To date, contact lenses have become very common in people with poor eyesight. Due to popularity, their manufacturing technologies began to improve.
Lenses have become an alternative and ideal replacement for glasses. They can deal with problems like astigmatism.
Lenses are made from the following materials:
- Hydrogel is a very soft material.
- Polymer compounds are tough materials.
Their wearing is quite comfortable and convenient. But for some people, due to poor care or poor hygiene, unpleasant consequences of wearing lenses can occur, and they can be quite serious. Therefore, it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist periodically, clean them properly and not wear them longer than the prescribed period.
What causes long-term or improper contact lenses? The consequences can be very different. In the article we will consider the main ones.

Corneal edema
If a small concentration of air enters the cornea while wearing contact lenses, swelling may occur. This occurs due to the wrong shape of the lenses or sleeping in them.
Signs of corneal edema:
- Everything aroundblurry.
- When looking at a light bulb, a rainbow forms around it.
- Eyes are red.
Such effects of wearing lenses, such as swelling, are easy to eliminate if you immediately consult a doctor. By starting treatment on time, swelling can be removed in a few days.
Protein deposits
These consequences of wearing lenses are very popular but harmless.
Fats, calcium and proteins that are on the lacrimal surface begin to contact the surface of the contact lens. Subsequently, an uneven and rough film appears on it. It is almost imperceptible to the human eye, you can only pay attention to the oily surface structure. But under a microscope, everything is clearly visible.
So these deposits build up and cause eye irritation. They begin to itch and blush. In this case, you need to wear lenses less time. If nothing is done, then an infection is possible, which will lead to more serious consequences.
A multipurpose solution that contains enzymes can help in this situation. And in order to control the effects of wearing contact lenses, such as protein deposits, it is recommended to use disposable devices for a while.
In cases where such problems appear very often and in large quantities, it is advised to use lenses that are made from a material using crofilcon A or netrafilcon A. They are the most resistant to such complications.
It is worth remembering that such protein deposits can be dangerous for the eyes, as they arepotential carriers of microbes and infections. In addition, a rough and uneven lens surface can scratch and injure the cornea.

Conjunctivitis should be mentioned when considering the consequences of wearing contact lenses. It is formed in the form of a tubercle on the inner upper part of the eyelid. This happens due to the large number of accumulated lymphocytes, eosinophils. Over time, the tissues begin to thicken, and the tubercle increases in size.
The cause of conjunctivitis is considered to be an allergy to accumulated deposits or to a cleansing fluid. This disease is rare in cases where there is frequent replacement of lenses.
Signs of capillary conjunctivitis:
- Itching.
- Selections.
- Annoyances.
- Microorganisms.
- Sensation of a foreign object in the eye.
To cure giant capillary conjunctivitis, you need to wear lenses less often, and it is better to stop wearing them altogether. You can try to choose a different version of the lenses, from a different material and a different shape. In addition, it is worth using drugs that prevent the development of mast cells. And drops will help get rid of pain in the eyes.
If the treatment is carried out correctly, the signs of the disease quickly disappear, but the tubercles themselves disappear after a few weeks.

Vessel growth on the cornea
Such consequences of wearing lenses, such as the growth of blood vessels on the cornea, can have a very bad effect on a person's vision. The reason for this is usuallythe use of soft lenses that do not allow air oxygen to pass to the cornea, and it begins to starve.
Microbial keratitis
There are other unpleasant consequences of wearing contact lenses, in particular microbial keratitis. This is the most serious and dangerous complication. This disease can lead to vision loss.
Despite the fact that the eye itself prevents infection by the fact that its surface is cleaned for centuries, the cornea is washed with tears, obsolete cells die off, and new ones appear in their place, people who suffer from microbial keratitis are quite common. Most often, these are those who wear lenses continuously for a month or more. During this time, microorganisms such as staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are formed on the surface of the eye, which are the cause of the disease.
Signs of illness:
- Burning in the eyes.
- Fear of the light.
- Tears flow from time to time.
- Purulent discharge.
- Vision drops sharply.
- Fast progression.
The consequences of wearing lenses longer than the prescribed period should be treated as soon as possible, immediately after the first signs appear.
Reasons that may cause microbial keratitis:
- Wearing lenses for a very long time without interruption.
- Replacement of lenses is very rare.
- Diabetes or eye injury.
- Dry Eye.

