The bulk of information from the outside world (more than 80%) comes to us through the eyes. The perception that the human eye provides allows the brain to evaluate all the characteristics of the object in question - volume, size, color gamut. Visual impairment can be said to significantly impair a person's quality of life.
Until recently, glasses were the only way (non-surgical) to improve your vision. Today, ophthalmologists more and more often offer their patients to abandon this optical device in favor of such an innovation as lenses (for 1 month, for a quarter, for 2 weeks, for a day - there are a lot of options).
Purpose of lenses and materials for their manufacture
Depending on the goals pursued, an ophthalmologist after a thorough examination will offer the best option for each individual patient. If a person just wants to look attractive, have an expressive look, then colored lenses are quite suitable for him. For a month, for 3 months, for a day - change your appearanceor to add a certain zest to the image, almost everyone can now.
If a patient suffers from myopia or farsightedness and wants to eliminate these shortcomings in visual perception, spherical or aspherical lenses are ideal for this case. The first image quality is somewhat inferior to the second, in which the optical power is the same in all areas. For those suffering from myopia and hypermetropia, this is the most correct solution.

Myopia and hypermetropia, accompanied by astigmatism (violation of the shape of the lens or cornea), can be corrected with toric contact lenses. How long can lenses be worn? To assign them to you for a month, for 2 weeks or for another period of time - this will be decided by the attending ophthalmologist.
In addition, the modern medical market can offer patients the means to correct presbyopia (senile vision). The essence of the problem lies in the refractive error of the eye, in which a person cannot read text written in small print, or consider any small objects at close range. The most likely causes of the development of the disease are a decrease in the elasticity of the lens, a change in its curvature, a weakening of the ciliary muscle that controls focus.
The materials from which contact lenses are made (for a month or for any other period) are hydrogel or silicone hydrogel. The second composition has more attractive qualities for consumers: it “breathes” better, does not need such intensive moisturizing ashydrogel. As a result, patients feel much more comfortable with silicone hydrogel contact products.
Replacement frequency, possible lens wearing modes
Replacement frequency refers to the maximum period of time recommended by the manufacturer for corrective wear. After this period of time, the lenses must be replaced with new ones. According to this parameter, they can be subdivided into:
- daily wear contact lenses,
- those that can be worn for 1 to 2 weeks
- contact lenses for a month (without removing, they can be used up to 30 days),
- there are also long-wear "optics": from 3 months to six months and traditional lenses that can be used for 1 year.
Contact lenses that last 6 to 12 months are packaged in special bottles.
For more frequent replacement, they are often packaged in blisters.

The wearing mode is understood as the maximum time period during which the means for vision correction can be left on. So, one group of lenses is designed for daytime use (put on in the morning and removed in the evening). The second includes prolonged funds (put on for a week and do not take off at night). Flexible wearing mode implies 1-2 days of application (without removing). Continuous use is when lenses are prescribed for a month. Without removing, they can be worn for 30 days. True, this is possible only when using certain types of siliconehydrogel models and should only be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist.
Breathable contact lenses
Contact lenses have a wide variety of characteristics. Among all other packaging of contact vision correction products of any manufacturer, there is a Dk / t marking. Dk denotes the oxygen permeability, t is the thickness of the lens at its center point. The ratio of these parameters to each other is called the oxygen transmission coefficient. For hydrogel lenses, this figure is 20-40 units, while for silicone hydrogel lenses it can range from 70 to 170 units. Therefore, contact correction products made from silicone hydrogel may well be called "Breathable lenses" (for a month, a quarter, two weeks or one day - it does not matter).

Oxygen in such means of correction is carried by the silicone component, which with good reason can be considered a kind of silicone pump. The amount of liquid in such lenses does not play such an important role as in simple hydrogel lenses, where oxygen permeability depends on the volume of water (more water - higher permeability). Therefore, when deciding the question (if lenses are selected for a month): "Which is better - hydrogel or silicone hydrogel?" preference should be given to the latter.
Benefits of monthly replacement lenses
Lenses for a month (which is better - will be discussed below) are in great demand among consumers. The benefits of these funds forvision correction before models with other wearing modes are as follows:
- duration of wear, the perfect combination of convenience and price;
- contact lenses for a month are produced in a wide range of optical power (from + 6.0 to - 12.0 diopters), which allows you to cover a large group of consumers;
- Products are available in a wide variety of specifications and properties: breathable, moisturizing, with insufficient corneal moisture, with increased biocompatibility, for use in low light conditions, with low deposit formation, etc.;
- special lenses for 1 month for those suffering from astigmatism (multifocal);
- consumers are offered tinted and color-changing (colored) lenses for a month, which can be both with diopters and intended for people with normal vision (zero).

Using contact lenses (for a month)
There are two options to consider here. The first is daily wear lenses. These funds must be removed at night and stored in a special solution. During a night's sleep, the eyes will rest, and the lenses will be sufficiently moistened, will undergo special treatment (disinfection) and be cleaned of various deposits accumulated during the day. Such lenses for a month have the most positive reviews, however, it must be remembered that a special solution and storage containers are mandatory conditions, if not observed, there is a risk of damage to the surface of the product, contamination. Howas a result, inflammatory processes of the eyes take place.
How to wear lenses (for a month - the standard appointment period), if they are prolonged or continuous use? It also has its own nuances. Such vision correction products are not removed at night, however, not all models can be worn continuously for 30 days. Some manufacturers answer the question of how much you can wear lenses for a month, in the sense that they can not be removed for 6 days. Then they are placed in a special cleaning solution for one night. Yes, and the eyes will rest during this time.
However, modern technology is such that it has been possible to develop lenses that can be worn for a whole month. After this period, they are simply thrown away, replacing with new ones. For such models, you may not even need a special solution. Among the products most in demand today are the following: Air Optix Night & Day, PureVision, PureVision 2 HD.
Information about how much you can wear lenses for a month without removing them at night, the manufacturer usually places on the packaging.
Now let's talk about which products are in the greatest demand.
Leading Monthly Wear Lenses (Daytime Only)
There is such a thing as leader lenses for a month. Which ones are better? Products called MaximaSiHyPlus are in high consumer demand. Of all the options available for monthly overnight replacements, these products are some of the best. The material from which they are made issilicone hydrogel of the latest generation. Good hydration, high oxygen permeability, deposit resistance and biocompatibility provide the most comfortable conditions for the eye.

