How to cleanse the liver and when is it needed?

How to cleanse the liver and when is it needed?
How to cleanse the liver and when is it needed?

The liver is a kind of filter for our body, which purifies the blood and removes all impurities. Like any filter, the liver becomes slagged, and toxins accumulate in it. This can lead to the development of a variety of diseases. Our ancestors came up with several ways to cleanse the liver. This is a bath and fasting. During fasting, the intake of animal products was strictly limited, the liver in this

how to cleanse the liver
how to cleanse the liver

time "rested". Stimulated cleansing and bath procedures. Modern bath gatherings have nothing to do with the bath according to the rules of our ancestors. Before the steam room, and even more so during the procedure, no one ate. They drank only brewed herbs or pure water. Drinking alcohol, quite a bit, was allowed only an hour and a half after the bath, not earlier. Such a complex of alternating dietary restrictions and bath procedures contributed to the cleansing of the liver.

Modern life is completely different. Other speeds, rhythms and products. The need to cleanse the liver becomes apparent when performance decreases, fatigue increases, the skin becomes dull and bruises appear under the eyes. If you are familiar with the symptoms, it's time to cleanse the liver. How to cleanse the liver is underway

how to cleanse the liver of toxins
how to cleanse the liver of toxins

disputes for a long time, but so far they have not come to a common denominator. However, no one opposes the use of herbs: our ancestors also used them, herbal treatment is still popular today. This does not mean that herbs are harmless, and you can drink them uncontrollably. Herbs are the same medicines, only of natural origin andsofter action (and even then not all). They must be selected wisely and taken in strict accordance with the instructions. Violation of the rules of admission and dosages can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

How to cleanse the liver with folk remedies?

Herbs have long been used to cleanse the liver, but they were called blood-purifying. This is not a mistake: by cleansing the liver, the blood is also cleansed (a clean filter performs its functions better). Here is a list of these herbs:

  • corn silk;
  • wormwood;
  • chicory;
  • immortelle;
  • nettle;
  • dandelion;
  • yarrow;
  • rosehip;
  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • celandine.

All these herbs can be used in combination, you can - separately. Each herb has its own effect, but they all cleanse the liver.

How to cleanse the liver with the collection?

howcleanse the liver folk remedies
howcleanse the liver folk remedies

Take all these herbs in equal amounts, grind, mix. Pour a few tablespoons of the collection (3-4) with boiling water (0.5 liters) and leave for 30-45 minutes (it is better to use a thermos). The resulting infusion is gradually filtered before each dose. Drink all the liquid in a day. The first dose is a glass on an empty stomach, the last is a glass before bedtime, the rest during the day.

Throughout the cleaning, the stools are frequent and plentiful. If you have a tendency to constipation, the amount of brewed grass can be slightly increased. In case of diarrhea, the amount of herbs is reduced. The duration of admission is one month. It needs to be repeated every six months. How to cleanse the liver with the help of the collection is clear. But you can use the herbs separately. To do this, every day a new herb from the list is brewed. And they take the infusion in the same way. The action is very soft. While taking, pay attention to which of the herbs are more effective for your body. In the future, you can only use them.

This is just one collection and one way to detoxify your liver. But herbs have been selected for centuries, and their effectiveness is great. Herbal treatment is the mildest way, but this does not mean that it does not work. It just takes patience and perseverance to achieve results.
