There is no evidence that they help to lose weight and normalize blood glucose levels. That is why making them part of the regular diet for diabetesimpractical.

Harmful myths

Unfortunately, type II diabetes is surrounded by a halo of various prejudices and misconceptions. For example, some people believe that when taking specialized medications, you can control your blood sugar levels without dieting at all. However, in reality this is not at all the case. Even insulin injections cannot offset the consequences that necessarily arise due to uncontrolled nutrition in diabetes. At the same time, it is important to note that, in addition to food restrictions and medication, it is necessary to provide sufficient physical activity.

Along with this, many are sure that diet number 9 is incredibly difficult to stick to, because supposedly almost all familiar foods are banned. Yes, if a person is diagnosed with diabetes, they will most likely need to review their diet in detail. But this does not mean that delicious food will become inaccessible to him. It is only important to maintain normal blood sugar levels and avoid foods that violate it.

Another harmful myth concerns diet foods. Some people think that they are almost identical to diabetics, but in practice there is a huge difference between them. Not all diet foods are suitable for people with diabetes. When choosing such products in the store, you should carefully read what is written on the packaging. You need to pay attention not only to the sugar content, but also to the calorie content.


The importance of proper nutrition in type II diabetes cannot be overestimated. It's believed thatthis disease is invincible, but it can be kept under control. To do this, you need to strictly adhere to the diet (table 9) and give up foods that increase blood sugar levels. This will not only stop the development of the disease, but also improve the well-being of the diabetic.