Manual therapy - what is it? Reviews, prices, indications, contraindications

Manual therapy - what is it? Reviews, prices, indications, contraindications
Manual therapy - what is it? Reviews, prices, indications, contraindications

Often between such concepts as manual therapy and massage, we put an equal sign. However, this opinion is erroneous. After all, only muscle tissue is worked out during massage. During a session of manual therapy, the specialist has the same effect on the muscles and joints. Such an integrated approach not only solves a number of problems associated with diseases of the spine, but also improves blood flow, nourishes tissues and tones muscles.

Manual therapy has another name - vertebrology. This technique can rightfully become the medicine of the future. An experienced chiropractor often solves problems that traditional medical methods could not solve.

The concept of manual therapy

Manual therapy - what is it? This concept has a fairly broad meaning: it is everything that is treated with the help of hands. This is where the confidence in its great potential arises. However, you should be aware that all existing manual therapy methods have rather strict rules developed by professional therapists,practitioners of spinal treatment.

what is manual therapy
what is manual therapy

In terms of effectiveness, this therapy is significantly superior to hardware and drug treatment of diseases of the spine. And this is due to the fact that during the session the doctor deals with the solution of the individual problem of a particular patient. After all, people of different sex and age come to the manual therapy centers. As a rule, their state of he alth and level of physical development differ. This also applies to the back problems they experience. If one patient complains of persistent migraines, then the other is treated with an old hernia.

During the session, the therapist uses 2 main techniques: soft and hard. The first one is based on the technique of muscular-energy techniques. In a tough technique, shock techniques are used.

The specialist uses various combinations of manual techniques to ensure successful treatment. Using only one technique is very often ineffective, and in some cases even provokes complications.

Meaning of the methodology

Manual therapy - what is it and what is its meaning? The main task of the manual therapist is to create the most favorable spatial relationship for the radicular vessels and structures of the nervous system.

During the session, the doctor eliminates orthopedic defects such as posture and spinal deformity.

The main criterion for successful treatment is the reduction of pain and discomfort, as well as partial correction of the deformityspine by 8–10 sessions. The duration of the full course is determined by the specialist individually in each case.

History of the technique

manual therapy treatment
manual therapy treatment

Manual therapy - what is it and when did it appear? The development of manual therapy is rooted in ancient times. It is noteworthy that it is mentioned not in one, but in many cultures of the world, for example, in Egyptian, Indian and Chinese. Who were the first chiropractors, no one knows. It is believed that they were hunters who used special manual techniques to reduce dislocations and heal injuries.

Slowly, these people accumulated knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the human body and studied the functions of the joints. As a result, the first method of treating injuries appeared - bone-cutting. Even Hippocrates mentioned in his writings about a similar method of treating diseases of the spine.

In ancient times, doctors widely used the method of stretching the body, walking on the back of the patient, tapping on the back with special wooden blanks, and even beating with the fist. However, the main development of manual therapy did not begin until the 19th century. At this time, two directions appeared at once:

  • osteopaths;
  • chiropractic.

They differed from each other in their views and the methods of treatment used. Chiropractors have most often used a hard approach, using a variety of percussive techniques extensively. It is worth noting that these people did not even have a medical education. The osteopathic school, as you know, also did not require compulsoryeducation, but osteopaths treated their patients according to medical advances.

Meaning in modern medicine

In the 20th century, manual therapy, reviews of which quickly spread throughout Europe, gradually began to gain popularity and signs of modern medicine. Osteopathic and chiropractic specialized centers began to appear in cities. They still exist and treat people.

In Russia, the first symposium on manual therapy took place in 1989, and a year later the first Association of Manual Medicine was established. 1997 was the most significant year for the development of manual therapy, as it was officially recognized as a science and approved as a medical speci alty.

Treatment methods

manual therapy courses
manual therapy courses

Manual therapy of the spine is a special set of manual techniques aimed at correcting the pathology. The goal of manual therapy is to cure back diseases and restore the optimal position of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

This is achieved through hand techniques. Thanks to manual therapy techniques, the joints move away from each other.

Professionals working in well-known clinics of this specialization usually practice their own methods of healing, all of which are based on the principles on which manual therapy was originally formed.

For example, consider the technique of subcutaneous myofascial therapy. The essence of this method is to work with tissues. It allows you to normalize reflexmechanisms (muscles, connective tissue structures). Since this method implies a rather intense effect on the body, manual therapy treatment can only be carried out after a thorough examination.

Currently, this technique is used to treat various neurological diseases - headaches and muscle pain, sciatica. It is also used for diseases of the joints and spine (arthritis, arthrosis, spondylosis, hernia, and others).