Another popular contact lens model is the PureVision 2 HD. Of all those produced today, they are the thinnest. The high oxygen permeability (this is a kind of “breathing lenses” for a month) allows you to wear them for a week without taking them off. PureVision 2 HD delivers clear vision even in low light conditions without causing eye discomfort.
An excellent level of comfort is provided by Akuvyu lenses (for a month). For their manufacture, ultra-modern materials are used. A clear picture when working on a computer, watching TV, when being in a room with dry air, excellent breathability guarantees comfort and safety to the eye.
Best models for long wear
Among models intended for continuous use, there are leaders - contact lenses for a month. Which ones are better? The product Air Optix Night & Day Aqua is in great demand. The material used for their manufacture is silicone hydrogel. Optimum moisture content and high air permeability ensure eye comfort throughout the entire wear life.
Biofifnity contact lenses (CooperVision) are also designed to be worn for a month (daytime only) or forcontinuous use for 2 weeks. The silicone hydrogel from which they are made has optimal air permeability and moisture content, which provides the eye with safety and comfort throughout the entire period of operation.
Acuview Contact Lenses
One of the most sought-after non-surgical vision correction products on the medical market is Acuvue Oasis lenses. For a month they, in general, are not calculated. The unique technology of the lenses combines two important aspects that protect the eye from inflammatory processes: moisturizing and continuous oxygenation.
It's no secret that now many people suffer from the "dry" eye syndrome, the causes of which are rooms with low humidity, long sitting at the computer, in front of the TV, etc. Previously, an ophthalmologist could not have selected a patient with such a disease contact lenses. Today the issue is easily resolved. Acuvue lenses (they are not intended for a month, and even without replacement, but two weeks is a perfectly acceptable period) are made with a special moisturizing component that continuously saturates the eyes with moisture. Although there are consumers who wear such lenses for a month, be sure to remove them at night. By the end of 4 weeks, the product may become slightly cloudy (or may remain transparent).

Many patients consider daily contact lenses 1 Day ACUVUE TruEye to be one of the most comfortable. For their manufacture, silicone hydrogel is used (usually hydrogel is used for one-day ones). The oxygen permeability of these contact means of vision correction is 100%. These lenses are so comfortable that they allow a person to forget "their presence."
The degree of oxygen permeability of these means of contact correction of vision significantly exceeds that which is considered the norm for everyone else. Acuvue Oasis lenses (at least two sets are needed per month) are equipped with a first-class UV filter that reliably protects the retina and lens from B-rays (almost 100%) and from A-rays (up to 96%).
Acuview Oasis (for two weeks) or any contact lenses for a month (which is better - it's up to the consumer and the doctor) must be taken with you when going on vacation.
Quarter lenses
Quarterly lenses (for 3 months) reviews of ophthalmologists and consumers are not considered the best option for contact vision correction. Means of such long-term wearing require appropriate attention (we are talking about very careful care). Today, people increasingly prefer lenses with a short life (as they are more modern and comfortable, made from the latest materials).
Adherents of long-term vision correction products can recommend Precision UV (CIBA Vision Corp). The material used for their production (hydrogel) blocks up to 91% of UV radiation harmful to the eyes. Such contact lenses are the best option for those who lead a fast-paced lifestyle and do not always have the opportunity to remove devices.
Consumer and Ophthalmologist Opinion
So, is it possible to put on and wear lenses for a month without taking them off? Reviews of ophthalmologists in this regard are mostly positive. If the correction means are selected by a specialist taking into account the condition of the patient's eyes, then they can be worn for 30 days, but you need to remember the date of the planned replacement and give your eyes a rest for at least one night. In the morning, you can safely put on a new set of long-term contact lenses. However, if the patient feels discomfort, the lenses should be removed immediately and a specialist should be consulted.
As for consumers, the vast majority of people are satisfied with the effectiveness of these contact vision correction products. Lenses (any - one-day, for weekly, monthly wear, quarterly, etc.) are almost invisible from the side, and vision becomes much sharper than when using glasses. To look to the side, the “bespectacled man” has to turn his head, and a person with lenses just squint his eyes. Unlike glasses, the lenses do not fall out during sudden movements and do not sweat during a sudden change in ambient temperature. And in general, a person with lenses has access to any kind of sport, outdoor activities, etc.

Cons, of course, also have a place to be. Consumers say (and ophthalmologists confirm this) that if contact lenses are not fitted correctly, eye irritation can begin, and sometimes vision can deteriorate. In addition, in a small percentage of people, the cornea is very sensitive. Such consumers simply cannot wear contact lenses, and theyhave to settle for glasses. However, this syndrome is quite rare. The majority of people who use contact lenses are very satisfied with the results of the application.
Well, that's about it. Finally, we recall: if the need to replace glasses with contact lenses is ripe, the main thing is to contact a good ophthalmologist who will evaluate all the pros and cons and give appropriate recommendations.