Currently, a large percentage of the population has vision problems. Some do not hesitate to go to the doctor so that he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe glasses with the necessary diopters. But many have complexes about this, they do not want to wear glasses, and therefore the visit to the optometrist is postponed, and the problem is aggravated. Contact lenses may well solve this issue, with their help you can correct your vision. According to the duration of wearing, they have different periods, in the article we will try to figure out what long-wear lenses are and what are their advantages and disadvantages.
Varieties of lenses by wearing duration
From the moment the lenses appeared, they are all divided into several groups:
- Daytime, that is, they are used during the daytime, and they must be removed at night.
- Long-wear lenses are those that can be left on for a certain amount of time.
- Flexible wearing mode allows you to wear lenses for up to three days.

Before you go shopping for lenses, you need to visit a doctor to discuss which lenses are bestsuitable taking into account the state of vision and the general characteristics of the body.
Danger of wearing out lenses
Those who prefer contact lenses to glasses should know that it is necessary to follow the rules for their use, because there is a high risk of infectious and chronic eye diseases.
This is especially true for those who use extended wear lenses. Each type of lens has not only its own period of use, but also the rules of use. All this is developed taking into account the following indicators:
- In the process of wearing, various deposits are formed on the lenses, such as protein and fat.
- After some time, irreversible changes begin in the material from which the lenses are made. This period is different for each type, so you need to know about it. For example, if the lenses can be worn continuously for a month, and you have worn them only a couple of times, then after 30 days you will still have to replace them with new ones.
- The cornea of the eye, which is covered with a contact lens for a long time, begins to suffer from a lack of oxygen, which can lead to irreversible changes inside the eye.
Lenses that have different periods of use differ from each other just by different permeability to oxygen, which means that they are made of unequal materials.
Varieties of extended wear lenses
Since such lenses require their long stay in the eye, then, accordingly, completely different requirements for the composition of the material must be presented to them. long wear lensescan be made from the following materials:
- Silicone hydrogel lenses. The successful combination of two materials makes such lenses both soft and comfortable, as well as good oxygen permeability. Another benefit of silicone is that it is more resistant to deposits.
- Rigid gas permeable lenses are also great for oxygen permeability, but they are stiffer, which adds some discomfort when wearing, not everyone can get used to it.
Which lenses to choose for long-term wear, everyone decides for himself, but after consultation with a specialist.
Benefits of using lenses
Many still prefer to wear glasses in the old fashioned way if they have vision problems, but most of the population does not lag behind modern technologies that firmly defend their rights in medicine. Those who have tried contact lenses on themselves can name many advantages, among which I would like to name the following:
- Good quality vision correction.
- Retains excellent visibility, just squint your eyes without turning your head to see objects located on the side.
- With a sharp change in ambient temperature, the quality of visibility does not change.
- Lenses are firmly and securely held in the eye, there is no danger of falling out even in the process of performing various tricks.
- With lenses, you can practice different sports, there are no restrictions.
- Watching movies in 3D does not cause discomfort.
All these benefitsforce many to change their usual glasses for comfortable and almost invisible lenses.
Who shows extended wear lenses
If you ask any ophthalmologist, he will most likely recommend wearing lenses during the day and removing them at night. This mode of wearing is considered the most gentle and safe. But it must be taken into account that there are situations or categories of citizens who are simply not able to change lenses daily. Long wear lenses have the following indications for use:
- Representatives of some professions, for example, truck drivers. They are simply not physically able to follow all the recommended rules for lens care.
- If you have a long trip by transport, I mean within a few days.
- Situations when lenses are prescribed as a therapeutic measure after corneal surgery.
- Long-wear lenses have good reviews, so they are often chosen by those who are simply too lazy to replace them every day.
- Often, doctors prescribe such lenses to children, because they themselves do not yet know how to take good care of themselves, and the daily change of lenses is an additional discomfort for the child.

If you also belong to the category of citizens who want to put on lenses and forget about them for a month, then you can safely go to the optometrist for the selection of such an accessory.
Complications with extended wear lenses
Doctors note that various pathologies andcomplications most often occur when wearing extended-release lenses. Even if the patient uses just such lenses, it is recommended to find an opportunity within a month and remove them for a while.
Complications include:
- Exacerbation of blepharitis.
- Decentration of lenses, especially if the palpebral fissure is narrow.
- Reduced visual acuity due to various deposits on the lenses.
- Corneal edema.
- Hyperemia of the mucous membrane.
- Infectious diseases.
- Vascularization.