Main indications

manual therapy of the spine
manual therapy of the spine

There are a lot of indications for manual therapy. As a rule, it is prescribed when:

  • herniated disc;
  • osteochondrosis and arthrosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • regular dizziness;
  • constant headaches;
  • violation of posture;
  • pain and muscle tension;
  • impaired mobility of internal organs;
  • chronic fatigue and stress.

Along with this, manual therapy is used as rehabilitation after injuries.

Diagnosis and contraindications

In order to make the correct diagnosis, CT, X-ray, MRI, electroneuromyography and hardware reflexology are used.

This method of spinal treatment is not suitable for everyone. The main contraindication to manual therapy is an infectious disease of the joints or spine. Manual therapy courses are contraindicated in the presence of fresh injuries of the spine, arms or legs. Among other diseases that do not allowmanual therapy, arterial hypertension, tumors, mental disorders should be distinguished. Also, it cannot be prescribed in the postoperative period.

You should not resort to such treatment for infectious diseases with fever and intoxication, acute heart diseases, disorders in the spinal and cerebral circulation.

A chiropractor should always take into account all contraindications, including relative ones, which include old injuries.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

manual therapy for osteochondrosis
manual therapy for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine associated with degenerative changes in closely spaced intervertebral discs and vertebrae. Manual therapy for osteochondrosis is quite effective only in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages of the disease, in which there are no bone growths.

Cervical osteochondrosis of the spine involves special exercises. This disease is quite common today.

Therefore, almost all manual therapy techniques are aimed at eliminating this symptom.

Automobilization is considered an effective technique. During the session, the patient tilts his head slightly forward, clasps it with one hand, and rests on his chin with the other, then turns his head and makes small wiggles.

Causes of pain after a session

Sometimes it happens that the patient experiences pain in those areas that the chiropractor worked on. This is due to the fact that one muscle group begins to work actively, and the otherget rid of too much load. The effect after a session of manual therapy can be compared to when you "sit your leg" and then straighten it. As a result, not very pleasant sensations appear.

They usually go away on their own, but to speed up the process, you can give yourself a self-massage or develop muscles with one or another simple physical exercise.

Benefits of manual therapy

Manual therapy - what is it? It allows you to get rid of unbearable pain that does not go away after taking medications. Today, manual therapy of the spine is widely used in the treatment of back diseases. It is often more effective than drug treatment.

A session of manual therapy includes a set of special techniques performed by hands. They are aimed at relaxing the muscles and normalizing the mobility of bones and joints. Such sessions can improve blood circulation and reduce pain. The doctor selects specific methods and techniques after examining the patient.

Cost of treatment

manual therapy doctor
manual therapy doctor

There are many chiropractic centers with professional doctors ready to help patients. How much does manual therapy cost? Prices for specialist services are often lower than the cost of drugs, which sometimes do not bring the desired result. In addition, the methods of manual therapy are rapidly developing and improving. On average, the cost of a chiropractor appointment is about 1800-2800 rubles anddepends on the complexity and duration of the procedure.

Finding a good chiropractic center and an experienced therapist will not be a problem. To do this, you just need to contact a specialized clinic. The patient can always inquire about the experience and qualifications of those specialists who work in the center and choose the most suitable chiropractor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many people have doubts about the effectiveness of procedures or have questions about treatment. Any specialist in manual therapy can easily answer them. Below are answers to frequently asked questions that should be of interest to people who want to learn more about this technique.

How long does a manual therapy course last? Duration always depends on the nature and development of the disease. The patient who applied to the manual therapy center will be offered to undergo about 8-10 procedures. In rather difficult cases, the number of sessions can reach 15.

manual therapy center
manual therapy center

When does the result appear? Usually, pain begins to decrease after 2-3 manual therapy procedures. It should be understood that at least 8 procedures are required to consolidate the effect and completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Manipulation of the spine - does it hurt? As a general rule, there should be no pain during the procedure. The patient may experience only a feeling of discomfort during some manipulations by a specialist. If during the procedure the patient experiences sharp pain, he should immediately report this to the therapist. Probably,in this case, the treatment will have to be adjusted, replacing manual therapy with more gentle methods, such as physiotherapy.

Availability and ease of treatment

It should be noted that manual therapy, reviews of which are mostly positive, is a fairly affordable and easy method of treating back diseases. Today there are many specialized centers in all regions of the country that offer the best prices and conditions. Only the best specialists work in these centers.

Medical manual therapy centers use unique methods to treat all types of diseases of the spine and joints. After completing the course of treatment, the patient will be able to forget about the pain and return to a full life.
