Treatment of tonsillitis at home with folk remedies

Treatment of tonsillitis at home with folk remedies
Treatment of tonsillitis at home with folk remedies

Tonsillitis is a type of sore throat. The difference of this disease lies in the fact that it involves the pharyngeal lymphoid ring in the inflammatory process. Pathology is most often observed in childhood, because during this period the palatine tonsils are most active. At the same time, the treatment of tonsillitis at home can be very effective.

General information

The tonsils include two lymph nodes. They are located at the back of the throat. The main task of the tonsils is to resist infections that attack the body. They "identify" microbes and signal the immune system, which in turn begins to produce antibodies to destroy them. Inflammation of the tonsils can be caused by both a viral and bacterial infection. Treatment of tonsillitis at home with folk remedies is relevant because painkillers and antibiotics, which aresuch cases are prescribed by doctors, may adversely affect the intestinal microflora.


Symptoms of tonsillitis
Symptoms of tonsillitis

Usually tonsillitis is accompanied by not the most pleasant manifestations. The following symptoms may indicate the progression of the disease:

  • Severe sore throat.
  • Redness of the tonsils.
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Cough.
  • Chills.
  • Pain (headache, earache, body aches).
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Deterioration of appetite.

It is also common to have bad breath. It is usually caused by plaque on the tonsils. If the first symptoms of tonsillitis appear, home treatment should be started immediately.

S alt

A solution based on it helps to cleanse the mucous membrane of the throat from plaque. Along with this, s alt reduces the severity of pain. Preparing a solution from it is easy. This will require water (200 ml) and s alt (0.5-1 tsp). Gargle with this solution two to three times a day. To make it even more effective, you can add turmeric to it, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. S alt solution is the first aid for this disease, because it allows you to provide quick treatment of tonsillitis at home.


Garlic in the treatment of tonsillitis
Garlic in the treatment of tonsillitis

It is often called a natural antibiotic, and with good reason. Garlic haspronounced antiviral and antibacterial properties. It not only strengthens the immune system, but also makes effective the treatment of tonsillitis at home. When sick, it is best to eat it raw. You can also make a slurry out of it and add it to food for easier swallowing. You need to take a few cloves of garlic and pass them through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry should brew a little (10-15 minutes). After that, it can be added to applesauce, yogurt, honey and other products with a viscous consistency.

It is noteworthy that, in addition to the above, garlic is an effective folk remedy to help fight strep throat.

Healing tea

When treating tonsillitis at home with folk remedies, you should use as much hot liquid as possible. It can be either broth or soup, or tea. Their use will help soothe inflamed tonsils. Hot tea will be much more effective if you add honey, cinnamon and lemon to it. All these components are known for their antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. However, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to brew them with boiling water. This will lead to the loss of nutrients. You have to wait until the water cools down a bit. This is especially true for honey, which can be used independently as a powerful natural remedy for a variety of diseases. However, its properties are completely destroyed under the influence of high temperatures, and, moreover, it even becomes dangerous if you add it to boiling water.

Mint andbasil

Basil and mint in the treatment of tonsillitis
Basil and mint in the treatment of tonsillitis

These plants are equally effective in treating tonsillitis at home. Mint and basil actively fight viruses that attack the patient's tonsils. Their pronounced antiviral and antimicrobial effects help reduce inflammation. On the basis of mint or basil, you can prepare a healing decoction. To do this, just put some leaves in filtered water and boil them for a few minutes. After this, the broth must be filtered. Along with this, to enhance the positive effect, you can squeeze lemon juice into it. Herbal infusion should be drunk three times a day.


Echinacea in the treatment of tonsillitis
Echinacea in the treatment of tonsillitis

This plant contains active ingredients that prevent inflammation. They also help reduce swelling and pain in the tonsils. Echinacea is quite often used to treat tonsillitis at home (a photo of the plant is presented above), because it additionally stimulates the immune system. The plant is considered one of the most powerful natural antibiotics.

A variety of parts of Echinacea can be used to treat tonsillitis. Most often, roots are taken for this. The fact is that they contain the most active antimicrobial substances. However, echinacea roots have a bitter taste. In this connection, this part of the plant is usually used in the form of tincture. Meanwhile, the leaves and flowers of echinacea are no less effective, while they have a much milder taste. Raw materials are sold both in dried form and inextract form. There are also pharmacy capsules that are most convenient to use. Echinacea can be brewed with ginger and used as part of a tea to enhance the healing effect. You can also add lemon and honey. During the acute period, this tea should be drunk up to three times a day.

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm in the treatment of tonsillitis
Slippery elm in the treatment of tonsillitis

This plant is great for soothing throat irritation. As the name suggests, it contains mucus. Thanks to its enveloping effect, elm quickly relieves inflammation in the tonsils, throat and mouth. The easiest way to apply the remedy is in the form of a lollipop. In addition, in this way the plant stays in the mouth longer, which increases the effectiveness of its effect. You can make your own healing lollipops using the following ingredients:

  • Warm water or rose petal or licorice root tea (50 ml).
  • Honey (2 tbsp.).
  • Slippery Elm Powder (0.5 cup).

First, honey is combined with warm water and stirred until completely dissolved. After that, you can add elm. Next, you need to wait until the mixture cools down, but not completely. Then you need to form small balls out of it. To keep them from sticking together, you can use elm powder. Once the balls are completely dry, they need to be sent to the freezer. These healing lozenges will be available when the symptoms of tonsillitis again remind of themselves.


Fenugreek in the treatment of tonsillitis
Fenugreek in the treatment of tonsillitis

The seeds of this plant are goodrelieve inflammation and fight germs. That is why fenugreek is very often used to treat various infectious diseases associated with the tonsils. In order to add it to tea, it is necessary to prepare the seeds in advance. They need to be crushed with a knife or kneaded with a rolling pin. In this form, fenugreek can be added not only to tea, but to other drinks (straining is required). You can also gargle with this decoction.

Chronic form

Many ordinary people are sure that tonsillitis and tonsillitis are practically the same thing. Although these concepts are identical, they have different origins. Chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by constant inflammatory processes in the palatine tonsils. Its therapy involves local effects and overall strengthening of immunity.

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home is not possible, since in this case washing is required. It can only be carried out in a hospital using specialized equipment and drugs. In the process of washing, a “medicinal” jet is directed to the tonsils. Due to this, the mucus is washed out of the gaps mechanically. It also helps to remove dying tissue, which is a suitable environment for bacteria to thrive. At the same time, contrary to stereotypes, antibiotics are not always used, since the essence of the technique lies precisely in the mechanical effect.

In children

Treatment of tonsillitis in children
Treatment of tonsillitis in children

As noted above, the tonsils are especially active at an early age. Exactlytherefore, tonsillitis often occurs in children. There is nothing wrong with this, but if the pathology bothers you too often, then this can lead to a chronic decrease in immunity and the development of many infectious diseases. Treatment of tonsillitis in children at home is almost the same as in adults. You can use all folk remedies, provided there are no contraindications. However, it is important to note that it is quite common for children to be allergic to bee products, so honey should be used with caution. If the child definitely does not have reactions, then the benefits of propolis are undeniable. You can lubricate the tonsils with a tincture based on it with the addition of oil.

Such an ambiguous method of treating tonsillitis in children, which involves the use of kerosene, is quite well known. Doctors categorically prohibit the use of it, especially for young patients! In no case should you lubricate the child's tonsils with kerosene or soak a warm scarf in it and wrap it around the neck.


Summing up, it can be noted that the treatment of tonsillitis at home can be quite effective. However, if the symptoms of the disease do not subside, it is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner. He will establish the causes of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