Acanthameba keratitis
This disease is quite rare, but it is the most dangerous becauseif you do not start treatment in time, you can lose not only your eyesight, but also your eyes.
The cause of this disease is acanthamoeba, which lives and moves easily in soil, water, even drinking water. It can appear on the surface of any kind of contact lenses.
Therefore, you should not swim in the pool, in ponds or even in the bath while wearing lenses. Also, do not wash or rinse lens cases in tap water.
Corneal ulcer
A corneal ulcer should also be told, considering the consequences of wearing lenses longer than the term and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Also, this disease can occur if the surface of the eye is damaged.
A corneal ulcer can be in two forms:
- Infectious.
- Sterile.
The infectious form is usually accompanied by severe pain, copious discharge of pus, often after the disease a hole remains in the corneal epithelium. The rate of ulcer development depends on the type of microorganisms that live on the surface of the eye. Antibiotics will be the most effective treatment here.
The sterile method proceeds very gently, without the appearance of a hole in the cornea and without pain syndromes.

The negative consequences of wearing lenses can manifest themselves in the form of an allergic reaction to the material from which the lens itself is made, as well as to the components of the solution in which it is processed.
In the latter case, ophthalmologists recommend replacing this solution with one that is made without the use ofpreservatives.
Deposits that form on the surface of the lens can also cause eye allergies. In this case, the transition from allergy to conjunctivitis is not uncommon.
If you are allergic to the material from which the lens is made, then you should simply replace them with another type.
The consequences of long-term contact lenses can manifest themselves in the form of allergic conjunctivitis. It is accompanied by itching, lacrimation, fear of light, swelling and general discomfort. In this case, it is necessary to use anti-allergic drugs in the form of drops that are injected into the cornea of the eye before placing the lens in it.

Fissures of the conjunctiva
Several years ago, another negative consequence of wearing lenses was diagnosed - a conjunctival fissure. It can occur if the lenses are made of silicone hydrogel. Cracks mainly occur in places where the edge of the lens comes into contact with the conjunctiva. Usually this consequence occurs without pain and any symptoms.
Presumably the main cause of this disease is mechanical damage or trauma to the eye, which occurs more often with constant use of lenses.
Mucin balls
These balls can be found on the inner surface of the contact lens in the form of small round formations. More often, this negative consequence occurs with prolonged continuous wearing of lenses made of silicone hydrogel material. This usually goes away without pain and serious consequences, but there are cases when rounded formationspressed on the cornea of the eye.
Refraction disorder
Refractive error may occur if silicone hydrogel lenses are worn for a long time. This occurs when the material is very resilient compared to the surface of the eye. Upon contact, the lens will compress and seal the cornea in its center. Sometimes the opposite can happen, resulting in myopia.
Cornea staining
Contact lens wearers may in rare cases experience corneal staining in the form of an arc. Most often it appears due to pressure of the upper eyelid on the lens. Due to the force of friction, an arc of lens displacement begins to form on the cornea.
Endothelial vesicles
Endothelial vesicles are dark-colored parts that appear after putting on the lens. The appearance of these bubbles does not indicate pathology, but may be the cause of hypoxia in this part of the cornea.

Effects of wearing night lenses
The risk of infectious diseases increases when wearing lenses at night, so you should give your eyes a rest from them. If you use special ones, then such consequences occur much less frequently, but these devices are much more expensive and do not always justify themselves. It should be remembered that any lenses must be properly maintained and changed periodically.
Sleep in ordinary lenses, not intended for night rest, of course, is not recommended. Due to the release of proteins and lipids, a plaque may form on their inner surface, whichcan damage the cornea.
The most serious consequences of long-term contact lens wear occur due to late visits to the ophthalmologist.
Therefore, in order to prevent yourself from such unpleasant complications, you must properly care for the lenses, do not wear them for a very long time. And if any of the above symptoms occur, then you should immediately contact a specialist who can find out the cause and prescribe a course of treatment. Stay he althy!