If there is discomfort, weakening of vision while wearing lenses, then it is necessary to consult a doctor and decide with him the issue of their further use. To prevent complications, you must follow the rules for wearing lenses and recommendations for caring for them.
How to choose the right lenses
In order for wearing lenses to be not only comfortable, but also to have a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to follow some recommendations for choosing them.
- Long-wear lenses how to choose the right one, only a specialist will tell you. First of all, you will have to visit an ophthalmologist.
- Depending on the problems that you have with your vision, the doctor will select lenses from a suitable material. For example, if you have a high degree of astigmatism, your doctor will advise you to choose hard ones.
- Lenses for long wear which one to choose, only the optometrist will decide after a complete examination, during which visual acuity andindividual characteristics of the eye.
- The selection of lenses should be carried out by a doctor who, by experience, will select those that will sit comfortably in the eye and provide 100% vision.

When choosing lenses, you must consider that there are contraindications to wearing them.
Contraindications for use
You will have to stop wearing lenses, not only for long-term wear, but also daily, if you have the following problems:
- If hygiene rules are not followed.
- In the presence of chronic diseases.
- If there is inflammation of the eyeball.
- Dry eye syndrome.
- Severe hormonal disorders.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Overactive thyroid.
- Allergic diseases.
- Weak immunity.
When visiting an ophthalmologist, it is imperative to report the presence of pathologies and chronic diseases.
Wearing contact lenses
If you decide to change glasses to long-wear lenses, your doctor will definitely tell you how to wear them correctly. He will clarify what products need to be purchased to care for them.
In order for the lenses to sit comfortably in the eye, the following recommendations must be observed:
- Wash your hands thoroughly before putting on lenses.
- Open the package or lens container.
- Take one out and put it on the tip of your index finger.
- Check the position of the lens, if necessary, turn it out.
- Pull back the lower eyelid and look up.
- Touch the finger with the lens to the eye and press lightly.
- Slowly look down.
- Let go of the lower eyelid.
- Looking down, close and open your eyes.
- Glance to the object in front of the eyes to make sure the quality of vision is excellent.
- Do all this with the second eye.
- It is advisable to wear and remove lenses from the same eye.

The process of removing the lenses must be carried out in the following order:
- Pull back the lower eyelid and look up.
- Place your index finger on the lower edge of the lens.
- Move the lens to the white of the eye.
- Gently squeeze the lens with your thumb and forefinger and remove it.
- Remove from the second eye in the same way.
If you use lenses for extended wear, they should be properly cared for, which includes the following:
- Using multipurpose solutions for rinsing, disinfecting and storing lenses.
- Saline solutions are needed to rinse the lenses after cleaning them and before placing them on the eyeball.
- There are fluids for daily use. The lens must be placed on the palm of your hand and apply a few drops of the product. After that, wipe on each side and rinse. Such drugs are most often used for hard lenses.
- Enzymaticcleaners are used to remove protein deposits, usually done once a week.
- There are ultraviolet or ultrasonic devices. With their help, you can completely remove microorganisms, protein deposits.

About how to properly care for the lenses, you should definitely ask your doctor. Depending on the type, the specialist will recommend care products.
We looked at what long-wear lenses are, how to choose them correctly and care for them, but it turns out that some people use lenses for the purpose of vision correction at all.
Colored lenses
Recently, it has become fashionable to change the color of the eyes, that is, long-wear lenses, colored ones are used for decorative purposes.
The question arises how to choose the right colored lenses. To do this, you need to get acquainted with a variety of accessories for changing eye color. They are as follows:
- Tint - can only slightly change the shade of the eyes, so it can only be used for light eyes.
- Cosmetic allow you to radically change the color.
- Decorative ones are often used for shocking, that is, to give the pupil an unusual shape or apply an interesting pattern.
It is very important, when choosing long-wear colored lenses, to change the color of the eyes, but at the same time not spoil your attractiveness and quality of vision. For this you need:
- Take into account your color type to choose warm or cold shades.
- It is important that the color blend harmoniously with your daily makeup.
- Giving awaythe preference for colored lenses must be remembered that they are capable of distorting the perceived information, as they limit light transmission.

Despite the fact that all the coloring substances in the lenses are absolutely safe, as they are made from materials that do not cause allergic reactions, but you should follow the rules for wearing such lenses.
You can buy such lenses only in specialized institutions where you can get competent specialist advice.
How to make wearing lenses more comfortable
In order for wearing lenses to be comfortable and not cause discomfort or harm to he alth, the following rules must be observed:
- Lenses are fairly easy to remove if you first drip moisturizing drops.
- Once your lenses have expired, you should change them for new ones, even if you have not used them every day.
- Do not use any eye drops without consulting your doctor.
- Use decorative cosmetics after putting on lenses, and remove them after removing lenses.
- Do not allow cosmetics to get on the lenses.
- Only use lens care products recommended by a doctor, not a friend.
Your comfort will directly depend on following all recommendations for wearing and care.
Contact lenses may well replace glasses and give a person confidence, but all this is possible only with a responsible attitude to one's he alth.